STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I've had Coconut oil in my cupboard for months, not using it once. Once I started this Keto deal I started using, mainly just scooping and down the hatch as an easy way of upping my fat macros. It tastes awesome, and fries up my meats VERY well

That being said, I'd recommend Coconut oil
How have you been using it? In what?
Frying up steaks, pork chops, eggs and baking my breads

When you eat it raw, there's a subtle coconut flavor, but not when used to cook

Do you cardio at all? Eat 500 less than maintenence with cardio and you'll be good to go. Probably losing water weight and a ton of muscle. People can eat that much in 1-2 meals.
Cardio 30m on the eliptical


thats it fish and rice for dinner

4 reps of cross sit ups ups( 15 for each arm)

4 reps 15 pushups

4 reps 15 regular situps

How are you even breafing
fish and rice dawg and lots of water
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I always do behind the neck pulldowns, as long as you don't go down past your ears, and as long as you keep your neck relatively straight you're fine. Those in addition to keeping the weight low enough to maintain proper form.
So as long as you use a limited range of motion and use very light weights it's fine?....... what's the point then?

It's not like those things makes the exercise effective.
No where did I say very light weight, I said light enough to do proper form. And when doing pulldowns, stopping around your ear (the bar being by your ear) isn't a limited range of motion, it's enough to stretch and contract your lats against the weight.
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I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the

I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said
man, i feel a certain way about it too

but ive ALWAYS been told by physicians and other personal trainers that ANY exercise that involves moving weight behind your head is not safe, squats is a huge testament to that, hella spinal problems later down the line for damn near everyone who decides to go heavy

but bro, i gotta side with you, behind the head lat pulldowns provides a nice angle and makes my shoulders more sexy

but do whatever the **** you wanna dooooo
I saw two people today on separate occasions doing the behind the neck pull down while sitting backwards, which I found odd since I never seen it before but thought nothing of it. Now I see the last few pages on this and it must be a new fad.

New goals for 2013: slip a disc
I saw two people today on separate occasions doing the behind the neck pull down while sitting backwards, which I found odd since I never seen it before but thought nothing of it. Now I see the last few pages on this and it must be a new fad.

New goals for 2013: slip a disc
Not just in this situation, but we have to stop using the, "I have been doing ____ for a long time and nothing has happened to me yet" card to justify that something is safe/efficient/right." I mean damn, what is it supposed to do, kill you upon first experience? Folks kill me with that whenever they use it in ANY situation.
Apologies if this has been dealt with previously, but has anyone here taken ZMA? If so, what were your thoughts?
I used to do behind the neck pulldowns. I have some friends, one of which competes and placed in his last comp do them as well. They said they dont do them often but once in a while they do for a change. Whenever ive done it, it has felt great honestly. Nice squeeze and I liked the range of motion. I just dont really do them anymore cause I just do regular pulldowns then close grip and thats sufficient for that machine.
Apologies if this has been dealt with previously, but has anyone here taken ZMA? If so, what were your thoughts?
ZMA is Zinc, magnesium & B6

Ive taken it before bed with melatonin, you'll be asleep in a half hour tops & its a deep sleep. Thats really the only thing ive noticed, although zinc does help boost natural testosterone levels & B6 is good for absorption. If your going to go the ZMA route, get a name brand quality like universal, optimum nutrition, NOW Foods etc...Not the crap from walmart or any grocery store.

I actually planned on getting ZMA last week with my dps order but forgot 

supposed to be good tasting


4lb for $29.97 and im sure theres a 10% coupon somehwere

they also have 4.4lb at B1G1 free as well

just got the 4.6lbs on backorder. came with free shipping too!

use code "bdaygift10" for 10% off

weird. i got a cancellation email for this on Saturday saying the item was discontinued.

checked my emails today and saw that it shipped. :pimp:
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