STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


new pick up

gonna start running more

why did you decide on these?
why did you decide on these?

i went to a running store and got my foot measured and checked (pause) and they recommended these.

they had me run on a treadmill and do a bunch of things to see what shoe was best for me. told them i wanted something to run fast in
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I know this topic has come up multiple times but what shoes do yall like to deadlift and squat in. I usually go with socks but I never liked the idea of taking my shoes off at the gym so I’m debating on buying some cheap vans or converse.

these have been great for me.

the brand is owned/founded by a powerlifter who has competed at the world level so you know its not some brand made by influencers with no credentials

i went to a running store and got my foot measured and checked (pause) and they recommended these.

they had me run on a treadmill and do a bunch of things to see what shoe was best for me. told them i wanted something to run fast in

🤣🤣🤣 how is this a ⏸️ tho?

wouldn’t see a shoe with that much cushion/foam as a speed shoe, but fast is relative
you an expert on running shoes?

nah, but i have designed a few…things have definitely changed of recent with the extremely cushioned models that add some element for energy return/stiffness, usually folk looking to run fast are in less cushioning but ‘fast’ is relative; walking, jogging, running, sprinting all have a different ‘fast’
nah, but i have designed a few…things have definitely changed of recent with the extremely cushioned models that add some element for energy return/stiffness, usually folk looking to run fast are in less cushioning but ‘fast’ is relative; walking, jogging, running, sprinting all have a different ‘fast’
What would you consider the best overall (affordable) running shoes?
What would you consider the best overall (affordable) running shoes?

i couldn’t tell you, tho if you #doyagoogles running shoe info is easy enough to get multiple informed reviews & lists of all sorts….

if you really want to optimize your performance you can start with asking some questions 1st, how do you run? where you will be running? what kind of distances/mileage you want to run? do you heel strike, mid foot, or more on forefoot toes? are your feet narrow or wide? do you have preexisting conditions/injuries? how heavy/light are you? do you prefer a firmer or softer ride (⏸️)?
My motivation for the day is... "baby steps lead to big steps." I did not feel like enduring the heat this morning... but I told myself if I just start with baby steps... I will eventually warm up into taking bigger steps. It worked. Below is a video of me shooting around this morning. New camera angle, same results. Happy Friday everyone. Peace.

My right groin has been acting up. A lot of my game in jiu jitsu is from closed guard and it hurts every time I wrap my thighs around dudes (no diddy).
think I have been converted, I’m a get some grips/wraps. Lately grip has been the ******** and more of a noticeable limiting factor
past few deadlift sessions been struggling when i lift heavy to the point that i started wearing a belt for weights that i didn’t need to previously i think it starting to be mental thing i’ll miss a lift, put on the belt make the lift pretty smooth, take off the belt & miss that same weight

first dedicated run in a while (besides basketball twice a week)

i quit vaping in september of 23’ so im almost a year clean, and i can 100% say my chest feels a lot better. before, trying to condition felt like someone was squeezing my lungs and throat, and they still haven’t fully recovered from it but they’re a lot better now


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mayne i joined the Transformation Contest at the local Crunch, 8 weeks. Did the weigh ins, in body scan, and measurements then the out at the end was last week. Lost 17lbs, 5%bf, and I forget how many inches. Didnt win in under 40, but the winner lost 7lbs and allegedly 21 inches but I’m calling shenanigans and not having the same person do everyone’s tape or even each person’s was obviously an issue. I told her when she was doing mine the previous did my waist at my narrowest point, she did bellybutton so that would have me gaining inches. But even still I lost more than 2x as dude and lowkey he has not a single muscle and I can out everything him. When they make the poster it’s not even going to look like much happened. She did say other things would factor in too so maybe he got credit for not missing the group workout days but i couldnt make the 6am on Tuesday ones. First prize was $1000 and a year membership. Yes I am hating
The purple belts in my gym built different. I got folded like a pretzel and the sneaky kimura didn't work at all. :lol:

I heard purple belts are basically black betls except they just dont go to practice that much (or something along those lines)

also jackie chan is prob the greatest action movie star of all time.

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