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Damn. What about long distance walking? I like to walk for about an hour on the treadmill after I lift

Walking undeniably one of the best things we can do for physical health.

Consistently running is believed to be optimal for physical health too, but it’s a really low volume. Like 20-40 minutes 2 or more times per week.

I’m talking about the serious long distance runners who be logging 10-20 miles per week. They always seem to look horrible. :lol:

Interesting. Long distance running accelerates aging

think some of this might be more correlation rather than causation…i.e. those that are long distance runners tend to be gaunt, thin, wiry folks that don’t resistance/strength train so they don’t have much fat or muscle on them, that makes people look older…the stuff about joint damage are things that would be inherent with almost every activity other maybe swimming, if you are an active person that participates in anything that requires acceleration & deceleration, running & jumping, twisting & turning you’re likely to have more joint degradation than those that don’t engage in these movements but you’ll probably also be more robust in terms of everyday susceptibility to injury
I walked like 5 miles yesterday at work after legs.

I’m not that sore today and I didn’t go easy.
my typical everyday life. have been doing this for years. no wonder my calves are humongous.


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my typical everyday life. have been doing this for years. no wonder my calves are humongous.

probably more to do your particular genetics than your propensity for walking, unless you are one of those folks who walk on their tippy toes, in which case it's kinda like walking around doing calve raises...typically avid runners/walkers don't have huge calves, it would kinda be counter productive for the body to add tissue for such an aerobic activity
probably more to do your particular genetics than your propensity for walking, unless you are one of those folks who walk on their tippy toes, in which case it's kinda like walking around doing calve raises...typically avid runners/walkers don't have huge calves, it would kinda be counter productive for the body to add tissue for such an aerobic activity
possibly. I do remember some gym guys back in highschool have huge calves but they were doing some serious leg work. on the otherhand, I did live in high terrain areas, added the fact that I do push a lot during my typical walk/jog/run back then. from what I remember, I started developing my calves back my freshman year in highschool. they were decent size but started bulging more.
Walking is definitely the best chore for the body. It balances and strengthens the legs and root chakra. The freshest crip toe currents sea/see(cryptocurrency) for the eyes(I's) is earned by walking. Photosynthesis is constantly being done on us by the "eye in the sky"... and "pic chores" and "photo synthesis" of us walking + what noises we make = how much currency... or currents of the see/sea... or breath... our lungs... deserve. The more we simply walk + be quiet = the more breath our lungs deserve.

Every exercise using your legs is a derivative of walking. I believe that whether you run, dance, play basketball, lift weights, etc. etc.etc... balanced... and quietly... you will receive root chakra stimulation and energy... if you understand energy and emotion.

I believe that once people correlate diet with what they want to be, they will perform at their best. We really are what we eat. When I used to eat chicken... when I exercised... I eventually became a chicken. When I ate fish and exercised... my legs gave out faster than usual. When I ate cow... I tried to talk my through my exercises... but eventually ended my workout cowardly. When I ate pig... I pigged out too much... and wouldn't even exercise. Now that I only eat vegetables... when I exercise... I do not talk... and am more focused during my exercise chores... and when "pic chores" are being taken of me during the photosynthesis of the eye in the sky.

Since I know the eye in the sky is doing photosynthesis on me when I am outside... I want it to see and hear me as a tree... or neurotransmitter... that stands up for himself... and uses his feet to exercise quietly... without talking.

So far so good.
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KHUFU KHUFU when he talked about functional training

never quite understood the criticism of this? it’s hard to tell but it looks like the bands are providing a slight bit of resistance….which is all you’d really need/want especially sprinting on a treadmill 😬😮‍💨, arguably resisted jumps/sprinting is in most cases ineffective, but depending on the type of resistance/amount of weight there are applications
never quite understood the criticism of this? it’s hard to tell but it looks like the bands are providing a slight bit of resistance….which is all you’d really need/want especially sprinting on a treadmill 😬😮‍💨, arguably resisted jumps/sprinting is in most cases ineffective, but depending on the type of resistance/amount of weight there are applications

the rope is too long. there is no resistance in that specific video lol
I hardly stretch or warm up when I'm lifting.

I do some shoulder band stretching and maybe 1 set at 50% x 10 and go straight to my heaviest set.

Don't like to get my muscles fatigue doing junk .... I also don't get this magic x10 ... If I'm getting 10reps 3 to 4 times then Im cheating my self .... if I get 10 then 9 then 7 then 6 and I tried everytime then I know Im doing it right.
I hardly stretch or warm up when I'm lifting.

I do some shoulder band stretching and maybe 1 set at 50% x 10 and go straight to my heaviest set.

Don't like to get my muscles fatigue doing junk .... I also don't get this magic x10 ... If I'm getting 10reps 3 to 4 times then Im cheating my self .... if I get 10 then 9 then 7 then 6 and I tried everytime then I know Im doing it right.
But u gotta warm up still. Like for bench I usually do like 10 x 2 reps of jus the bar and then 10 x 1 reps of like 65lb. Then I go up

But I wouldn’t just go from a few resistance band stretches to a pr 😭
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