STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i don’t know if there is anything that makes a muscle injury different than any other injury?? i would think the same things apply for most injuries, where you have to progressively test & retest what is possible with a tolerable amount of pain that does not risk re-injury, which of course is why it’s always recommended to do so carefully/cautiously and build the confidence necessary to trust the whatever capacity you have and build on it.

some get back to %100 or better in some cases and some injuries never get back to what they were prior…such is the nature of rehabilitation of injuries, there are both & mental & physical aspects…getting to that point where the injury is both sufficiently healed & you can trust it fully, is tough

not a physical therapist but my understanding of soreness is w/injury is that to some extent it is expected & so far as it doesn’t actually prevent you from doing the necessary things to actually improve your recovery, it just could be part of the process of healing. that noted it probably isn’t great to have perpetual soreness as it could be a signal that you are doing too much & actually need to regress to a lower level…it is delicate/tricky process
forgive me for asking this question since I haven't had such serious injury concerning muscles before other than a mild partial tear in the midsection from being knee'd in a game a decade ago which healed after a month and felt fine afterwards. felt like my muscles are a lot more brittle now than before and less flexible and couldn't twist and overextend them like I used to. I had previous surgeries in the knee and abdomen which are ok so far, although I still have to consult with those past procedures from time to time. the calf injury that I had more than a year ago was a grade 2/3 tear and the soreness that I'm feeling is like how it felt before it snapped. normally, I would treat soreness as fine and could push it more. this time, I'm quite worried about risking it.
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Y’all agree with this? Y’all think he got toned muscles? :lol:

my guy looking a lil light there and might be even better off/healthier/more robust if he put a lil more muscle on but 😂 i guess it depends on why people, in this case dudes, are going gym…if dudes are just trying to get all muscley for explicitly women or to be noticed, i couldn’t fault the opinion that it’s an inefficient means to that end

Y’all agree with this? Y’all think he got toned muscles? :lol:

I don't take gym advice from anyone weaker than myself.

my guy looking a lil light there and might be even better off/healthier/more robust if he put a lil more muscle on but 😂 i guess it depends on why people, in this case dudes, are going gym…if dudes are just trying to get all muscley for explicitly women or to be noticed, i couldn’t fault the opinion that it’s an inefficient means to that end

I'd rather go to the gym and be brolic to try to get women then have to pull up in a McLaren for them to notice me.

Being swole has benefits other than just helping you get girls.

And if the girl that's using him as a personal ATM cheats, it prolly won't be with a dude built like Christian Bale in The Machinist, so muscles still win.

Gained some unwanted lbs last few months. Tryna drop back down to 167 and look jacked this spring
Just had some eggs and a bit of rice this afternoon. Salivating for some barbacoa and might eat a bit more later. Couldn't find a good steak so I'm skipping that this week.
How you guys feel about decline chest press?

I used to like doing decline barbell, but last time and today I feel like I might be waating my time with it.
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How you guys feel about decline chest press?

I used to like doing decline barbell, but last time and today I feel like I might be waating my time with it.

avoid them. Decline works your lower pecs, which is easy to build. If you keep doing too much you’re going to end up with man b00bs

Focus on flat and incline. The upper chest is the part that’s harder to build anyways.
Last time I did decline bench (db or barbell) I was in HS weight lifting class when the teacher was showing us all the different exercises.

Incline >>>
yeah I don’t mess with decline. Keep in mind training shoulders also will hit your chest if your hitting some heavy shoulder work like OHP
I just do dips. Decline bench just feels awkward to me :lol:
To be honest, the reason I liked declined before was because I could overload with no problem. Im benching 315, today in decline I hit 365 with no problem.

However, Im not feeling **** chest wise .... and i had a slight shoulder discomfort. Imma scratch and go back to flat dumbells and barbell incline for a couple of weeks.

I finish with a tricep machine press .... so Im getting slighting hitting lower chest there.
I was floating between 235-238 pounds for years and have recently dropped down to 210. I believe it is the insulin (T1D) that my doctors has me on that has caused rapid weight loss. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to gain some of it back?
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