STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

definitely having a new fear unlocked moment…recently i saw a post a few days ago that still has me a bit shook, i wish i could remember who posted it but was this absolute horse of dude (⏸️) squatting something like 600+ not really struggling with it at all but pops something in his leg that he folds him up…luckily he had the safety bars engaged but as someone who pretty much always removes the safety bars it really made me rethink doing that from now on
definitely having a new fear unlocked moment…recently i saw a post a few days ago that still has me a bit shook, i wish i could remember who posted it but was this absolute horse of dude (⏸️) squatting something like 600+ not really struggling with it at all but pops something in his leg that he folds him up…luckily he had the safety bars engaged but as someone who pretty much always removes the safety bars it really made me rethink doing that from now on

Only way to make the leap to freedom is to do it without the rope.
Safety bars on after 3 plates for me. That said you gotta know how to dump that bar if you get pinned.

You won’t always be able too like in that situation where the dude popped something.
definitely having a new fear unlocked moment…recently i saw a post a few days ago that still has me a bit shook, i wish i could remember who posted it but was this absolute horse of dude (⏸️) squatting something like 600+ not really struggling with it at all but pops something in his leg that he folds him up…luckily he had the safety bars engaged but as someone who pretty much always removes the safety bars it really made me rethink doing that from now on
Man those plates you got under your heels should be a bigger worry
I wouldn’t say it’s a big deal, it’s the guys who act like you don’t need mobility that I don’t get.
I wouldn’t say it’s a big deal, it’s the guys who act like you don’t need mobility that I don’t get.

altho i don’t do much specific mobility work, i do squat full range the majority of the time without standing on plates, but elevating the heels helps me to get that much deeper & maybe more importantly get my knees farther over my toes…as much as i’d like to do more work on movement, it just takes more time than i’m willing to invest currently…

more jump days on deck:

Dudes in here usig all the little plates to stand on instead of bringing a few pairs of Oly shoes to the gym.
Dudes in here usig all the little plates to stand on instead of bringing a few pairs of Oly shoes to the gym.

a few pairs!? why would anyone need to bring a few pairs to the same type of shoes to the jim?? i understand that lifting shoes would be better but i can’t really justify their utility for me when plates are/seem to be sufficient, maybe one day 🤣

Has to be CAP!

some people’s are so entitled & their opinion of humanity so low that the idea of contrition, even when shown their error(s), they can’t see past their perception of being aggrieved…altho it is 2023 & who knows what is actually real 😮‍💨
Bro ... I refuse to believe people have no common sense to tell a blind person that they need to stop stearing or stop making people uncomfortable after they are made aware of the disability.

That's just beyond my level of comprehension.
just a question to some of yous who have suffered some major muscle injuries and how to maintain them. as I mentioned before, I suffered a gastroc tear about a year ago. while my recovery has been long, I seem to have recovered "pretty well?" although I'm not sure if the cold weather has something to do with my previous gastroc muscle injury acting up like I'm feeling it's recurring and I'm concerned on reinjuring it again. question if such soreness is normal like I don't have to worry about it and just continue with my typical workout or do I have to give it a rest for awhile til the soreness disappear?
I had my abs sliced in two right down the middle from my sternum to my belly button.

Honestly once I got surgery to fix the incisional hernia and recovered it never bothered me.
I had my abs sliced in two right down the middle from my sternum to my belly button.

Honestly once I got surgery to fix the incisional hernia and recovered it never bothered me.
Hmmmm. Guess I might need to go for another ultrasound test sooner than expected. Speaking about your surgery, I might be suffering from that kind of hernia so that's another assessment that I need to go to.
It’s not a regular hernia. It’s from the doctors cutting your abs open to access your organs if that helps.
It’s not a regular hernia. It’s from the doctors cutting your abs open to access your organs if that helps.
yes. that's why I need to. had an open surgery on my abs area way back and it still bothers me from time to time. felt like my insides ripping after sneezing forcefully or after doing some strenuous exercise with my abs.
just a question to some of yous who have suffered some major muscle injuries and how to maintain them. as I mentioned before, I suffered a gastroc tear about a year ago. while my recovery has been long, I seem to have recovered "pretty well?" although I'm not sure if the cold weather has something to do with my previous gastroc muscle injury acting up like I'm feeling it's recurring and I'm concerned on reinjuring it again. question if such soreness is normal like I don't have to worry about it and just continue with my typical workout or do I have to give it a rest for awhile til the soreness disappear?

i don’t know if there is anything that makes a muscle injury different than any other injury?? i would think the same things apply for most injuries, where you have to progressively test & retest what is possible with a tolerable amount of pain that does not risk re-injury, which of course is why it’s always recommended to do so carefully/cautiously and build the confidence necessary to trust the whatever capacity you have and build on it.

some get back to %100 or better in some cases and some injuries never get back to what they were prior…such is the nature of rehabilitation of injuries, there are both & mental & physical aspects…getting to that point where the injury is both sufficiently healed & you can trust it fully, is tough

not a physical therapist but my understanding of soreness is w/injury is that to some extent it is expected & so far as it doesn’t actually prevent you from doing the necessary things to actually improve your recovery, it just could be part of the process of healing. that noted it probably isn’t great to have perpetual soreness as it could be a signal that you are doing too much & actually need to regress to a lower level…it is delicate/tricky process
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