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Here's Katrin Davidsdottir from Iceland.

.... @206to813 was right about Tai-Clair Toomey. Google images is not doing her justice. :rofl:
Yeah man she's cute. Also all of the Icelandic girls look the same to me. :lol:
I still cant really tell em apart. Only thorisdotter and thats because she looks like a flat chested christinia Hendricks

Did Rich Froning just fall off/disappear?
No hes still in the main competitions which isnt easy to qualify for. Just matt frasier is that dude.

With tia toomey its just her personality. Idk why but i love that bubbly positive attitude always smiling personality. Also i love big wavy brown hair also
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first time hitting squats in like 2 months yesterday. also did some over head squats and RDLs....let’s just say today i’m ******* feeling it :lol:

yall remember craze? :lol:

sadly I started lifting after it was banned so I never got to try it or jack3d

have you guys had Pink Magic test. booster, jacked 3d and that = you were beyond god and the beast of the beast. I believe craze was the last prework before they cracked down on it, once they discontinued it, they were like gold lol 100-200 a bottle. I had a crazy supp. abuse back when i was serious now i take 3 espresso shots and c4 and wont feel nothing. I would poop out amino energy drinks within 20-30 min of drinking it. So be careful and cycle out like it tells you to.
jack3d and oxyelite were my go tos. I was legit addicted. nothing compares to that tunnel vision you got on jack3d. I miss it lol
Hey guys,

What are your thoughts on Smith machines? I switched it up today, and did squats and OHPs with a 60-lb barbell (5x5s)

(These ones)

The gym I go to has limited options and I'm quite torn whether I should switch it up either with a barbell or stay put with the machines. I noticed a change in terms of my core being more engaged compared to when I use Smith machines.

Thanks, guys! :smile:
I don't like Smith machine for squats. You're in one vertical plane of motion.

I personally prefer free weights over machines cuz you engage the stabilizers but if that's all you have access to then gotta do what you gotta do to get that work in.

Or you could be a sav and do the steinborn squat

Less benificial to you gains wise when using a smith machine. Less muscle activation with any workout.

Can't actually think of any pros to using a smith machine.
Rarely use smith machines and when I do it’s for incline bench press.

I’ve done flat and incline on it a few times when the gym is PACKKKKED and I got no other option.
i sometimes use the smith machines sometimes for seated ohp and incline bench. but only as a finisher/end of my workout.

the smith machine I have at my gym can go horizontal + vertical mimicking a free weight barbell.
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