STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I took out cash, 300$ cash from the atm before i went to the gym and i guess headed to the br before my workout, my wallet fell. So as im walking out dude who worked there said "hey your wallet is here" and im like oh **** bet but no cash.
They have no camera in here and this is a golds gym..smh **** shady *** ppl yo.

cash was for someone who i owed money too...smh.
One thing I can say about my gym Is anytime I left something it was there when I came back.

Except last week. Someone stole my hand wraps thingies [emoji]128529[/emoji]
I'm a sprinter, not a marathon runner
You play softball, you are not a sprinter 
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I took out cash, 300$ cash from the atm before i went to the gym and i guess headed to the br before my workout, my wallet fell. So as im walking out dude who worked there said "hey your wallet is here" and im like oh **** bet but no cash.
They have no camera in here and this is a golds gym..smh **** shady *** ppl yo.

cash was for someone who i owed money too...smh.

Sorry about that bro.

One thing I can say about CF gyms....nobody mess with your things.

Word. It gets to the point where I'm a little too comfortable leaving things around. :lol:
I called up my bank to change my cc and lady told me that around this time of the yesr with holidays coming up you wouldnt guess the amount if calls we get about cards being stolen and other stuff.

Stay woke yall.
I ran an electronic 4.71 40 at my gym a few months ago. 

Not bad for a semi-athletic white guy :pimp:


Your 150 tho

Your Patriots slot receiver *** needs to be running 4.65 [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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I'm saying Jew is slower than Boss if we talking weight ratio :lol:

I don't eat bread often but when I do...da gawd done blessed us:


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Pulled 385x5 after 330x2, 355x2.

Someone told me I should compete. MY back is crazy. HE told me he lost a show in 09 cause the dude had a way better back even though he was mopping dude. He said he's trying to start his own federation cause BB is corrupted. HE said if I place 5th in pro or whatever it's called I can get sponsors, supps, etc. I told him I'll think about it.

I got other goals. I feel like BB is something you have to dedicate everything to. You can't just do it on the side.

All in all......Strength going up.

Just ordered some watermelon creatine [emoji]128520[/emoji][emoji]128520[/emoji][emoji]128520[/emoji] and unflavored whey. MIX it with bcaa. THAT BE WATERMELON PrOTEIN YALL
Did chest today. Still dealing with the shoulder pain but it's a little better now.
205x2(felt unbalanced though. Always when the shoulder is acting up)

Some incline DB presses, a bunch of flys at different angles.
Tricep workouts and then finished with pause reps on bench.

Chest was done at the end
Also just found out about diet soda while just got a little better

Gah you are so just uh bro damn :lol:
uh = dumb?

Lol I was always told it was worse than regular soda.

Moral of study: stop listening to people who funnel info

In 7th grade I as told you can't wear new kicks outside in Compton...untIL then et one one from there


:lol: that's some riff raff supplement flavors.

Speaking of bread I ate a half loaf today.
it''s the tan peach panther :smokin
Soda in general is garbage, diet or not.

Me personally, I only drink alcohol, sugar free energy drinks or water.
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Just was sleeping like a damn basket weaver. Time for Versace gainz.

ALL I drink is Mountain Dew.
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I drink a diet caffeine free dr pepper everyday, don't care bros gotta have something other than water, crystal lite and gatorade 
Diet soda tastes good.
Regular soda does too.

Gonna mix liquor with diet and save myself a whole bunch of carbs, sugar, calories and so forth.

F what yall talking about

I got the big Pepsi max as of yesterday. No caffeine.

diet soda

That's it on my list. For now.
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It may be a coincidence but I think I'm more susceptible to injury if I'm drinking regularly. If I avoid alcohol I have more energy and gains are plentiful.
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