STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

push press is when you sink down and push though the floor off of your heels to do a military press. Same thing except it isn't just strictly using your delts. Think "power shrug" vs "barbell shrug"
Okay then we're talking about the same thing...I was confused when you said Leg Press is Push Press...

I thought you meant this: 
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Didn't record my squats from Monday but hit 290 3x6. Definitely getting stronger.

Bench last night felt good. 245 3x6. Still hoping I can close in on 300 by the end of the year

Didn't record my squats from Monday but hit 290 3x6. Definitely getting stronger.

Bench last night felt good. 245 3x6. Still hoping I can close in on 300 by the end of the year

God work. Gonna post my 295x1 in my next video whenever I get to editing it.

Try keeping your feet on the ground and see if it makes a difference in your strength. Your energy travels up, from the feet when benching, so having them flat will increase your energy slow, stability, etc....Let me know if it makes a difference
cons of lifting at planet fitress huh? Least you get free tootsie rolls [emoji]128578[/emoji]

man dont forget bout mondays pizza night :smokin
I thought it was Friday [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

I started at PF. Until I learned how to deadlift and got kicked out. I was doing 2 plates [emoji]128529[/emoji]
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LOL same, that 10$/month was clutch. Then i met this dude whos a friend of a friend who trained me. Taught me the basics and i went up from there.
LOL same, that 10$/month was clutch. Then i met this dude whos a friend of a friend who trained me. Taught me the basics and i went up from there.
I met my cousin there. Then I saw him again, when I joined the gym next Plaza over and we started powerlifting together under these two dudes who powerlifted. Messed up part is, I've did damn near almost all powrrlifting exercises. I've did bands, chains, negatives, etc. Dudes never taught us nutrition [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I deadlifted 475 at 175lbs. Was squatting 315 (although I skipped legs a lot, I hated doing squats). Benching 300x1. Then everything deteroriated. I never figured out why until last year when a dude I met in the gym told me about macros. I never knew anything about carbs and fats and etc. I just knew you needed protein. I was like "wtf a carb gotta do with the gym???" My cousin was way stronger too. I got a clip of him deadlift in 435x8 @ 225lbs. Think he was pulling 500 and swquatting almost 500lb. One of the dudes we trained with was incredibly ripped. Smallest legs every but pulled 600lbs and squatted 600lb. He was my weight my shorter than me. Good times.

Smh if only I ate right I'd be strong AF right now. Getting back up there. But it sucks. But I powerbuild now so oh well *shrug*
Yeah that $10...PF found their niChe and became rich. Can't hate on that. $10 is so little people don't realize it adds up. You have a 100 people who don't even go to the gym but say "it's just $10". Do the math. Lol. That's how they became rich.

This was me at 17 before I started lifting [emoji]128514[/emoji] go ahead and cue the jokes.

This was me last November or so, when I was actually eating (Wasn't counting macros, just eating 1lb of meat, rice and beans x2 a day)
Man I found one of my old weightlifting log...

Boy I came a long way 

There was a point of time I could only FS 100KG 1 time - Last June.

Here I am a year later FS 128KG x2
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Man I found one of my old weightlifting log...

Boy I came a long way :lol:

There was a point of time I could only FS 100KG 1 time - Last June.

Here I am a year later FS 128KG x2
So you were weak before. You still weak now.

Am I missing a link or something??? [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]


Yeah I remember I was hitting 240x1. Then 2014 I hit it for 10.

I guess you don't realize how strong you are until people look at you lifting in the gym [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I mean at my gym everyone is big though.

I remember at Blink downtown, I cleaned 135 to rack it to squat. Dude was like "you picked that up easy!!!" In my mind I'm like "wth I thought everyone was cleaning 135 to rack it, this weight is baby Weight??"

Guess I underestimated myself lol
bro nutrition is still something im still learning about. Been lifting for a good year now
This was me at 17 before I started lifting [emoji]128514[/emoji] go ahead and cue the jokes.

his was me last November or so, when I was actually eating (Wasn't counting macros, just eating 1lb of meat, rice and beans x2 a day)
Man us cornbread boys get screwed with genetics for aesthetics 
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Yeah I just learned how to cut and it's been working well. Just learned macros really good. Lifting really is something you "never really know". You just always learn more.

Also, now I can train more people and take their money since I got the nutrition side down [emoji]128578[/emoji]

m boiz m boiz what's a cornbread boy? Lol now I feel like the white guy who doesn't understand slang lmao
Yeah I just learned how to cut and it's been working well. Just learned macros really good. Lifting really is something you "never really know". You just always learn more.

Also, now I can train more people and take their money since I got the nutrition side down [emoji]128578[/emoji]

@M BOIZ what's a cornbread boy? Lol now I feel like the white guy who doesn't understand slang lmao
A white guy 

Most 17 year old white guys don't look like you did.
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