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330 clean the other day, tried to power it which I think I did, what do y'all think? Going full grip has helped a lot but still not as comfortable as 3 fingers for me yet.

You broke parallel, so you squated it...Not ATG though.

That hook grip going to save you as you get heavier...

Can you move that weight overhead?
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You broke parallel, so you squated it...Not ATG though.

That hook grip going to save you as you get heavier...

Can you move that weight overhead?
In weightlifting are you required to ever actually go "ATG"?

I dont think you are.
Okay so I been working out for almost a year and I see some difference with my body. I have gained 20 pounds and I've gotten stronger. My question is how can I begin to define my body, I been bulking up but now I really want to get cut. How many sets/reps do you guys? 
Now the real work comes in and that's DIET. All the sweat and hard work is nothing if you can't show it off a bit. Start slow and count carbs and calories , then start lowering your carbs day by day, don't go to complete 0 carbs. The fruits will come with diet , it's the hardest part about weight loss is watching what you eat.
You dont need to "count calories" you also should never really hit below 150 g carbs (pending on goals).

The hardest part about weight loss is consistency. And you already seem dedicated
Now the real work comes in and that's DIET. All the sweat and hard work is nothing if you can't show it off a bit. Start slow and count carbs and calories , then start lowering your carbs day by day, don't go to complete 0 carbs. The fruits will come with diet , it's the hardest part about weight loss is watching what you eat.

You dont need to "count calories" you also should never really hit below 150 g carbs (pending on goals).

The hardest part about weight loss is consistency. And you already seem dedicated

Thank you guys for the tips and recommendations. I currently weight 173 so my best bet is to lose a few pounds and start to eat the right food. My diet isn't the best so I need to begin to eat clean and lean. Any suggestions on the types of food to eat/stay away from?
Thank you guys for the tips and recommendations. I currently weight 173 so my best bet is to lose a few pounds and start to eat the right food. My diet isn't the best so I need to begin to eat clean and lean. Any suggestions on the types of food to eat/stay away from?
It's not rocket science man. Especially if you just want to eat better without counting calories or weighing foods.

Cut down on carbs. Up on protein foods. Baked chicken breasts, fish. Obviously stay away from fast food. Processed food too if you can. Cut down on soda. Drink water instead with your meals. Just search They have some plans and recipes for food.
It's not rocket science man. Especially if you just want to eat better without counting calories or weighing foods.

Cut down on carbs. Up on protein foods. Baked chicken breasts, fish. Obviously stay away from fast food. Processed food too if you can. Cut down on soda. Drink water instead with your meals. Just search They have some plans and recipes for food.

Okay thanks I'll check that out. I've already cut down on the soda and I haven't had fast food for a very long time.
The feels when people you started lifting with are starting to get stronger than you...I know it isn't a competition but damb feelbatman
My new Torokhtiy program started yesterday...Damn I am feeling it:

Back Extensions 20kg x10 x3-4
Muscle Snatch x6 x2
                         x5 x2
                         x4 x3
Clean 50x3 x2
           60x3 x3
           80x3 x4
Clean Pull (straps) 

           60x3 x2
           70x3 x2
           80x3 x3
           85x3 x3
Front Squat 

           50x3 x2
           60x3 x2
           70x3 x2

           20kg x10 x3

Russian Twist 20kg x10 x3

GHD Sit up x10 x3
The beginner's full-body workout...

Day 1:
a) Quads – Barbell back squats
reps: 5/5/5/5/5
b1) Chest – Incline dumbbell press
reps: 7/7/7/7
b2) Calves – Standing calf press
reps: 7/7/7/7
c1) Hamstrings – Stiff leg deadlifts
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Abs – (Weighted) decline sit ups
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Back – (Weighted) wide grip pull-ups
reps: 10/10/10
d2) Shoulders – Seated dumbbell shoulder press
reps: 10/10/10
e1) Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
e2) If you are still within your 60 minute workout and have gas left in the tank, do a tricep extension of your choice for 2 sets of 5 reps, or as many diamond push-ups as you can do.

Day 2:
Off or light cardio.

Day 3:
a) Chest – Flat bench press
reps: 5/5/5/5/5
b1) Quads – Step ups onto a bench or box holding dumbbells
reps: 7/7/7/7
b2) Abs – Lying leg raises, get your lower back and butt off the floor, try to touch the ceiling with your toes
reps: 20/20/20/20
c1) Back/Hamstrings – Standing bent over dumbbell rows
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Calves – Seated calf raises
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Shoulders – Standing dumbbell raises to the side
reps: 10/10/10
d2) Biceps – Standing alternating dumbbell curls
reps: 10/10/10
e1) Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
e2) If you are still within your 60 minute workout and have gas left in the tank, do a hamstring curl machine for 2 sets of 5 reps;or lock your heels under something with the instep of your foot facing down and, starting with your thighs perpendicular to the floor, lower your upper body forward and down a couple degrees then use your hamstrings to pull it back up. I’ll have to see if I can find a picture of this somewhere.

Day 4:
Off or light cardio.

Day 5:
a) Hamstrings – Deadlifts
reps: 5/5/5/5/5
b1) Shoulders – Standing overhead shoulder press
reps: 7/7/7/7
b2) Abs – Standing side bends holding dumbbells
reps: 7/7/7/7
c1) Quads – Alternating barbell lunges
reps: 7/7/7
c2) Triceps/Chest – Decline close grip bench
reps: 7/7/7
d1) Back/Biceps – (Weighted) close grip chin-ups
reps: 10/10/10
d2) Calves – One leg standing calf raise on a 2 inch block or plate holding a dumbbell
reps: 10/10/10
e1) Stretch all your muscles for 10 minutes while sipping your post-workout drink.
e2) If you are still within your 60 minute workout and have gas left in the tank, do two sets of clapping pushups.

Day 6 and Day 7:
Off or light cardio.

Plus i personally thought the point of doing full body was because u didnt have the time to make it in the gym alot for the week. This has u basically working out everyday to which i may as well break some stuff up
Srs discussion/thoughts...

Crossfiter Natalie Newhart (@Crossfitnat) was tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug (Anavar).  This just prove my theory that the top elites in the world of Crossfit are juicing.  I mean juicing to the earlobes, Matt Fraiser, Rich Froning Jr, Ben Smith, Elijah Muhammad...With the exception of Bridges Josh (he looks the same if not smaller from when he first started).

She issued out an apology:

To my friends, family, gym, coaches, sponsors and the CF community ... From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to each and every one of you for the poor choice I've made. I screwed up and I am sorry.

Never in a million years did I think I'd be one to fall on that path, facing the consequences I am now, including writing this embarrassing apology. Although there's no excuse or reason to justify what I did, those of you that know me know how hard I've worked and, despite my relentless effort, I've had one hell of a battle trying to get my strength where it needed to be to achieve my dreams. I tried everything, including different coaches, nutrition programs, moving to sea level, and training at the worlds strongest gym for several months, but nothing worked. I got to a point where I had two choices 1) quit and give up on my dreams or 2) break a rule.
Regardless of why I did it, I regret making that decision and I've learned my lesson. I know that there's nothing I can say or do that will make this all go away but I want you all to know that I'm very sorry and hope that one day you can forgive me. I will continue coaching and training because it's what I love, and I'll continue my journey to podium, this time in another sport. Thank you for all your support over the years!

Has anyone felt this way, honestly?  I mean for myself, I train 5/6 days a week, 2-3 hour sessions, and yet, I feel the same exact way!  Slow progress and little results at a time.  Very often, I thought about doing it, but I can't come to an acceptance that I'm cheating...

Any inputs??
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i would bet 5 paychecks that rich froning was using some type of PEDs.
how often are these guys tested out of competition? it would be stupid to not skate the edges when your performance determines your paychecks. i wonder how many use SARMs. that GW501516 looks like the perfect drug for crossfit and you can buy it online like no big deal.
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I believe they get tested 4 times a year randomly.

Stunta, enlighten me on the SARM, GW501516. Side effects? 
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side effects show that large doses increased cancer rate in mice. most articles downplay this but it's definitely something to note.
as far as benefits go:

GW 501516 - is actually not a SARM. In fact it is a PPAR Delta Modulator....this means it is a selective agonist with a high affinity for the PPAR. As a result, this modulation allows the body to utilize more glucose and to allows it to create more muscle tissue. GW also regulates the various proteins that the body uses for energy. What does this mean for the user? It means an increase in energy and endurance. Additionally, it may also mean an increase in muscle mass. It is possible that GW may have a positive affect on blood pressure and lipid profile. Dosing is in the 7mg to 21mg range, with 14mg being the "sweet spot". The average GW cycle is typically 4 to 12 weeks. GW is non-hormonal, and therefore requires no PCT. However, it does stack well with SARMS to further increase fat loss and endurance.

Cardarine is great for pretty much everything! Incredible endurance benefits from it are probably the most prominent reason to use this product. Not only has it proven to increase endurance in scientific studies, but when you use it for yourself you’d see that the results are nothing short of amazing! If you’re a cardio junkie or just like getting lean, it increase your run times. Your weight lifting sessions will be extended further, you’ll feel energized longer and ultimately get a lot more work done before you walk out of the gym every day.

Of course, fat loss is at the top of the list of reasons why many people love Cardarine so much. Striations and veins get more noticeable and your journey to fat loss becomes a lot easier, without the catabolic effects that most fat burners and drugs can have while trimming down. Fat loss from cardarine is a result of increased glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Essentially, you’re making better use of the nutrients you consume every day and decreasing the amount of carbohydrates or fat stored as adipose tissue. As a result, cardarine is not only fat burning and anti-catabolic, but it’s also a little bit anabolic as well.
Like stuntman said. Its not that hard of a decision to go that route when your paycheck depends on performance like that.

Everyone is doing something to up their performance. The real question of morality is if its legal or not legal. And even that is more of a statement to --insert authority-- made it that way.

(Im going to relate it to this but no one get their panties in a bunch because im just using it as an example ) its like our real food vs supplement battles in here.

We have some people say. Good sleep and banana gets them ready to workout.

And we have others who swear by and use (&over use) PWOs.

Whose to say those shouldnt be used at all during comps because they give a competitive advantage
(Very possible) would someone using pwo during a comp do better than someone who doesnt. Do youpersonally perform better on a random gym day with PWO than without. Pwo isnt a natural boost..aka performace enhancing do you see my point.

This is why i dont blame athletes for taking the route with stuff that just so happens to give you a boost.

Just to add:
If something made you stronger over night with just 1 shot or 1 pill then yes that would be cheating.

But nothing does that. everything thats "illegal" that u can take u still have to work for
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