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Its also probably easier mentally to "stay the course" per say when it comes to nutrition when you're taking gear and seeing results a lot quicker than someone who is natural and it takes 6 month periods to see big changes. 
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Not anymore. Did my first show natty, second show on some really low grade stuff. This is my first prep with any of the big guns
What led you to make that decision? You trying to make a career in the fitness industry? I just cant make that leap knowing of the life long repercussions it has.
Im gonna need some real scientific legit studies/articles whatever you want to call it that proves meal occurrence or timing actually makes a difference, except for guys on gear and or preparing for a show and are deep in a cut.

More so carbohydrate timing. For example:

IIFYM allows the ability to eat your entire allotment of carbohydrates in one sitting for that day. Let's say you do that in poptarts. If you're at ~200g carbs a day, that's about 6 poptarts more or less which is then 105g of sugar for that one meal. That's an absurd insulin spike. Do that in and out, will eventually create insulin resistance and potentially more serious ish. If you do that first thing in the morning and then have no carbohydrates left in your daily allotment to replenish your glycogen stores after a training session, your muscle tissue will deteriorate rather than grow. The anabolic window might be dead as proven by science, but an ample amount of carbohydrates and proteins within a 3~4 window on either end of your workout will still make a difference. As far as studies, I don't have any to back this example. And again, volumetrics. Blow your entire caloric/macro load in one sitting, you're gonna be real hungry the rest of the day.
Geek never said iifym doesnt work..he just said youre not really going to step on stage following that model.
Ive seen plenty of guys have great results with it. But just not enough to get on stage and be where u need to be to win.

But as he said. Not every one is dieting to get on stage. For thise who have (geek, superju, myself) that 100% commitment is needed to even hang with the comp. Natty and unnatty.

But for those who dont plan to step on stage iifym is fine for your lifestyle.

I myself am in that in between stage (i would say 80% commitment) because i dont know if i want to do another show or not. Only supplements ive taken for an entire year is bcaa and protein powder. My wallet has thanked me.
To each their own ofcourse but a more fit world is the goal imo. Keep doing yall thing
What led you to make that decision? You trying to make a career in the fitness industry? I just cant make that leap knowing of the life long repercussions it has.

There were a few things that played into it for me. First and foremost, yeah my ultimate goal is to be professional and make as much of my living as I can out of the fitness industry. Second, my test levels were all but bottomed out at a very young age due to genetic factors. I was going to eventually be on TRT no matter what I decided to do. Ultimately, it became a decision of where I want to go in this life and what I'm going to have to do to get there. If I want to perform at the highest possible level against the best in the world someday, it's going to have to be a level playing field. Like it or lump it. There are absolutely risks and that's something I acknowledge. That being said, I don't regret it at all. I eat my veggies, supplement properly to maintain micronutrient profiles and regularly get bloodwork done. I do whatever I can to minimize the risk, but it became something that was no longer a choice to become one of the best.
More so carbohydrate timing. For example:

IIFYM allows the ability to eat your entire allotment of carbohydrates in one sitting for that day. Let's say you do that in poptarts. If you're at ~200g carbs a day, that's about 6 poptarts more or less which is then 105g of sugar for that one meal. That's an absurd insulin spike. Do that in and out, will eventually create insulin resistance and potentially more serious ish. If you do that first thing in the morning and then have no carbohydrates left in your daily allotment to replenish your glycogen stores after a training session, your muscle tissue will deteriorate rather than grow. The anabolic window might be dead as proven by science, but an ample amount of carbohydrates and proteins within a 3~4 window on either end of your workout will still make a difference. As far as studies, I don't have any to back this example. And again, volumetrics. Blow your entire caloric/macro load in one sitting, you're gonna be real hungry the rest of the day.
Oh I get what you mean. I feel like all the big IIFYM guys eat the same **** every day 

It was pop tarts now its doughnuts, then you have Chipotle and energy drinks. Its like clockwork. 

I just eat so much during the whole day that i don't think it makes a difference, I do try to get "good" carbs in pre workout and a lot of protein and some sugar post.
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There were a few things that played into it for me. First and foremost, yeah my ultimate goal is to be professional and make as much of my living as I can out of the fitness industry. Second, my test levels were all but bottomed out at a very young age due to genetic factors. I was going to eventually be on TRT no matter what I decided to do. Ultimately, it became a decision of where I want to go in this life and what I'm going to have to do to get there. If I want to perform at the highest possible level against the best in the world someday, it's going to have to be a level playing field. Like it or lump it. There are absolutely risks and that's something I acknowledge. That being said, I don't regret it at all. I eat my veggies, supplement properly to maintain micronutrient profiles and regularly get bloodwork done. I do whatever I can to minimize the risk, but it became something that was no longer a choice to become one of the best.

I can fully see doing whatever it takes to get to the top and make a career out of it.

Ill never understand taking gear and working a desk job or something though and never competing.
And again, as I mentions in one of my initial posts on the subject: I absolutely do not recommend taking the plunge into anabolics unless it's the last thing standing between you and making it in your field of choice from a performance standpoint. Had I not had IFBB pros/their coaches tell me I had the structure to make it to the big leagues, I would have never jumped on the stuff. It wasn't delusions of grandeur, it became a do it or miss the chance to make my dream happen. Since, I've had several friends come to me asking about it and have done my best to talk them out of it. I know this **** ain't good for me, I'm not gonna let anyone go into blindly
Lol at six Poptarts in one sitting. That would, indeed, cause a crazy insulin spike, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you eat them directly after a workout. I always have some sort of carb / sugar post workout. When i talk about nutrient timing I'm talking about eating every 4 hours, no carbs after xx o clock, no eating before bed, etc. I also forgot to mention that I keep my sugar in check too. I have no more than 75 grams per day.

I can fully see doing whatever it takes to get to the top and make a career out of it.

Ill never understand taking gear and working a desk job or something though and never competing.

Thanks boss, much appreciated. It's cool getting to talk with you dudes about all this stuff. I just made a huge move and job change so Being able to chop it up with fitness minded dudes helps a lot
Let's not pretend like half a gram of test and a quarter gram of tren a week doesn't make you feel like a god. Lifting everything in the gym and ******* 24/7 appeals to a lot more people than just fitness competitors.
Let's not pretend like half a gram of test and a quarter gram of tren a week doesn't make you feel like a god. Lifting everything in the gym and ******* 24/7 appeals to a lot more people than just fitness competitors.

Lol will never disagree with that. What I will disagree with is people making uneducated decisions about using the stuff. And I don't encourage the use of it recreationally but I 110% understand the appeal for people to do so. As Boss said, I don't feel it warrants the risks that come with it if you don't have to take them
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Lol will never disagree with that. What I will disagree with is people making uneducated decisions about using the stuff. And I don't encourage the use of it recreationally but I 110% understand the appeal for people to do so. As Boss said, I don't feel it warrants the risks that come with it if you don't have to take them
Those kind of doses aren't something you would take though right? 

Im gonna assume the kind of stuff and doses you take are going to be a lot different than what someone wanted to be an IFBB heavyweight would take.
those are fairly low dosages more for a recreational user. I'm just saying it has recreational appeal
That's easy to say if you've never been on. I'm not trying to get in an argument but it goes way beyond lifting.
How does it good beyond lifting? 

Thats literally the only reason to take it 

Your doctor prescribing you HGH or going on TRT versus taking it recreationally are two polar opposite things.
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How does it good beyond lifting? 

Thats literally the only reason to take it :lol:

Your doctor prescribing you HGH or going on TRT versus taking it recreationally are two polar opposite things.
Lol bro if you think you've ever been horny think again. I suppose it's like trying to explain what cocaine feels like to somebody that doesn't get high. You're really never going to grasp it. I know plenty of people that shoot test that don't lift.
Lol bro if you think you've ever been horny think again. I suppose it's like trying to explain what cocaine feels like to somebody that doesn't get high. You're really never going to grasp it. I know plenty of people that shoot test that don't lift.
Then you know a lot of idiots 
  I've never heard of anyone doing that, it sounds like a giant waste of time and money when theres plenty of other ways to get you **** hard.

But either way just taking some test and actually running gear aren't the same thing. 
You on Instagram geek?

Yup. @JQ_Fit

Those kind of doses aren't something you would take though right? 

Im gonna assume the kind of stuff and doses you take are going to be a lot different than what someone wanted to be an IFBB heavyweight would take.

That's actually not too far off what I'm taking for this show. Most people drastically over-dose their gear, either because it's bunk and they aren't getting what they're supposed to out of it, or because they think that 3CCs of test a week is the solution to their severely lacking training and diet.

Especially with Tren, people forget that it's 5x more potent than test. 500mg of test a week and 250mg of Tren a week is the equivalent of 1750mg of Test as far as anabolic potential plus all the nutrient repartitioning and muscle density from Tren. There is definitely such a thing as diminishing returns from anabolics. All you get past a certain point is a **** load of side effects and higher health risks
Then you know a lot of idiots :lol:   I've never heard of anyone doing that, it sounds like a giant waste of time and money when theres plenty of other ways to get you **** hard.

But either way just taking some test and actually running gear aren't the same thing. 
I would never do it but I have some friends that were heavy into lifting when they were younger and run low cycles just to get that feeling. I think you are seriously underestimating what these chemicals do to your mind and body. If you've been on then chances are you want to be on all the time. It's addictive not just because of the performance there's other factors.
Yup. @JQ_Fit
That's actually not too far off what I'm taking for this show. Most people drastically over-dose their gear, either because it's bunk and they aren't getting what they're supposed to out of it, or because they think that 3CCs of test a week is the solution to their severely lacking training and diet.

Especially with Tren, people forget that it's 5x more potent than test. 500mg of test a week and 250mg of Tren a week is the equivalent of 1750mg of Test as far as anabolic potential plus all the nutrient repartitioning and muscle density from Tren. There is definitely such a thing as diminishing returns from anabolics. All you get past a certain point is a **** load of side effects and higher health risks
Ive heard Tren is like Gods gift when it comes to gear. Don't high doses lead to the night sweats and insomnia?
I would never do it but I have some friends that were heavy into lifting when they were younger and run low cycles just to get that feeling. I think you are seriously underestimating what these chemicals do to your mind and body. If you've been on then chances are you want to be on all the time. It's addictive not just because of the performance there's other factors.
That sounds just like junkie talk.
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