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190 is the most I've ever benched and it wasn't pretty. :lol:

I changed my bench all up. Sometimes I hit like 110 on incline close grip and then the next day I'll do flat at 155 3x12 on both and if I have more gas I do another set to fatigue.
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I've felt my bench is weak also. It's my least favorite of the big three. I've done 225 for 1.5. :lol: Got stuck on the second with no spotter. Luckily a guy came over while I still had it off the chest. I usually don't go above my limits but I felt confident that day. I learned my lesson. I'm pretty sure I've done 135 for reps on incline before but I've been doing 115 lately.
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:lol: I run out of gas all the time, 80% of the time I'm solo and the gym is always empty. I just dump them off. No other way to go to fatigue solo.
set up the bench in the rack and use the safety bars or learn to dump the bar into the lower rungs of the flat bench (if they have them).
Yeah I don't think they have that. I forget about the safety bars but don't you want to go all the way to your chest? That's why I've never used them.
I got curved HARD at the 2 GNC's I tried that coupon at today 
Speaking of ol ladies I need to shed this relationship fat I gained. Bout to start from ground zero again with stronglifts.

I am not meeting my year end goal of 170. :lol: I could have but I'd just be fat so I slowed my role.
set up the bench in the rack and use the safety bars or learn to dump the bar into the lower rungs of the flat bench (if they have them).

Yeah I don't think they have that. I forget about the safety bars but don't you want to go all the way to your chest? That's why I've never used them.

The jank gym I use doesn't have them either. It's free and convenient so I work with what I have.
My oly coach gave me a goal to hit by the end of this summer last week and I'm already 10 pounds close to that goal.

I jumped a lot in my jerk.

Hoping to put 50 pounds on every lift by this summer. Let's get it.
Hard to watch the diet around this time of year. Every time I walk into the office they got cookies and crap like that. That ish be calling my name.
Nice. I bet you'll be able to do that. I think I'm too critical on myself. I mean 6 months ago I couldn't rep 110. :lol: whatever

Yeah I use anytime fitness for my gym. It's slightly wack. But it's 22 bucks a month because I took my home girls super old membership over. Walked in their with her key fob and told them I'm taking it over. :lol: lady was like uhhhh never done this before but better than losing a member.
koebot koebot
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bench in the rack works ok especially if there's 1" hole spacing instead of 2" to find that sweet spot for the safety bars. i bench with a slight arch so ideally, the bar will touch my chest but if i flatten my body, the bar touches the rack instead and i can slide out. our rack at work is crappy though so i just use a spotter instead.
Yeah they don't have a rack like that. The increments are like 4" I just throw them on the floor.
I've been watching a lot of Doug Brignole videos on YouTube lately. Opened my eyes to a lot of conventional wisdom in the gym that is just wrong. Check it out if you want to change things up in the gym.
Im not sure, all I know is when I use the foam roll at the gym my quads hurt and I just power thru
Stick with the soft foam rollers first and ease into in. So don't put to much pressure. Slowly get that fascia out until it gets better. Than get a harder one once your muscles become less tight. 
About once every 3-4 weeks i take a complete day off from weights and cardio. Hardest days ever
I want to lift. Or atleast do cardio. But my body thanks me right now.
Lol but tomm i wont want to even get up
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Man, it’s just crazy to see how hard work applied over time yields massive results. I started consistently going to the gym back in February and man I’ve come so far. Not just visually, that stuff is great too, but the way the numbers have risen is crazy. I was probably around 115-125lbs for my bench. 135 was such a struggle. Now I’m progressing through 185lbs hoping to hit 200 by year’s end. I wish I had my other numbers with me. I’ve tracked every workout since I started, but when I switched to an iPhone a few weeks ago all those notes got lost and the spreadsheet I had planned to make all this year never happened. Shouldn’t have slept on that.

But across the board the numbers have shot up and that’s with balancing vertical jump training in there too. All I’m really trying to say is, if you got a goal hard work and consistency applied over time will get you anything you want. All the excuses and analysis paralysis will get you nowhere.
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