STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Man, it’s just crazy to see how hard work applied over time yields massive results.
Most people don't understand this 

Consistency is key.
Wow so if anyone remembers my complaining of twisting my knee a couple months ago..

I went to the doctor today cuz the pain has lingered and my knee would buckle when I try to play ball.

The doctor thinks I might've re-tore my ACL smh. I'm scheduled for an MRI tonight.

I might not opt for surgery this time around, if I tore it. If the last two months is any indication, I don't need my ACL to PR in cleans, squats, snatches. I just need it to play ball. I only play ball twice a yr anyway.
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The last time I repaired it I did it cuz I needed to sprint and stop on a dime. I was 18 still playing basketball regularly. At my age now, I don't really need to do those things. I would miss it though.

I can still squat, do cleans and snatches and everything with no complications. I can even still sprint, as long as I slow down gradually and don't stop on a dime. That and quick change of directions are no nos. I can't do it without my knee buckling.
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Do as you will, but I just feel like the healthier you can be the better. If you have the option, I'd get the surgery, but I don't know you situation.
I have the option, my insurance is good. Don't think I'd take it. Going through that surgery the first time was awful lol

If I can do 97 percent of the stuff I normally do, why put myself through that. I'd only take it if the doctor stresses there is a chance my knee can get worse somehow
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The last time I repaired it I did it cuz I needed to sprint and stop on a dime. I was 18 still playing basketball regularly. At my age now, I don't really need to do those things. I would miss it though.

I can still squat, do cleans and snatches and everything with no complications. I can even still sprint, as long as I slow down gradually and don't stop on a dime. That and quick change of directions are no nos. I can't do it without my knee buckling.

That's crazy you possibly tore your ACL and can still do all that. I've always wondered how some people react differently to the injury. My boy back in hs tore his first half and kept playing on it till the game was over. Dropped 25 that half too..and guys like gilbert areneas even played on a torn ACL but then some guys can't even walk off on there own power. Guess it depends on the tear tho.
If it's a tear, it's not a complete tear - I think. Idk we'll see after the doctor reads the MRI results.

^The ACL is only necessary in quick change of directions and hard stops. It stabilizes the knee in those situations. That's why football, basketball and other similar players always need the surgery.

That's why I can do all the things I've said. I'm not trying to sprint or any of that. If I was trying to play basketball, I'd look like a cripple, jogging at half speed and not attempting to jump and all that
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Nice. I bet you'll be able to do that. I think I'm too critical on myself. I mean 6 months ago I couldn't rep 110. :lol: whatever

Yeah I use anytime fitness for my gym. It's slightly wack. But it's 22 bucks a month because I took my home girls super old membership over. Walked in their with her key fob and told them I'm taking it over. :lol: lady was like uhhhh never done this before but better than losing a member.

:lol: some Anytimes are really nice and intimate, be alone getting it in sometimes. I kinda missed that with Golds/24 hr.
Yeah it's cool. It's usually me and one dude on the treadmill. Yesterday I saw my first savage in there. Dude was huge.
Having soccer the day before leg day is brutal. Could barely hit 245 on squats for 4 smh

I can't do it man. I have to space out my games from legs day. I know the struggle

the 315 dl challenge sounds fun. I know there is no chance i can do 60 in 30 mins. But im thinking i could get 40 or so...would be fun
Who's the asian dude who would eat like 10k calories a day?

Dude was talking about supersetting his eating 
Its been awhile and I've done pretty good progressing. Now that its time for me to try to put on some more weight I'm back on a pre. GNC guy hooked me up with $30 off pump fuel insanity. I took it awhile back and it gave me a good pump and the jitters I like. Yesterday I tried it and I felt nothing really until I was almost done my workout I saw my arms getting a big pump. Gonna see how today goes and if not return it. I love pre jym but too expensive for 20 servings and I want something now 

Also I was small talking with the dude and we talked about when I came in over the summer and some guy sold me on Methyl Pump. Man I took that stuff and driving to the gym I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. No jitters, no pump. Something just did not feel right and I felt like I was gonna die. Returned it same day and yesterday I found out it was pulled because it was a borderline amphetamine? SMH 
. Anyone else hear about that?
that was the bmpea. it got pulled because the fda disputes that it's a naturally occurring substance. i didn't much care for it either - had it in a sample of iforce conquer.
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