STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i dunno i'd rather have a life where i didn't have to wonder if the friends i have cared about anything other than my dad's money.
Real talk

These dudes nowadays love to thirst for attention on social media... (him, The Game with the meat prints) 

Acting like women/ young boys
when the life you portray online is much better than your actual life, then there's a real problem. sadly, that's much more than half of the people on social media.
Naw real talk. I live an average life that I love.
Id rather not be cooking my own meals but thats about it
I don't need much. Just my own cook. My own pool. And my own gym at my own house. A hot girlfriend.

Simple goals breh.
Not as important as daily total calories and macros.

ot saying timing and frequency aren't important though, just listen to people talk science who know what they're talking about :lol:  

So for the next few months wait 4-5 hours after a workout to eat and let us know how that works out for you fam. :lol:
I'm heading to the gym in a few, and I wanna blast my arms the **** off, fam. I'm not trying to feel my arms after tonight. Facts.

I usually do preacher curls, and incline hammer curls for my biceps

1 arm cable Pulldowns, skull crushers with the EZ bar, 2 arm cable Pulldowns (rope), tricep bench dips for my triceps.

I want to switch it up because I feel like my arms are getting use to those excercises. Any tips?
I'm heading to the gym in a few, and I wanna blast my arms the **** off, fam. I'm not trying to feel my arms after tonight. Facts.

I usually do preacher curls, and incline hammer curls for my biceps

1 arm cable Pulldowns, skull crushers with the EZ bar, 2 arm cable Pulldowns (rope), tricep bench dips for my triceps.

I want to switch it up because I feel like my arms are getting use to those excercises. Any tips?

look up CT fletchers Armed warfare,
its on youtube and
I'm heading to the gym in a few, and I wanna blast my arms the **** off, fam. I'm not trying to feel my arms after tonight. Facts.

I usually do preacher curls, and incline hammer curls for my biceps

1 arm cable Pulldowns, skull crushers with the EZ bar, 2 arm cable Pulldowns (rope), tricep bench dips for my triceps.

I want to switch it up because I feel like my arms are getting use to those excercises. Any tips?

I have been doing only rope, one arm cables and dips on arm day and my triceps keep growing. I do a **** load of sets though on rope. Just make sure your form is good on arms
I'm heading to the gym in a few, and I wanna blast my arms the **** off, fam. I'm not trying to feel my arms after tonight. Facts.

I usually do preacher curls, and incline hammer curls for my biceps

1 arm cable Pulldowns, skull crushers with the EZ bar, 2 arm cable Pulldowns (rope), tricep bench dips for my triceps.

I want to switch it up because I feel like my arms are getting use to those excercises. Any tips?

Go to the squat rack.
Load it up.
Snort a line of your favorite PWO or some cocaine.
Walk back about two feet. Maybe seven feet.
Start yelling and get ready as your body is telling you you're about to squat heavy AF.
Run as fast as you can to your rack and then start curling the fudge out of it.
You just confused your muscles.
You thought you were going to squat? Nope, those were curls bb.
Go to the squat rack.
Load it up.
Snort a line of your favorite PWO or some cocaine.
Walk back about two feet. Maybe seven feet.
Start yelling and get ready as your body is telling you you're about to squat heavy AF.
Run as fast as you can to your rack and then start curling the fudge out of it.
You just confused your muscles.
You thought you were going to squat? Nope, those were curls bb.

Will try. Do I need to do this on leg day for optimum muscle confusion?
You guys make it so complicated lol. If it fits your marcos isn't a diet. People been counting cals carbs pro and fats since the old days. Theres just a name for it now haha. People thing they can eat whatever they want. "It fits my macros" Which is true. And it won't affect how you look physique wise. But your body on the inside isn't going to be healthy if all you eat is junk. The meaning of IFIYM is balance. 80-90% should be "clean" foods. Because those foods has the most nutrients your body needs and its lower in cals. Micros and fiber is important. But if you're craving something fit it in! You don't have to kill yourself and only eat chicken brown rice and broccoli 247 365. If you're craving lets say ice cream that day. Go ahead and fit it in. Have balance. People always go overboard and choose a side. Either super bro or super IFIYM. Don't eat the whole tub and stuff your face. Have balance. Thats all it is. Having a great body but still having fun and enjoying life. Its not body stressing out and killing yourself. 
Today was my first day back after being sick. Hate the first day. Trying to get back to lifting as heavy as I was. I lost 4.5lbs after 5 days of feeling like **** and barely eating.
Like I always say it's always good to place running in your diet to make up for them foods with low nutritional value
So for the next few months wait 4-5 hours after a workout to eat and let us know how that works out for you fam. :lol:
actually, preworkout nutrition is probably more important if you really believe in that anabolic window after you workout. but really man, meal timing is far less important than total cals and macro breakdown like other people have said.
I dont even care for anabolic windows and whatnot, my point is more that after a hard workout, you WILL be hungry. You need to refuel. I find it hard to believe that eating 4 hourd after a workout is the "same" at the end of the day than eating a half or so after.
Meal timing and caloric control and macro breakdown goes hand in hand in hand.

Far easier to control meal portion if you're eating at the right times.

Also, if you're hungry as hell and you haven't eaten all day, you're also likely to be far less choosy in what you eat.

You are straight up lying to me if you're 6hours post-workout, haven't eaten anything and you say you DON'T want to eat everything and the kitchen sink.

Let's not continue to downplay meal timing lol
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Let's not continue to downplay meal timing lol

Let's not downplay science :lol:

Sure meal timing is important...

But as important as total calories and macros :lol:

Not once has anyone said to wait 6 hours until eating again. The point is, you don't lose your gains by not eating within a hour after working out :lol:
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