STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Pending on what people have to do i'll let them work in with me, but usually my default answer is 3 also.

as long as you're not pulling out your phone when I ask you, i wont be mad

lol i feel judged when i'm on my phone resting between sets - even though I use my phone for an app that tells me how much weight I need to add for my next set and gives me an alarm when my rest is over :nerd:
lol, i work out with a chick who is preparing for a show... this one dude was on his phone when we needed the machine.....

she flipped.
i was going to let it go she layed in to him..
he did the fastest 3 sets i've ever seen after
lol, i work out with a chick who is preparing for a show... this one dude was on his phone when we needed the machine.....

she flipped.
i was going to let it go she layed in to him..
he did the fastest 3 sets i've ever seen after

You weren't with a girl, much less a girl getting ready for a show...

I'm sure it's been asked here before

What do you guys do to keep your rotator cuffs from having pain. The only thing that kind of works for me is taking really long breaks between sets, but ain't nobody got time for that sometimes.
Oh and do you guys recommend fish oil or another supp for joints? I drink plenty of water, but it doesn't seem to be enough by itself.
Joint stiffness/pain is just part of lifting. Lifting is painful. I get injured probably twice a year. Best advice I can give you is to cut out alcohol all togeher, hit your macros (including carbs), Sleep, sleep, sleep, and sleep some more. Omega 3s are great for joint health ftr...
I'm sure it's been asked here before

What do you guys do to keep your rotator cuffs from having pain. The only thing that kind of works for me is taking really long breaks between sets, but ain't nobody got time for that sometimes.
Was just getting into the zone the last 3 weeks after being inconsistent for the last few months bc of injuries. Just re-pulled my groin. Can't get a cortisone shot bc of the location. :smh:

Not sure if I should workout through it or just rest
my in-laws just finished their home gym and they put in an AC because it's necessa in hawaii if the garage doors are closed.
Why do you need to hit the gym for back? Can you not do weighted chins/pull ups on the rack? Those, deadlifts, and pendlayrows are pretty much all you need for back.

Ive been doing 3 exercises using the latpull down machine since i started, so should i just do more sets of pull ups and more set of barbell row and ditch the lat pull down?
I've had guys tell me I can't work in when they have 5 sets left. That's fine--I get it, but when you're taking 1.5+ minutes to rest and still won't let me work in it kinda bugs me.

This and one time, dude was doing " a machine chest press" and a machine row. They were near eachother, but he was takin a long time in between both machines. I ask do you mind if i work in with him in the machine row. He said some slick S!!! "can you do the weight?"

I actually couldnt, but why say that Slick S!!! while also takin a long time? I felt i did him a courtesy even askin seein that the machine was not being used for minutes at a time.
The gym is one of those places where you start to see people's entitlement come spilling out in an instant. That bothers me a little bit more than just blind inconsideration. What I mean is, they don't mean to be inconsiderate but they have no awareness of others around them, or how they're monopolizing space or equipment. Most classic and go-to example is someone taking up a whole squat rack to curl like 65lbs.

We have actual platforms in my gym as opposed to squat racks and sometimes people treat it like their own universal gym. Have a guy that hangs ab straps up on it and does a bro-circuit of knee raises, pushups, and high-rep barbell curls for like 20 minutes straight. You need a squat rack and/or a lifting platform for exactly NONE of those exercises but he gets all worked up if someone tries to work in.
It's sort of an unwritten rule in my gym no circuit training unless you have the space and not a lot of people there to do it.

but now we have this brand new cross fit section in my gym so a lot of people migrate over there and do that stuff.
I feel bad doing standing OHP in the squat rack, if I had somewhere else to do it I would..I suppose I could power clean into an OHP, but the weights too heavy for me to do that
The gym is one of those places where you start to see people's entitlement come spilling out in an instant. That bothers me a little bit more than just blind inconsideration. What I mean is, they don't mean to be inconsiderate but they have no awareness of others around them, or how they're monopolizing space or equipment. Most classic and go-to example is someone taking up a whole squat rack to curl like 65lbs.

We have actual platforms in my gym as opposed to squat racks and sometimes people treat it like their own universal gym. Have a guy that hangs ab straps up on it and does a bro-circuit of knee raises, pushups, and high-rep barbell curls for like 20 minutes straight. You need a squat rack and/or a lifting platform for exactly NONE of those exercises but he gets all worked up if someone tries to work in.

I hate **** like that :smh:

Honestly, I would just set up the bar for squats and pretend dude wasn't there. Sometimes I'll ask if I can set up, but there are times when I just don't care and will barge in.

It's beyond inconsiderate.
lol i feel judged when i'm on my phone resting between sets - even though I use my phone for an app that tells me how much weight I need to add for my next set and gives me an alarm when my rest is over :nerd:

You're doing too much. People like you crack me up.
I hate **** like that :smh:

Honestly, I would just set up the bar for squats and pretend dude wasn't there. Sometimes I'll ask if I can set up, but there are times when I just don't care and will barge in.

It's beyond inconsiderate.

I hate waiting as much as the next guy but I don't own the place either :lol: can't walk around like "move! Your exercise habits disgust me". Yall complain about being inconsiderate and then say you also want to do or do inconsiderate things :lol:

It is what it is man. Sharing is caring
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You're doing too much. People like you crack me up.

Don't really get why. No different than dudes that have a notebook as a journal. I use an app that tracks the percentage of 1RM for whatever lift I'm doing. I'm not gonna wing it just for entitled people. It's my rest time and my workout. It's not like I'm trying to find angles for IG or texting.
I hate waiting as much as the next guy but I don't own the place either :lol: can't walk around like "move! Your exercise habits disgust me". Yall complain about being inconsiderate and then say you also want to do or do inconsiderate things :lol:

It is what it is man. Sharing is caring

It's more about what the equipment is appropriate for. It's like the rack-blocker. The guy that stands all up on top of the dumbbell rack to do his curls, or even worse, lateral raises so nobody can get in there and get a dumbbell or put one back until he's done with his set. Just take a step back so that your set doesn't impact like 5 other people.

That's how I see the curls or whatever in the squat rack. It's like standing on the treadmill during the busiest time of day when there's a line for treadmills and just doing like squats or curls on it when you can do it regardless if the equipment.
I totally get you and I AGREE, but I mean its a public place. It sucks but people are going to do what they're going to do. I've seen much worse than what you've said too :lol:

Had a dude feel the need to link benches together to lay down and do curls all while in front of the dumbbell racks :lol:

Was a golds btw
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