STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I think i'm around 20% based off of the pic but I'm pretty strong for my size.

Squat 295

Dead 320

Bench 245

I have a pretty good build, just need to lose the softness on top.
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You ever walk into a section of the gym and it smells like ****? Like someone literally took a ****.
I've read stretching prior to weight training is counterproductive. What do you fellas do for warming up, let's say before bench press or DB shoulder press for instance?
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All I do is ride the bike for 2 miles, get the blood pumping. Then warm up sets followed by working sets.

I do stretch after though
My warm ups can include any of the following: jumping Jacks, high knees, jump rope, pvc pipe work, butt kicks, dynamic stretching, rowing, jogging, foam rolling, etc.

After I do any combination of that for ten minutes, I go into static stretching and then I lift very light for maybe 5-10 minutes before building to my working sets

I'm that kind of guy that warms up really slowly. Not so sure how some people can **** around for 5 minutes and be ready to go

IMO stretching before weight training isn't counterintuitive. It's countertuitive to stretch before the heart rate goes up and you build a light sweat. Not good to stretch when you're still cold.
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I warm up on elliptical or treadmill for like 3-5 mins then full body stretching for like 5 mins and I'm ready to go :pimp:
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I usually jog half mile or bike for 7-10 min moderately. Get warm, get a little sweat goin then lite weights building up to my regular working weight...
Movement prep (handwalks, knee hug lunge, lateral lunge, reverse lunge with twist), dynamic warm up (skip,high knees,skipping) and 10-20 min of myofascial release.
I've been meaning to share this tip (or my own secret)

but for most of the year, I've been experimenting with something. so we all know pre workouts. we all know sometimes they just don't kick in enough.

anyway, what I've been doing is eating a few Lays (or just something greasy and fatty), but not a lot of em, just a few to munch on. some of us are stuck at work with nothing much after lunch, so maybe y'all can relate to munching on whatever.

so maybe a few minutes later I go into my preworkout and either the effect is sped up or amplified, but I feel juiced.

now this is the bro-est of bro science for sure, but it seems to do the trick for me. would be interesting to see if this works for any one else.

neurotransmitters and ****
well that's one way. but for people who've already eaten and what not, and just want to experiment. even empty stomach doesn't always work for me though. just really curious to see the broffect
I finally came around and getting video of myself lifting. I just wanted to test it out. It was my first set of 5X5 incline. What do you guys think? next step, get video in landscape.
Nice job, even bigger props for using that kind of incline, my gym has one and it sucks, my shoulders would pop out if I tried to touch my chest.

The angle is horrible and the bar sits way too far behind you. You basically have to shoulder press it out 
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