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Hmmm haven't really thought about a beltless cycle, I know the big dog DG implements them. Do you? I generally do all my pause squats without a belt but thats in about the 65% range.

What would you recommend? 

Yes, I do beltless stuff during deloads and I did it after my June meet. I only squated one time a week and deadlifted one time a week. My first squat day after my meet I worked up to 75% of my belted one rep max. And I did 4 or so reps and just stopped, no drop sets. The second week I sqwuated 80% of my belted one rep max for 4 or so reps. I learned quite a bit about my technique because your sticking points get much harder when you get beltless so the flaws I had in my technique became very obvious whereas a belt would essentially mask some of the flaws. You may have perfect technique though doing beltless though, in that case that should give you a lot of confidence when going back to belted stuff.

In terms of deadlift, I worked up to 4 heavy singles with sumo form(which I suck at) at ~90% of my belted one rep max sumo(I really don't know how I got so close to 100%, it's most likely because my sumo form sucks).

The next week I did the same for deadlifts, just added 10lbs.

So in summary, I did 2 weeks, 1 squat session and 1 deadlift session per week.

Dan went 4 full weeks I believe of beltless only. He went straight beastmode on it, like he was squatting upper 600's and block pulling 800+ beltless. He actually tore his oblique a couple of weeks ago doing beltless on sumo block pulls.

I think between 2 weeks and 4 weeks should be a good beltless cycle for you. The reason I stuck with 2 weeks is that I got anxious to go heavy again.

Again, it's just a suggestion, if you wanna stick with belted and feel like it would benefit you more, you should do that instead.

My 2c :smokin
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My new gym has sexier women and more tvs in the gym.

Real talk it's way to distracting.
I'm usually focused but between sports on one TV and a cute chick putting in work at the gym, it's got my head on a swivel. good thing I only did a month membership. and still have the membership to my other gym.

I gotta make these Gainz
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I finally came around and getting video of myself lifting. I just wanted to test it out. It was my first set of 5X5 incline. What do you guys think? next step, get video in landscape.
Nice job, even bigger props for using that kind of incline, my gym has one and it sucks, my shoulders would pop out if I tried to touch my chest.

The angle is horrible and the bar sits way too far behind you. You basically have to shoulder press it out 
So much this

I thought i was the only one.  Can't adjust the incline angle and its way too far back.  I hate ours
Good looks big dog I'm going to try it out. I think Id rather do a 4 week cycle and really hammer my core.

I'd like to do a little more volume though, maybe pyramid up to a heavy set of 4 or do back down sets after the top one? What you think? For squats at least.

Dan hit like 635x10 beltless didn't he?
Been lifting since high school. 27 now. I know a fair amount, practice good form, and have tried plenty of workouts. I usually do my own work out that consist of different exercises with various rep ranges but any more, i just feel lost for some reason? Like too much is never enough, or too little is too less? Any one feel me on this ?

Ive taken time off, still love liftin, and push myself harder than ever but i feel like im just wandering aimlessly...

Thinking of getting a workout journal and following a specific plan in its entirety (something i havent done in a while). Craig Capurso seem like a knowledgeable dude and has interesting training methods. His HVT (heavy volume training) 100 looks dope. Thinking of purchasing it and executing it...
What do you guys think of this apparatus? The short end rests in a barbell for support. The end of an olympic bar slides in the long part and it works like a bracket and socket for T-Bar row work. $24.99.
Hit 265 x 5 the other day doing squats trying to get up to 315 by the end of this month , btw I haven't been cheating lately but aftery workout I had some salad and tuna and drink protein shake .. 5 mins later my friend walk in with a box of pizza , one slice won't hurt right [emoji]128542[/emoji]
What do you guys think of this apparatus? The short end rests in a barbell for support. The end of an olympic bar slides in the long part and it works like a bracket and socket for T-Bar row work. $24.99.
they have this at my gym 

its cool 

Doing another semi-planned program where I work up to a good daily max (say somewhere in the 90% range, something fast and easy), then drop down and do a few sets with something in the 70-80% range (week one sets of 5, week two sets of three, week three doubles, week four pyramid down), then do two general movements (abs, forearms, upper back) and one or two secondary movements.

So like today was:


45 x20

95 x15

135 x12

185 x10

225 x10

245 x6

265 x5

285 x3

315 x2

335 x1

265 x5 (x3)

Face Pulls

a lot x a lot

Rear delt flyes

20 lbs x 30, 15, 15

Close grip bench (pause)

225 x3 (3 count)

225 x2 (5 count)

225 x1 (12 count)

is fun. am getting stronger.
Myfitnesspal is pretty dope.

I tend to overestimate my calories and this app is making me realize just how much I am overestimating...and its a lot :lol:

Im over 200-400 calories a day, I always round up and that alone adds 100-200 calories.

Anyone else use it? How accurate do you guys believe it is?
Myfitnesspal is pretty dope.

I tend to overestimate my calories and this app is making me realize just how much I am overestimating...and its a lot

Im over 200-400 calories a day, I always round up and that alone adds 100-200 calories.

Anyone else use it? How accurate do you guys believe it is?
sometimes i plug stuff in and am like no way

i had white rice with chicken and broc from the chinese spot and that ish told me it was like 578

i also had a muffin from costco and it was almost 600 

if you eat pre packaged or chain store food a lot its glourious

its also crazy to realize how great/bad a food is

like i may never F with mayo again 

but greek yogurt is a super food 
I have been using myfitnesspal for 38 days now. I dont really care to work out with weights...dont really believe in it. I simply wanted to lose 12 lbs. It is amazing how well it has worked. I eat wtv i want and just try to stay under my cal limit (1560). Dropped 8 real pounds. So much better (and i believe.healthier) than eating 3k calories and burning 1k with a workout.

All i do is hoop hard on sundays. Let my body rest the rest of the week, except for Jump rope, pushups, pullups on wed.

Gonna look good, be able to hoop into my 60's, live 80+ functionally.
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