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Do you guys weigh your food? Im too lazy to weigh my food and count macros on the MyFitnessPal app. I used to
If it only flares up when you bench then I would suggest working on your form. More than likely you flare your elbows out too much. A good mental cue I like to use to avoid this is act as if your trying to literally bend the bar when its descending. This helped me a lot.
Thats the thing, I always take a clear conscience effort to tuck my elbows in. This may just be a chronic thing for me.

How does 5x5 work again? Its that Rippletoe workout or whatever right?

Yeah grip plays a huge role. I see so many dudes grip the bar wayyyyyy too wide when they bench. Unless your just naturally a wide dude, your not gonna be gripping it with your fingers on the rings. That takes tons of practice over time by moving your grip out slightly.

Ive worked a lot on my bench form and finally have a set up that I like. I can stay tight throughout the whole lift now and don't have my feet move at all. Hardest thing for me is getting a good arch, I have an alright one but it could be a lot better.

Most people have no idea what scapula retraction even is lol

Wot? Srs?

I have t-rex arms and that would feel more like a close-grip bench than a "normal" one
i was actually agreeing with you
I know bro! Repped.
Thats the thing, I always take a clear conscience effort to tuck my elbows in. This may just be a chronic thing for me.

How does 5x5 work again? Its that Rippletoe workout or whatever right?
Yeah I hear you, it just takes time. 

The origin of 5x5 is starting strength but I tell anyone looking to add weight to their compound lifts to use that rep scheme. Its literally fool proof.
Wot? Srs?

I have t-rex arms and that would feel more like a close-grip bench than a "normal" one
Well obviously everyone is built differently but the guys I see with long arms grip too wide and flare their elbows way out. Even if you do have long arms, a lot of grip width has to do with shoulder width and most lanky guys aren't very wide. But Im speaking from a strength/PL perspective though, if you have good form and can get stronger with a wide grip then by all means use it. Its best anyway for PL because it shortens the ROM and lets you move more weight.
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That American Muscle show did not go over well with the strength/performance coach community lol. I missed it, anybody watch?
That American Muscle show did not go over well with the strength/performance coach community lol. I missed it, anybody watch?

I liked it, wasnt in it for the actual working ojt part, just for the entertainment value. Whenever a show has something thats I have a personal interest in (Inkmaster for example) I tend to be highly entertained no matter the quality of it.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately fam, been going through some crazy ****. Hit PR of 440 Raw deadlift yesterday, weighing in at around 180. Felt damn good to get that up with just my own grip strength. 
decided to see my regular doc cause this damn trigger finger has been irritating and i wanted to see what he thought. told him the on-call doc told me to take ibu and my doc was pissed. he said to stop taking the ibu and he gave me a cortisone shot on the upper part of my palm. yikes that kinda hurt. feels a little better after one day.
also finally have the cookies and cream quest bar. probably my fav, the fact that i paid $3 for it and inhaled it in honestly 30 seconds :smh:
also finally have the cookies and cream quest bar. probably my fav, the fact that i paid $3 for it and inhaled it in honestly 30 seconds :smh:


I was so close to getting Cookies and Cream but it looked like they company was advertising the Peanut butter more so I went with them.

they have a good deal on

buy 3, get 1 free.
also finally have the cookies and cream quest bar. probably my fav, the fact that i paid $3 for it and inhaled it in honestly 30 seconds :smh:


I was so close to getting Cookies and Cream but it looked like they company was advertising the Peanut butter more so I went with them.

they have a good deal on

buy 3, get 1 free.

i had the peanut butter and it was delicious as hell

would be cool to find em for cheap but im not trying to do bars for the time being. its like candy bars for me, an easy 400 calories but whats good is for the size of the bar and the flavor i dont think any other bars come close in the sugar department.
^ Samesies


Just had one for the first time ever. It's meh. Should've known this being NT that you guys hype everything up for no reason.

I guess these will be nice for hikes. Macros are nice though and I can appreciate the chunks of real unsweetened chocolate
they arent that good which is why i said it, sure the first bar is nice but after that they get stale real quick. the other flavors are trash,

cookie dough, cinnamon roll, and cookies and cream are the only good ones even then meh.

if you get em for cheap then enjoy but i see dudes buying 5+ boxes at $25 a box :lol:
The taste and nutrition make it a great protein bar. Only negative is the price, but if you can get them for cheaper, they're golden.
I actually might do that today, as today is chest day for me, but I want to get stronger on the barbell. My max is 185, ******* terrible :wow: :x

Eat more


Thank me later
I should of check NT before I went to the gym, I will def do this on my next chest day. Far as eat more, do you mean before I lift (pre-meal), or just in general? Because right now I'm on a cut.
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