STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

dunno about stupid but yeah, i can't see the point of aggravating a dislocation unless it's a professional athlete in an important competition. was there a trainer or coach endorsing that decision? doesn't seem like a good idea.

Manning the !@#$ up =/= Stupidity

I don't see how you can even do any pressing movement with a dislocated wrist.

dunno about stupid but yeah, i can't see the point of aggravating a dislocation unless it's a professional athlete in an important competition. was there a trainer or coach endorsing that decision? doesn't seem like a good idea.

Manning the !@#$ up =/= Stupidity

I don't see how you can even do any pressing movement with a dislocated wrist.


Thus. I don't have anything against CF, but statements like that are stupid. You're encouraging someone to aggravate an injury.

That's also why I understand why CF gets the ridicule it does.
Thus. I don't have anything against CF, but statements like that are stupid. You're encouraging someone to aggravate an injury.

That's also why I understand why CF gets the ridicule it does.

Obviously with a dislocated wrist she wasn't coming down on that hand at all....

Use common sense guys, I dislocated my own wrist a couple of months back, rested it for a week, put on a brace and got back to work at the box slowly....all the stretches and scaled down excersices I believe helped me heal faster and with more mobility than if I just sat on it.
Got in a scuffle with my friend over the weekend. Have a nice shiner, but the thing that's worse is we went flying to the ground and now my ribs/abs are pretty sore. Probably going to mess up this whole week
That sounds stupid on her part and yours for supporting it. It's a ******g injury man, leave your ego outta that.

Not if you are not using that hand fam....let me ask you....if you sprain your ankle...would you stop all gym activity till you heal?
Obviously not what your statement implies with addressing injury then the "man up" gesture, otherwise anyone else would've picked up on that.
That sounds stupid on her part and yours for supporting it. It's a ******g injury man, leave your ego outta that.

Not if you are not using that hand fam....let me ask you....if you sprain your ankle...would you stop all gym activity till you heal?

Like Mark Antony said steez,

Your ambiguous statement of a woman doing burpees with a dislocated wrist lead to a lot of misunderstanding...

And in answer to your statement, I would definitely go to the gym with a sprained ankle, but definitely put leg exercises on the shelf until 75-80% recovery. I'd rather not train 1 leg and have a chance that the injured one lag in any way, shape,or form.

It all depends on the severity of injury too. I dislocated my shoulder and I was entirely out of the gym for a month or so...
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Obviously that post shoulda came along with a smiley emoji so that no jimmies are rustled....all them bech presses and arm curls got ya feeling all sorts of sensitive.

Ya can make jokes and throw jabs about Crossfit, but I can throw a slight jab about someone working out with an injury because you guys get upset...ease up fellas
I actually think it's a little more manly to train your mind to avoid hero worshipping of yourself and not doing military presses through your arm sling. If you can win a battle with yourself, that's impressive.

Looks like another one of those days eh?

Yeah bro ksteezy just take the L. You seem to be shooting from the hip. Had you said "hey crossfit has taught me to work around my injuries and strengthen other parts of my body while not actually pushing the injury" I think there'd be no jimmy rustling. Why do you love that phrase anyway? But yeah just can't be trying to instigate every other day man.
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With dumbells? 


Stop fueling the fire its not worth it.

You asking me? mean to tell me you never heard I a clean and jerk with a dumbell?....I doubt a woman is bringing a 90lb dumbell from ground to overhead simply off the strength of her arms and shoulders.

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Obviously that post shoulda came along with a smiley emoji so that no jimmies are rustled....all them bech presses and arm curls got ya feeling all sorts of sensitive.

Ya can make jokes and throw jabs about Crossfit, but I can throw a slight jab about someone working out with an injury because you guys get upset...ease up fellas
You are a straight female no doubt about it now.
You asking me? mean to tell me you never heard I a clean and jerk with a dumbell?....I doubt a woman is bringing a 90lb dumbell from ground to overhead simply off the strength of her arms and shoulders.
Why because your weak and can't do it?
Don't be a cornball, no one was upset or "rustled" by that. Relax. I swear it's like clockwork when dudes fairly new to working out start to hit their stride they start acting up, word to Lucky.

I mean you got dudes tambout a decapitated man doing back squats as if what I said was even remotely's obvious you guys are extremely sensitive when it comes to opening up about any type of regimen that's not bodybuilding...specially Crossfit.
Y'know, I only see one dude being sensitive here. Feeling his beloved cross fit is being attacked when it's barely been addressed, Instead of manning up for the working out with injury misunderstanding.

I used to work at the Central Square BSC and I had a membership at Golds Gym in East Cambridge. I lived in Inman square so they were both the same distance to my house but in different directions.

I work at Equinox in the Back Bay now and I live in Jamaica Plain. I still haven't seen one gym in JP since I moved there over the summer so I don't know. Gotta wait and see anyway, there's a chance I'll have to move in the next couple months again. :/

Got in a good lower body workout yesterday though so I'm not doing too bad.
Took a little bit of time off of working out, started crossfit back up last week. 


About to go get my *** kicked again here in 30 min. 

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