STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I know that life at the on post gyms, waiting for them to finish crossfit, aerobics, combatives training, volleyball, change of command ceremonies, or any other lame thing on the court so we can hoop :rolleyes Some gyms/instructors just to be spiteful would still do things like take up the entire full court even though they only have 3 users, or even stagger their lineup across 2 courts on purpose. Getting kicked out for dunking too :x
I know that life at the on post gyms, waiting for them to finish crossfit, aerobics, combatives training, volleyball, change of command ceremonies, or any other lame thing on the court so we can hoop
Some gyms/instructors just to be spiteful would still do things like take up the entire full court even though they only have 3 users, or even stagger their lineup across 2 courts on purpose. Getting kicked out for dunking too
They Put Down The Divider So you those that hoop back there still have half court and the other side is fully padded for the bumper plates.  they put Stop signs in there for those who try to go back to the crossfit side when there are no classes going on.. Worst part in the morning is when we hoopin and  7-10 fat bodies stop us saying they reserved the court to do some BS pt (pushups/situps/) when its cold outside.. I be like go use the aerobics room fat boy!! SMH
Btw my apologies....won't hear me utter the word CROSSFIT in this thread again...I don't want to be labeled a troll, I know how annoying it is to deal with one in the DB I truly apologize.

I dont usually stop in this thread too often, I am confused as to why a Xfiter is a troll in here? I Xfit, and thats the biggest joke ever. Crossfit athletes are BY FAR more in shape OVERALL than a regular lifter.

I noticed someone posted a .GIF saying 'I play real sports, exercising isnt my sport" or some ISH like that, soooo, you are good at one sport, through endurance a crossfitter will be better than you at 8 out of 10 sports... taking into consideration we are talking about regular people not professional athletes.

I see guys at the gym all the time who only work out half their body etc, and thats VERY common in lifting, that will never be the case in XFIT, just not possible.

Its a real movement, like a hitched clean press I believe. The people are just performing it with awful form.

i need to google that because i just cant imagine doing a clean with a mix grip, the end position of a clean is the rack position with your elbows can you properly go through the mechanics with your hands facing in opposite directions?....*** sounds while complicated and i cant imagine what the benefits are...
:lol: and :smh:

Big knock on Crossfit HQ is they don't "police" their affiliates or have actual guidelines. They've adopted a "cream will rise" mentality in which good boxes will rise to the top and the ****** ones will fail.

Wouldn't even try that movement on my own with good form frankly because I just don't see a point in it. Only use a hitch grip when I go above 315 on DL.

Might switch up from 5x5 to PPL, the L part will be tough though. Since legs are used every workout. I'll figure something out.
I dont usually stop in this thread too often, I am confused as to why a Xfiter is a troll in here? I Xfit, and thats the biggest joke ever. Crossfit athletes are BY FAR more in shape OVERALL than a regular lifter.

I noticed someone posted a .GIF saying 'I play real sports, exercising isnt my sport" or some ISH like that, soooo, you are good at one sport, through endurance a crossfitter will be better than you at 8 out of 10 sports... taking into consideration we are talking about regular people not professional athletes.

I see guys at the gym all the time who only work out half their body etc, and thats VERY common in lifting, that will never be the case in XFIT, just not possible.


its a lost case in here bro, best to try and stay away from that topic....we do have a thread in the sports & training section thanks to the homie BIGBOSS :pimp:
I opened up a blink membership for my wife...I can come as a guest for only 20$ this joint sucks I know that, but paying 200$ a month for my other workout, I can't really jump into an 80$+ contract for another

Figure I can just lift dumb bells....but the douchery going on in

blink sucks, is just like planet fitness. you should look into la fitness, ballys or powerhouse. they all should have specials going on right now. and are in the yonkers area
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Man. I guess I'm lucky and spoiled because my gym (I also work there) is cross fit and none of the members are this stereotypical. It's only in this thread that I've come across the whole "were 10 times better than you" stuff. I've done it and it is fun and all. But I must say its sort of hilarious that people could be feeling themselves on a hunnid thousand after finishing Elements. I would hope we could use this thread to cover everything, just check the egos.

Its a real movement, like a hitched clean press I believe. The people are just performing it with awful form.

i need to google that because i just cant imagine doing a clean with a mix grip, the end position of a clean is the rack position with your elbows can you properly go through the mechanics with your hands facing in opposite directions?....*** sounds while complicated and i cant imagine what the benefits are...

It's called a continental clean actually.
It's a pretty common movement in Strongman circles, especially when one is working with axles as opposed to a normal bar. I think it's also done a fair amount when log-pressing.

As you can see from the following Poundstone video, it's a pretty awkward movement even when pros are doing it. I don't see why it needs to be taught in a beginning Crossfit class.

As you can see from the following Poundstone video, it's a pretty awkward movement even when pros are doing it. I don't see why it needs to be taught in a beginning Crossfit class.



That just looks aweful man :x :x

So what are the benefits?...that whole switching grips halfway through the motion makes no sense to me, I thought a clean was one motion from the ground to the rack position...
Axle cleans. We do them once in a while at our box. It's pretty awkward once it gets heavy. I'm not sure what the benefit of them are, but I personally don't like doing them that much. Whatever coach is allowing them to clean like that in the video should be ashamed. The way we were instructed to axle clean looks NOTHING like that.
That just looks aweful man :x :x

So what are the benefits?...that whole switching grips halfway through the motion makes no sense to me, I thought a clean was one motion from the ground to the rack position...
It's a variation on the clean. Same idea of a front squat being a variation on what's traditionally referred to as the squat. Variations on movements aren't illegitimate if they're used in the proper context.

I think the reason people generally use them in strongman events is to allow them to clean an axle (fat bar) which it appears is what's being used in the Albany Crossfit video. I don't think it's possible to do a strict olympic clean off the floor with an axle, especially at a heavy weight (like the 400 lbs that Poundstone is working with).

I think it's also a more effective/functional way to get a certain amount of weight from point a (the floor) to point b (the front rack position). I imagine the power output required is less than that of a traditional clean. So it's useful in strongman contexts when they're doing AMRAP of a certain weight log/axle. I think if you're applying it in a purely functional context i.e. lifting something heavy off the ground it and putting it on a shelf that's about eye level. It's easier to get it up with a continental clean approach, i.e. you lifting it to your waste and then up, as opposed to one motion.

A lot of strongman lifts are very functional in that they're the most efficient ways of dealing with heavy objects. I'd venture a guess that of all strength-related sports, it's by far the most "functional", sorry Rich Fronning.
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