STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

5 degrees up in nyc :x . i love having to work on days like this. because i have no choice but to get up in the morning and head to work. after that going to the gym is easy.
That pre-workout make my head can have that. Finally got up to work the chest and shoulders out at the gym. Tomorrow arms.

Remember water for healthy muscles and Leg days are important in working out fellas.
I finally did close grip bench(w/ curve bar) it felt great. Going to add that to the routine.
Just bought a lifetime supply of oxy elite pro, trynna get cut like a paper snowflake
Lifted weights for the first time in 2 years, I haven't been able to move my arms and my chest has been real sore for 3 days now, is that normal or do I need to get this looked at
Lifted weights for the first time in 2 years, I haven't been able to move my arms and my chest has been real sore for 3 days now, is that normal or do I need to get this looked at

Normal. Stick with it and about a week or two ago the everyday soreness will minimize. Unless it's the legs then you should anticipate the DOMS.
Lifted weights for the first time in 2 years, I haven't been able to move my arms and my chest has been real sore for 3 days now, is that normal or do I need to get this looked at


youre good bruh. just tak it easy and keep working out, it will subside
Trolololol w my gym fit

Had my best work out in the new gym yesterday. Did legs....but stopped caring. One squat in...used it for 30 mins....sorry but i love to squat. Then did walking lunges with ez-bar on back across the gym.....didn't care....stiff leg deadlift with DBs twisting at the bottom to spread lats....did them in the middle of the gym because there is 0 room on the padded floor. I am normally very gym courteous about space and equiptment....but when there are so many people there....and 80% don't know what they are doing...yesterday i was just like eff it im doing what i want to do and not letting people stop me.

Back still a little sore, didn't go heavy heavy, so squatted

Bar - 10 reps
135 - 10 reps
185 - 6 reps
225 - 6 reps
275 - 5 reps
275 - 5 reps
275 - 5 reps
225 - 5 reps
135 - 10 reps

I normally will get up to 315lbs for 2 working sets of 3-5 reps...but decided to just stay at 275 and try to go high reps. Hadn't done walking lunges in a while...did a bunch glutes....they are sore.....cringe when i sit on the toilet....pause

off day today....back at it thursday
beast mode with the squats...hope I can get on that level some day...I love doing them
You left coast and southern weather spoiled sissy pants know nothing about dedication to exercise until you decide to go somewhere and you've got more fingertips than there are degrees F. :lol:

But really though, its really cold outside. I normally hesitate to say that its cold outside in the winter but even I have to admit this is bad.

My first sentence also applies to education/going to classes.

You guys want to try living in England, always damn cold here :lol:
Had my best work out in the new gym yesterday. Did legs....but stopped caring. One squat in...used it for 30 mins....sorry but i love to squat. Then did walking lunges with ez-bar on back across the gym.....didn't care....stiff leg deadlift with DBs twisting at the bottom to spread lats....did them in the middle of the gym because there is 0 room on the padded floor. I am normally very gym courteous about space and equiptment....but when there are so many people there....and 80% don't know what they are doing...yesterday i was just like eff it im doing what i want to do and not letting people stop me.
I love to squat as well brothren. I could do them all day. Just something about putting the bar on your back and going to war.

I used to only squat for legs, I really think if you push your self then its all you need for lower body. Now some peoples calves are a different story.
When I max out on dead lifts I sometimes feel like I'm going to &*^% my intestines out or get a hemorrhoid or something. Am I tightening up the wrong muscles throughout the movement?
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Work on strengthening your core some more, but regardless when you max out you'll have that feeling lol

It's called "maxing" out for a reason.

Pushing your body and muscles to its fullest potential at that given moment.
Deadlifted 435x3 yesterday for a new 3RM. I weigh 195 so hopefully I will be able to crack 500 in the next couple of months.
I need some good WODs for arms and chest
21-15-9 reps of:

Handstand push-ups

Ring dips


Volkswagen variations from CFFB.

My chest wanted to explode after this one:


Bench Press at bodyweight


Weighted Pullups 25lbs
you know you're maxing out on deadlifts when you see some tweety birds. :pimp:

videos for the lulz

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