Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Today's WOD...

As many rounds in 20 minutes as possible:
- 10 kettlebell swings (24kg kettlebell; kettlebell must go above your head)
- 10 pushups (chest to floor/arms locked out)
- 10 double-unders
- 10 sit-ups

Did this about 90 minutes ago, took a cold shower, and I'm still sweating and jacked up.
Originally Posted by iMixedi

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by lazybonejone

Bench Press
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 6
175 x 6
185 x 4

I am weighing in at about 170lbs, and stand at about 6 feet, but got some monkey arms. Is there a way to get my bench press up? Trying to do 2 plates, but never got over 200.
bumping your post cause im EXACTLY the same, wondering if theres anything that can really improve my bench

There are many ways to improve bench weight. Once I found out your legs contribute to your benching I started working my legs and found that your lower body enhances the ability to push more upper body weight. Then, there's your upper body muscles that are worked indirectly that effect your bench strength like your traps, shoulders, triceps. Those are the main muscles that accommodate bench strength, so I would work on those first and focus on benching secondly.

Once I started deadlifting, I've noticed my bench increased.
I've started deadlifting, but stick to 135.  I'll move the weight up; same with squats.  I usually stick to a weight and work on explosion and speed.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Today's WOD...

As many rounds in 20 minutes as possible:
- 10 kettlebell swings (24kg kettlebell; kettlebell must go above your head)
- 10 pushups (chest to floor/arms locked out)
- 10 double-unders
- 10 sit-ups

Did this about 90 minutes ago, took a cold shower, and I'm still sweating and jacked up.

I want to try this, but what are double unders??
Just got my ON Whey Double Rich Chocolate in the mail.

Anyone have any good shake ideas or a website that has them?

My gym has a good one, which is:
- Milk
- Ice/Water
- Bananas
- Peanut Butter

Anyone else?
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Today's WOD...

As many rounds in 20 minutes as possible:

- 10 kettlebell swings (24kg kettlebell; kettlebell must go above your head)

- 10 pushups (chest to floor/arms locked out)

- 10 double-unders

- 10 sit-ups

Did this about 90 minutes ago, took a cold shower, and I'm still sweating and jacked up.

I want to try this, but what are double unders??

Jump rope but make sure the rope goes under your feet twice in one jump.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just got my ON Whey Double Rich Chocolate in the mail.

Anyone have any good shake ideas or a website that has them?

My gym has a good one, which is:
- Milk
- Ice/Water
- Bananas
- Peanut Butter

Anyone else?
Add some fat free yogurt...

Im still confused on whether on I should bulk up like 10 lbs or just stay at my weight and just try to get cut... Im 5'9 146 lbs BTW, any ideas?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Sais 9mm

This has been pretty much my intake right now I don't know If i'm Oding.

For the last two weeks
Wake up protein shake 6 am ON mix %!*
2 hours later oatmeal 8 am
2 hours later almonds n fruit or anything that isnt junk cuz i get hungry again 10 am
hour later Muscle Milk 11 am 32 grams
Gym workout 12pm
1:00pm Myoplex RTD just been trying the Monster Milk 42 gram protein
3:00 Subway Wrap (which doesnt have whole wheat wraps btw Quiznos dont either) I'm in Manhattan Roast beef spicy Mustard Spinach
6;00 pm hour or two later. some home cooked food. Mostly chicken and brown rice. could be other meat too
10 or 11 another ON nution drink with milk then go to sleep

5 days a week

Wow. That's a lot of protein. Why are you lacking on the whole foods? You trying to lost weight?

Nah I'm not even , when I looked at it today I was like oh shoot mad protein. Gotta bring it down. Schedule is hectic and Im constantly on the move so i just been throwing them back. Going to cut it down to two shakes before i get gout or some @%*.  
Originally Posted by lazybonejone

Originally Posted by iMixedi

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by lazybonejone

Bench Press
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 6
175 x 6
185 x 4

I am weighing in at about 170lbs, and stand at about 6 feet, but got some monkey arms. Is there a way to get my bench press up? Trying to do 2 plates, but never got over 200.
bumping your post cause im EXACTLY the same, wondering if theres anything that can really improve my bench

There are many ways to improve bench weight. Once I found out your legs contribute to your benching I started working my legs and found that your lower body enhances the ability to push more upper body weight. Then, there's your upper body muscles that are worked indirectly that effect your bench strength like your traps, shoulders, triceps. Those are the main muscles that accommodate bench strength, so I would work on those first and focus on benching secondly.

Once I started deadlifting, I've noticed my bench increased.
I've started deadlifting, but stick to 135.  I'll move the weight up; same with squats.  I usually stick to a weight and work on explosion and speed.
If you're doing 185x4 for your 5th set then your first 3 sets are literally a waste of energy and time. Your grouping should be something like 170, 175, 180, 185 for 5-6 reps. If you're looking just to get stronger than anything over 6 reps is not necessary and you should incorporate doubles and triples into your training.

The goal ( when training for strentgh) at every training session is to use your energy as efficiently as possible.  We're only good for about 45-60 minutes of anaerobic activity (maybe 15-20 minutes of actual weightlifting). The goal is to lift the greatest total poundage that you can while fully completing your set x rep scheme.

For example. A few days ago I did heavy deadlift for 5 sets of triples. The last 2 reps of the 5th set I barely completed.I waslked away feeling lucky that I didn't strain anything.
I was happy because that told me that my weight distribution for the 5 sets was pretty dead on. Sometimes I'll go in to the last set and it's a bit too easy. After it I feel that I can do at least 1 or maybe even 2 more sets at that weight. That's a problem because that means that I could've gone heavier for those previous 5 sets.
Is it normal to be able to squat more than you can deadlift?

A few years ago I could deadlift about 60 pounds more than I could squat but I'm now at a point where I can squat for reps the same amount of weight that is my 1 rep max for deadlifts.

That doesn't seem right to me.

Also, how do you guys warm up before benching heavy? In the past I'd rep really light weights maybe 30 times before moving up but I felt that this was a waste of energy. Recently I've been doing 5-rep sets as a warm up (15 reps total) until I get to the amount of weight which I could only do 4-5 times however I feel like I'm not properly warmed up after doing this.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Is it normal to be able to squat more than you can deadlift?

A few years ago I could deadlift about 60 pounds more than I could squat but I'm now at a point where I can squat for reps the same amount of weight that is my 1 rep max for deadlifts.
Not the norm usually.
The dead lift utilizes many more muscles than the squat. In deadlifting most people have trouble have trouble initially getting the weight off of the floor and not with the lockout. Try training platform deadlift for 6-8 weeks. Maybe you just have a sticking point off of the floor.

Also, how do you guys warm up before benching heavy? In the past I'drep really light weights maybe 30 times before moving up but I feltthat this was a waste of energy. Recently I've been doing 5-rep sets asa warm up (15 reps total) until I get to the amount of weight which Icould only do 4-5 times however I feel like I'm not properly warmed upafter doing

My warm ups is. 5 minutes stretching with bands then 2 reps each with bar, 95, 135, 185, 225. The first rep of the 2 I bring the bar down and keep it there for 5-10 seconds just to stretch the rotator muscles out. the 2 rep I do for speed I guess in that I rep it as fast as I can.

You don't want to be wasting much energy warming up.
Team i'm on in IM bball got $@!*%!* scraped today. Any of you guys ballin 3-4x a week and lifting as well? I really don't wanna lose mass though....
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 My warm ups is. 5 minutes stretching with bands then 2 reps each with bar, 95, 135, 185, 225. The first rep of the 2 I bring the bar down and keep it there for 5-10 seconds just to stretch the rotator muscles out. the 2 rep I do for speed I guess in that I rep it as fast as I can.

You don't want to be wasting much energy warming up.
this is interesting, i'm gonna try that out.

and a big amen to the second part.....can't tell you how many people i work out with who do four sets of 8-12 before their heaviest (and last) set and i just shake my head. they refuse to change so i don't say anything anymore but a little common sense would go a long way for them. 

oh and staxx i just saw your post i'll hit you up tomorrow,  it's late i'm about to pass out.
To lower my body fat how much should I be running? I lift about an an hour/hour and a half and I run about 30 minutes at incline 1 / 7mph..

weren't even that heavy and for one rep??
....sons lucky them dumbells were rubber though

still im always woozy after deadlifting...have to drop into the


position (nh)
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

To lower my body fat how much should I be running? I lift about an an hour/hour and a half and I run about 30 minutes at incline 1 / 7mph..

to lower bodyfat its about 80% diet 20% workout.
edit: damn made 2 replies
I've been lurking this threat but have a question. Looking to drop my weight 5'11 @ 227. I've been eating healthier cut out all the sugar (not even the occasionally soda/iced teas) and trying to spread it into 5-6 meals a day. What should my (or a guesstimate range) calorie intake look like for a day? I'm active on my bike 3 times a week, play touch football once/twice a week and lifting the dumbbells I have. I was thinking between 1600-2000. Is this a reasonable range, should I be looking at less/more? Any input is greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

I've been lurking this threat but have a question. Looking to drop my weight 5'11 @ 227. I've been eating healthier cut out all the sugar (not even the occasionally soda/iced teas) and trying to spread it into 5-6 meals a day. What should my (or a guesstimate range) calorie intake look like for a day? I'm active on my bike 3 times a week, play touch football once/twice a week and lifting the dumbbells I have. I was thinking between 1600-2000. Is this a reasonable range, should I be looking at less/more? Any input is greatly appreciated.

Don't worry about counting calories, atleast not yet. Just make sure that you're eating healthy and try to exercise everyday. Whether it be a run, resistance training, playing sports, etc., but try to do something everyday. When you start having trouble losing fat, then cut back on the calories.
Here's a good video about counting calories for those interested in a varying approach:

Interesting article about fat consumption and body fat composition:
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