Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Belts are only good for max squats and deadlifts.  Anything else and youre doing more harm than creating a benefit.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.
OD in terms of what? Meaning it will make you too bigger than you want to be???

Is that you in your avatar? If so, what ab workouts would you recommend?

Yeah. I think if I take supplements I'll explode and be bigger than I want. And yeah that's me. 
Lurkin- I was going to try creatine, but you know I'm short son. 

My friend told me I would be huge if I did. I don't wanna be that little brolic dude you know. 
Being sick FTL!!! I'm dying here. Not only could I not train the past two days and probably tomorrow as well, I had to cancel 5 sessions today. Must have caught something, I was up all night getting sick.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.
OD in terms of what? Meaning it will make you too bigger than you want to be???

Is that you in your avatar? If so, what ab workouts would you recommend?

Yeah. I think if I take supplements I'll explode and be bigger than I want. And yeah that's me. 
Lurkin- I was going to try creatine, but you know I'm short son. My friend told me I would be huge if I did. I don't wanna be that little brolic dude you know. 

What I was thinking about trying was H2H to grow a little taller though. Anyone ever try this? 

I am trying to get to your size in your avy.. I also do not want to be brolic.

My Whey is set to be delivered today, so hopefully I get some good results..

What would you recommend for ab exercises?
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.
OD in terms of what? Meaning it will make you too bigger than you want to be???

Is that you in your avatar? If so, what ab workouts would you recommend?

Yeah. I think if I take supplements I'll explode and be bigger than I want. And yeah that's me. 
Lurkin- I was going to try creatine, but you know I'm short son. My friend told me I would be huge if I did. I don't wanna be that little brolic dude you know. 

What I was thinking about trying was H2H to grow a little taller though. Anyone ever try this? 

Congrats to you bro. I hope to be where you're at one day where I don't wanna get any bigger.
bro you cant grow taller using supps unless youre 14 and inject hgh

also creatine is far from a miracle, you wil not get "too big." it just lets you lift a little more. a little. try it out.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

bro you cant grow taller using supps unless youre 14 and inject hgh

also creatine is far from a miracle, you wil not get "too big." it just lets you lift a little more. a little. try it out.
Couldn't agree more. Let's not be afraid to get big now
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

bro you cant grow taller using supps unless youre 14 and inject hgh

also creatine is far from a miracle, you wil not get "too big." it just lets you lift a little more. a little. try it out.
Couldn't agree more. Let's not be afraid to get big now

I'm short though. 
 And I need schooling on all these supplements. Joe, pm me. It won't let me go to your page for some reason? 
Laying down straight on your back and lifting your feet 6 inches off the ground. 
Hold it for about a 30-45 seconds starting off. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

wow you guys dont eat much im on a cut and my breakfast is bigger then your days intake
believe me man youre def not alone

then dudeswonder why they dont see gains or quick to tell somebody "they are onsomething" when they just dont take in enough food to see anyimprovement. 

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

My lineup for today

PB on 2 slices of multigrain toast

Oatmeal w/Milled Flaxseed

Large Gala Apple


Turkey on Multigrain. Hummus, Avacado spread; Lettuce; Tomato


After that I am not sure because I won't be home
I would assume that I was one of the folks you were referring to.

What do you think I should add to my routine? What is it lacking?

Ipersonally don't wonder why I don't see gains. Others might, but I amdamn near where I want to be. Of course the pursuit of perfection isalways there but I never question why I don't get gains.

If someone can help me out here I would appreciate it. I took it from the Eating thread. Any advice will be appreciated
What does everyone use to weigh themselves? I'm using a digital one but it's bugging outb on me. First it tells me I'm 168.5 then it tells me 175.5 when I get back on to confirm. I can't trust it so I don't know if I'm losing weight or not
This has been pretty much my intake right now I don't know If i'm Oding.

For the last two weeks
Wake up protein shake 6 am ON mix %!*
2 hours later oatmeal 8 am
2 hours later almonds n fruit or anything that isnt junk cuz i get hungry again 10 am
hour later Muscle Milk 11 am 32 grams
Gym workout 12pm
1:00pm Myoplex RTD just been trying the Monster Milk 42 gram protein
3:00 Subway Wrap (which doesnt have whole wheat wraps btw Quiznos dont either) I'm in Manhattan Roast beef spicy Mustard Spinach
6;00 pm hour or two later. some home cooked food. Mostly chicken and brown rice. could be other meat too
10 or 11 another ON nution drink with milk then go to sleep

5 days a week

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

My lineup for today

PB on 2 slices of multigrain toast+ 4 egg whites+ Oatmeal/ Flaxseed

Oatmeal w/Milled Flaxseed Protein Shake+ Yogurt (or another small fruit sub, maybe an apple)

Large Gala Apple  Turkey on Multi. Hummus, Avacado spead, Lettuce, Tomato


Post work out shake.

Turkey on Multigrain. Hummus, Avacado spread; Lettuce; Tomato

4:30 ??

Dinner ??

If someone can help me out here I would appreciate it. I took it from the Eating thread. Any advice will be appreciated

I don't know what your goals are, height, weight, etc. But I would make those changes. I would make them for gains as your main goal. What are you trying to accomplish? More info?
Originally Posted by Sais 9mm

This has been pretty much my intake right now I don't know If i'm Oding.

For the last two weeks
Wake up protein shake 6 am ON mix %!*
2 hours later oatmeal 8 am
2 hours later almonds n fruit or anything that isnt junk cuz i get hungry again 10 am
hour later Muscle Milk 11 am 32 grams
Gym workout 12pm
1:00pm Myoplex RTD just been trying the Monster Milk 42 gram protein
3:00 Subway Wrap (which doesnt have whole wheat wraps btw Quiznos dont either) I'm in Manhattan Roast beef spicy Mustard Spinach
6;00 pm hour or two later. some home cooked food. Mostly chicken and brown rice. could be other meat too
10 or 11 another ON nution drink with milk then go to sleep

5 days a week

Wow. That's a lot of protein. Why are you lacking on the whole foods? You trying to lost weight?
LOL Yea I eat after 4:30. I made that initial thread in the AM. I didn't know what I was going to eat after work (4:30)

I want to look like Bruce Lee. I am 5'10; 165. Trying to get my body fat % down. I am around 13% right now. Might be lower now since I have been killing it for the last month. Been working out for about 8 years now. Always been in shape.

Just trying to get super duper looper cut.
im 6'3 and like 165lbs, im trying to put on a good 15-20lbs by spring, i always worked out but nothin major and i never used any supplements, whats a good one to start out with, i cant put on weight for ****
r.i.p. to me. i pulled my back or blew it out or something im in soo much pain i cant work out for a couple weeks. take me out coach!
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