Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Vancity74

i3allistic wrote:

should i be taking protein shakes if i wanna get cut up? i've gained 40lb within the last 7 years now 205lb but i wanna get back down to 190-195lb

Yes. Consume more calories if you're trying to cut.

Hey guys, should I be eating a Big Mac if I'm trying to cut from 220 to 205?
Yeah because it's impossible to take protein shakes while lowering your calorie count
You sound angry for no reason

Why would you lower your caloric intake coming from REAL food and replace it with protein powder?

Sometimes I question the IQ of the average NT poster. It's gonna be under 100.

I was wondering, should I do the insanity workout or HIIT or both? I go to the gym 4-5 days a week to lift and my goals are to get down to 6% BF 5'10 175[currently at 12]

Just wanted to know which would get the fat off quicker.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Vancity74

i3allistic wrote:

should i be taking protein shakes if i wanna get cut up? i've gained 40lb within the last 7 years now 205lb but i wanna get back down to 190-195lb

Yes. Consume more calories if you're trying to cut.

Hey guys, should I be eating a Big Mac if I'm trying to cut from 220 to 205?
Yeah because it's impossible to take protein shakes while lowering your calorie count
You sound angry for no reason

Why would you lower your caloric intake coming from REAL food and replace it with protein powder?

Sometimes I question the IQ of the average NT poster. It's gonna be under 100.

Why wouldn't he drink protein shakes? Protein shakes are VITAL in gaining muscle mass efficiently. Most whey shake brands are low-cal/high protein anyways.What you should be telling him is to take protein shakes after every work out and just fix his diet to take in a lower caloric intake daily. But judging fromyour other posts, you know nothing about gaining, cutting, or weight lifting for that matter. Get off your high horse bro.
Originally Posted by werdnak

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Vancity74

i3allistic wrote:

should i be taking protein shakes if i wanna get cut up? i've gained 40lb within the last 7 years now 205lb but i wanna get back down to 190-195lb

Yes. Consume more calories if you're trying to cut.

Hey guys, should I be eating a Big Mac if I'm trying to cut from 220 to 205?
Yeah because it's impossible to take protein shakes while lowering your calorie count
You sound angry for no reason

Why would you lower your caloric intake coming from REAL food and replace it with protein powder?

Sometimes I question the IQ of the average NT poster. It's gonna be under 100.

Why wouldn't he drink protein shakes? Protein shakes are VITAL in gaining muscle mass efficiently. Most whey shake brands are low-cal/high protein anyways. What you should be telling him is to take protein shakes after every work out and just fix his diet to take in a lower caloric intake daily. But judging from your other posts, you know nothing about gaining, cutting, or weight lifting for that matter. Get off your high horse bro.

Most whey shakes also contain a crap load of chemicals, ie stuff you cannot pronounce. I used to swear by whey protein, but now I only drink ascoop in an hour before and a scoop after workout.

I would rather eat a piece of chicken breast (skinless of course) if I can after a workout than whey protein.
Originally Posted by werdnak

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Vancity74

i3allistic wrote:

should i be taking protein shakes if i wanna get cut up? i've gained 40lb within the last 7 years now 205lb but i wanna get back down to 190-195lb

Yes. Consume more calories if you're trying to cut.

Hey guys, should I be eating a Big Mac if I'm trying to cut from 220 to 205?
Yeah because it's impossible to take protein shakes while lowering your calorie count
You sound angry for no reason

Why would you lower your caloric intake coming from REAL food and replace it with protein powder?

Sometimes I question the IQ of the average NT poster. It's gonna be under 100.

Why wouldn't he drink protein shakes? Protein shakes are VITAL in gaining muscle mass efficiently. Most whey shake brands are low-cal/high protein anyways. What you should be telling him is to take protein shakes after every work out and just fix his diet to take in a lower caloric intake daily. But judging from your other posts, you know nothing about gaining, cutting, or weight lifting for that matter. Get off your high horse bro.


The reason im asking ..every time i take whey protein i seem to gain water weight and i'm not happy with my definition result ...i just look bulky ...maybeim doing something wrong ...or maybe too much water intake ..sorry to stir up all this drama
Vancity I wasn't even thinking about Butler when I typed that......I was thinking of the ripped up lean Spartans, the ones I don't even know by name.Naïve? W/e man I'm not gonna argue with you, but for a blockbuster movie he has trainers and plenty of food, they were training very serious......I'msure it was more than 4 weeks an 8 week+ transformations can be very drastic. When I've been in the zone I've had people ask me what I'm on plentyof times....todays supplements (some good, some bad) will def help you with your goals and proper diet. Its like anytime you see a lean mass physique youassume "juice"
Originally Posted by i3allistic


The reason im asking ..every time i take whey protein i seem to gain water weight and i'm not happy with my definition result ...i just look bulky ...maybe im doing something wrong ...or maybe too much water intake ..sorry to stir up all this drama

Whey is just protein, it's not gonna bloat you. On the other hand, if you're taking creatine monohydrate, you're retaining water in your musclefibers so looking or feeling bloated is pretty normal.
Originally Posted by i3allistic


The reason im asking ..every time i take whey protein i seem to gain water weight and i'm not happy with my definition result ...i just look bulky ...maybe im doing something wrong ...or maybe too much water intake ..sorry to stir up all this drama

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? definition result? looking bulky? Are you talking about your bodyfat? Why do people tend to use these arbitrary terms like, defined,toned, muscular etc, instead of saying bfp? It just makes things x10 more confusing
Originally Posted by werdnak

Originally Posted by i3allistic


The reason im asking ..every time i take whey protein i seem to gain water weight and i'm not happy with my definition result ...i just look bulky ...maybe im doing something wrong ...or maybe too much water intake ..sorry to stir up all this drama

Whey is just protein, it's not gonna bloat you. On the other hand, if you're taking creatine monohydrate, you're retaining water in your muscle fibers so looking or feeling bloated is pretty normal.

thanks ....any protein recommendation?
Use a product called Quick mass, it works wonders. I was 192lbs two in September. A bunch of things happened to me during the month of September and October(stressed, mild depression) and I ended up dropping down to 161lbs. I used Quickmass for 3 weeks now and I'm back up to 180lbs with a body fat percentageof 9%. I'm trying to get back to 195 but all muscle. My abs are lacking heavy though so I need to work on it. But Quickmass is a blend of all the goodstuff (whey protein/ glutamine etc) in one shake. but each serving gives you about 1020 calories. Take it twice a day and that's 2020 calories just fromthe shake alone. if you're looking to build lean muscle I would recommend it.
Originally Posted by Juve9ile18

Use a product called Quick mass, it works wonders. I was 192lbs two in September. A bunch of things happened to me during the month of September and October (stressed, mild depression) and I ended up dropping down to 161lbs. I used Quickmass for 3 weeks now and I'm back up to 180lbs with a body fat percentage of 9%. I'm trying to get back to 195 but all muscle. My abs are lacking heavy though so I need to work on it. But Quickmass is a blend of all the good stuff (whey protein/ glutamine etc) in one shake. but each serving gives you about 1020 calories. Take it twice a day and that's 2020 calories just from the shake alone. if you're looking to build lean muscle I would recommend it.

Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... That product looks sketcky at best.
Hey guys.. is there much difference cooking chicken/fish on a normal vs. the George Foreman?

Because the George Foreman is a *%@+% to clean. For pan cooking I just put a tbsp of EVOO some spices and cook the chicken/fish to perfection - its more juicyand less dry than the GFG.
Damn, alot of hostility has built up in this thread. Couple of thoughts:

1. Protein powder is not the devil. I think it's a good, fast, convenient form of post-workout protein, or another way to take in protein when youdon't have time to make another full meal. Not better than getting protein from whole foods, but the fact that an isolate has such a fast rate ofabsorption makes it pretty good to take with you to the gym, especially if you're trying to build muscle, or get leaner without losing strength or goingcatabolic. If you're just a fitness type of guy that likes to stay in shape, run, do intervals, go rock climbing, try a triathlon, and mess around with theweights for the sake of doing it, I could see where you wouldn't find a huge benefit from it, but if you're trying to build muscle, I think it helps.It definitely couldn't hurt.

2. I don't think Gerard Butler was juiced for 300. His before picture isn't that dramatically different from his after, especially considering thatthey airbrushed these guys for filming. I just don't think he looks that big or drastically different for him to be juicing, but I wasn't there, so Icould be wrong.

3. Just did hamstrings and calves today and I feel great. On a new program now and splitting up quads and hamstrings into 2 different workouts per week. Lookforward to seeing if I get some new growth from it.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Vancity I wasn't even thinking about Butler when I typed that......I was thinking of the ripped up lean Spartans, the ones I don't even know by name. Naïve? W/e man I'm not gonna argue with you, but for a blockbuster movie he has trainers and plenty of food, they were training very serious......I'm sure it was more than 4 weeks an 8 week+ transformations can be very drastic. When I've been in the zone I've had people ask me what I'm on plenty of times....todays supplements (some good, some bad) will def help you with your goals and proper diet. Its like anytime you see a lean mass physique you assume "juice"

Agree to disagree. No big deal. I think he juiced, some people don't. Whateves. Not the end of the world.

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by werdnak

Vancity74 wrote:

keithsweatsjordans wrote:

Vancity74 wrote:

i3allistic wrote:

should i be taking protein shakes if i wanna get cut up? i've gained 40lb within the last 7 years now 205lb but i wanna get back down to


Yes. Consume more calories if you're trying to cut.

Hey guys, should I be eating a Big Mac if I'm trying to cut from 220 to 205?
Yeah because it's impossible to take protein shakes while lowering your calorie count
You sound angry for no reason

Why would you lower your caloric intake coming from REAL food and replace it with protein powder?

Sometimes I question the IQ of the average NT poster. It's gonna be under 100.

Why wouldn't he drink protein shakes? Protein shakes are VITAL in gaining muscle mass efficiently. Most whey shake brands are low-cal/high protein anyways.
What you should be telling him is to take protein shakes after every work out and just fix his diet to take in a lower caloric intake daily. But judging from
your other posts, you know nothing about gaining, cutting, or weight lifting for that matter. Get off your high horse bro.


I love you, no ***#. You seem to 'get' it, unlike most people.

Protein shakes are vital in gaining muscle mass? SMH.

I'm not even going to acknowledge the last part of your post. I know nothing about weightlifting? Okay. Why are you even on the computer? Shouldn't yoube doing some arm curls?

But I'm not gonna lie werdnak, it looks like you're making some real good progress bro...

whey protein offers benefits to the immune system as well.

it seems like it's cool to be anti-supplement these days. i see where it's coming from, 95% are overpriced garbage. but some have a great deal ofvalue.
Hey Vancity why don't you take it down a notch son, I read what Ballistic wrote and to me that was a valid question from someone who didn't knowsomething and came to this thread to ask a question...cuz this is what this thread was intended for, right? Or do you just come in here to act condescending?Aight then so $%#% and answer the damn question, if not then go wack-off to ronnie coleman pics.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Hey Vancity why don't you take it down a notch son, I read what Ballistic wrote and to me that was a valid question from someone who didn't know something and came to this thread to ask a question...cuz this is what this thread was intended for, right?

Do you guys ride the short-bus together?
Dude, you really are starting to go a little OD. I agree with Joe Camel, I think it's just become cool now to be anti-supplement, anti-curl,anti-everything that you see in a fitness magazine just for the sake of feeling like you're not a drone, but there's different things for differentpeople.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Dude, you really are starting to go a little OD. I agree with Joe Camel, I think it's just become cool now to be anti-supplement, anti-curl, anti-everything that you see in a fitness magazine just for the sake of feeling like you're not a drone, but there's different things for different people.

Creatine, glutamine, caffeine, ephedrine, whey... those are all in my cupboard and I use them daily.

Curls are a useless exercise and biceps are probably the most useless muscle group in the body. FACT.
I have nothing against supplements per say, but the dudes who swear by them and treat them as the cause of progress are the ones I try and correct.

Whey isnt necessary, but it also isnt harmful/detrimental.

I really would encourage people to take a look at how much protein they consume in a day. It really can be shocking to some people for them to see that theyregetting more than the necessary dosage of protein even without a shake.
Curls are a useless exercise and biceps are probably the most useless muscle group in the body. FACT.
Not if you're trying to get your biceps to grow and take a better shape. If you're just training to get stronger, I don't think a tonof bicep training is going to make a huge difference in your deadlift or squat, but it couldn't hurt. I guess I just feel people are free to train forwhatever purpose it is they're training for. Crossfit people never do bicep curls, just doesn't fit with their training theory. That's fine, butif you're a bodybuilder and you just decide curls are useless, you could also say the same for calves and walk up onstage with a pair of sticks under yourknees.
Yea we can agree to disagree, he mightve.....but again hollywood trainers etc....Ryan Reynolds in Blade....Will Smith for Ali.....Stallone for Rambo.....waitStallone is on the juice though haha.
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