Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HI PROFILE

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

sup hos

creatine is fine, cheap no sides and effective

take it
creatine has a side effect on your liver

have had doctors tell me they couldn't prescribe certain meds to patients who used creatine because it effed up their liver so bad
absolutely incorrect

a lot of doctors are idiots who know nothing they don't have to know.
Theres truth to this. Creatine does affect your liver and kidneys.

When I started, there was only creatine and andro. Now I see all this klyconine, xmonocreaklokyne...type @*@%.
You guys have no idea what this stuff is doing to your bodies on the inside. And honestly, all that stuff is a waste. Creatine is a waste if your aiming to put on PERMANENT muscle. Your body will adapt to it within a month and you'll lose all your gains afterwards. And as you take it more and more, after awhile you stop responding.

Not true and doesn't make much sense.
Creatine has other benefits besides aiding in training.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HI PROFILE

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

sup hos

creatine is fine, cheap no sides and effective

take it
creatine has a side effect on your liver

have had doctors tell me they couldn't prescribe certain meds to patients who used creatine because it effed up their liver so bad
absolutely incorrect

a lot of doctors are idiots who know nothing they don't have to know.
Theres truth to this. Creatine does affect your liver and kidneys.

When I started, there was only creatine and andro. Now I see all this klyconine, xmonocreaklokyne...type @*@%.
You guys have no idea what this stuff is doing to your bodies on the inside. And honestly, all that stuff is a waste. Creatine is a waste if your aiming to put on PERMANENT muscle. Your body will adapt to it within a month and you'll lose all your gains afterwards. And as you take it more and more, after awhile you stop responding.

Not true and doesn't make much sense.
Creatine has other benefits besides aiding in training.
care to elaborate? what doesnt make sense?
Creatine may affect liver function, and should be used cautiously with potentially hepatotoxic (liver-damaging) or nephrotoxic (kidney damaging) herbs and supplements.
One major fear over the use of creatine is kidney disease. Overdoses of creatine can cause stress on the kidneys. The creatine that is not used by the muscles is converted to creatinine and is a waste product. Repeated excesses of creatinine put a lot of stress on the kidneys and can cause problems for the kidneys. ( A twenty-year old man on twenty grams of creatine a day for nearly a month developed interstitial nephritis, a disease of the kidney. The patient was hospitalized and stopped the use of creatine. After ceasing the intake of creatine, the patient improved dramatically. This provides evidence that the abuse of the supplement can cause great harm to the kidneys. (
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Creatine may affect liver function, and should be used cautiously with potentially hepatotoxic (liver-damaging) or nephrotoxic (kidney damaging) herbs and supplements.
One major fear over the use of creatine is kidney disease. Overdoses of creatine can cause stress on the kidneys. The creatine that is not used by the muscles is converted to creatinine and is a waste product. Repeated excesses of creatinine put a lot of stress on the kidneys and can cause problems for the kidneys. ( A twenty-year old man on twenty grams of creatine a day for nearly a month developed interstitial nephritis, a disease of the kidney. The patient was hospitalized and stopped the use of creatine. After ceasing the intake of creatine, the patient improved dramatically. This provides evidence that the abuse of the supplement can cause great harm to the kidneys. (

Overdose of any substance which your kidneys have to process can cause kidney disease. Basically, you an overdose on any vitamin or mineral. That doesn'tmean that vitamins dand minerals are bad for your health.

Creatine is not an end product. Your body converts creatine so that it can be used by your muscular system (for which the majority of creatine is used).Unneeded creatine is transported to the kidneys so that it can be converted into waste. So yes, if you're make your kidneys constantly work overtimeeventually they will break down . Although inherently some individuals can tolerate a lot more than others which makes the "kidney disease" argumentextremely generic.

The thing with creatine is that supplementation is needed because you cannot utilize your body's capacity for creatine simply through eating a normal diet.Especially with the red meat available in the US (sickly, low quality, and who knows what else). I'd venture to guess that many people in the US (andaround the world prob.) are creatine deficient.

Creatine doesn't play a direct role in building muscle. It simply allows an individual to utilitize more of the musclular potential that he already has.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by verynecessary

^ not a knock or anything, but sprinting should be more of a glute dominant activity rather than quad dominant. the first few strides might utilize more quads, but after that it should be glutes providing most of the force. of course, it could be residual tighness/soreness from a previous leg workout
As a state level sprinter in HS and college, I kinda have to disagree with that. The quads play a major role in a sprint, almost 90% when taking off from blocks or something of that nature. Even in the upright phase of the sprint, the quads play a major role in the stride. Even at my college conditioning level, which was very high, my quads would be more sore than my glutes after hard sprint sessions. Maybe my experience was just different but even coaches stressed the importance of strong quads
no doubt, quads are vital to sprints, but i think glutes are more so. hear me out. out of the blocks, right up to the point where you're fully upright, the emphasis is placed on the quads, so if you have weak quads, your block starts and initial acceleration will suffer. even standing (non-block) starts will take a hit too. so far we're agreed, yes?

once in the upright sprint position, the strongest muscle groups should take over, in this case the posterior chain muscles of the glutes and somewhat lesser, the hamstrings. the quads don't provide too much forward propulsion from a biomechanical perspective, since the range of motion they would be most effective to push from is very small compared to the glutes and hamstrings, which can exert a forward force for almost their full range of motion. so you've got two things going for the glutes/posterior chain: the greatest force potential and far greater range of motion to exert that force. i'm not saying the quads are doing nothing at this point, but it also depends on your running position (lean) and whether you're naturally quad dominant or not.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Dammit, I swear if I see one more pair of those damn feet-spandex at my gym, I'm gonna start dropping 45lb plates on peoples toes. Seriously an overexaggeration of the idea of doing floor-based exercises barefoot. Really no need, and if you want to feel closer to the ground and more stable when squatting, deadlifting, etc... just wear some chucks. I guess wear whatever you want, but most of the guys I see at the gym wearing these are never going anywhere near the squat rack, they're doing cardio and abs and using nautilus machines wearing those things...
u salty panarican?
in my defense, i stay the hell away from cardio machines for the most part, and spend a lot of time in the squat rack. there's the added benefit of them allowing your toes are spread out more naturally, for an added sense of stabily. whether or not that helps or it's just a psychological thing, whatever, but i've read that a lot of people feel their toes "claw" the ground when they lift with them on.

i know this is NT and all, so would you hate them less if they had brighter colorways?

Spoiler [+]


i wear the gorilla black ones

In all honesty, the first couple of times I saw someone in the gym wearing them, I wasn't surprised. I'm not knocking you if you're using them forfloor-based lifts as I can see how they'd feel beneficial, but I also think you can get the same effect with some flat-soled sneakers like chucks orwrestling shoes, so it's not like these are absolutely necessary, but whatever feels best to you.

My problem is I live in Cambridge, MA, land of the clones. Everybody looks and dresses like everyone else here. You'll see it when you go out, people ingroups all dress the same as the other people in their group. These shoes are just the newest trend to catch on for the sake of it being a trend. I saw about8-10 different guys in my gym the other night wearing them and I always saw them doing nautilus machines are using the stretching mat to do crunches andoblique twists and stuff. I've only seen one guy in my gym wear them to do squats. The colors don't bother me, but I hate the half-footed ones thatdon't have that midfoot strap like the ones in the above pic.
Here is some more information about creatine:

Q: What exactly is creatine? I heard it just makes you hold water, is that true?
A: Creatine is an amino acid metabolite. It is composed of arginine, methionine and glycine. Our bodies naturally make the compound, which isused to supply energy to our muscles. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and is transported to the body's muscles through the bloodstream.Once it reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate). This high-powered metabolite is used to regenerate the muscles'ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) [4]. Creatine is supplemented with to increase phosphocreatine in the muscle, whichin turn increases ATP. ATP is used by the muscle as energy. Increasing phosphocreatine stores in the body can improve strength and body mass by hydratingmuscle cells and other factors. It is not a steroid and it does not have adverse health effects. Creatine is found in most red meat, however, most of it isremoved when the meat is cooked [2]. Keep in mind, everyone does not respond to creatine.


Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Wawa....your forgeting many major factors when it comes to creatine. Ill be back later
There are many factors for every supplement and you can't possibly cover them all on a forum.

The point is it works and any risks associated with taking it are minute at best.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Some inspiration
This dude is a nutcase

Working out 6 hrs a day will get you a physique like this.

He weighed in at 156 but I bet he's probably around 165 when he isn't dehydrated like he is in this pic.
I saw l3 post his meal I decided to take a pic of what I ate last night around dinner time:


Beans & Rice + Broccoli + Brussel Sprouts + Pearled Cous Cous (do I have to say nh because of the "pearled" part?

I did a body weight circuit yesterday and afterwards I had a protien shake then about 1/2 hour after that I ate this meal. Honestly, I wake up refreshed eachmorning and I think its because of what your body eats during dinner time or whatever you eat before bed.
that looks good...i wish i could make stuff like that

im on that tuna sandwich and turkey sandwich dinners. lol
Originally Posted by creamOfDacrops

Any tips on getting a body like this?

If you are skinnier than him currently, you must complete a bulking phase followed by a cutting phase.
He is probably 180lbs... which is where my scrawny *$% wants to be so I'll be doing about two bulking phases to a cutting phase.

If you are larger than him and want to have defined muscles you must do a cutting phase using HIRT at least 2 days a week.


Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Dammit, I swear if I see one more pair of those damn feet-spandex at my gym, I'm gonna start dropping 45lb plates on peoples toes. Seriously an overexaggeration of the idea of doing floor-based exercises barefoot. Really no need, and if you want to feel closer to the ground and more stable when squatting, deadlifting, etc... just wear some chucks. I guess wear whatever you want, but most of the guys I see at the gym wearing these are never going anywhere near the squat rack, they're doing cardio and abs and using nautilus machines wearing those things...
u salty panarican?
in my defense, i stay the hell away from cardio machines for the most part, and spend a lot of time in the squat rack. there's the added benefit of them allowing your toes are spread out more naturally, for an added sense of stabily. whether or not that helps or it's just a psychological thing, whatever, but i've read that a lot of people feel their toes "claw" the ground when they lift with them on.

i know this is NT and all, so would you hate them less if they had brighter colorways?

Spoiler [+]


i wear the gorilla black ones
In all honesty, the first couple of times I saw someone in the gym wearing them, I wasn't surprised. I'm not knocking you if you're using them for floor-based lifts as I can see how they'd feel beneficial, but I also think you can get the same effect with some flat-soled sneakers like chucks or wrestling shoes, so it's not like these are absolutely necessary, but whatever feels best to you.

My problem is I live in Cambridge, MA, land of the clones. Everybody looks and dresses like everyone else here. You'll see it when you go out, people in groups all dress the same as the other people in their group. These shoes are just the newest trend to catch on for the sake of it being a trend. I saw about 8-10 different guys in my gym the other night wearing them and I always saw them doing nautilus machines are using the stretching mat to do crunches and oblique twists and stuff. I've only seen one guy in my gym wear them to do squats. The colors don't bother me, but I hate the half-footed ones that don't have that midfoot strap like the ones in the above pic.
oh no doubt, i'm not feeling the clones. luckily for me it's not that bad out here in so cal. there is something to be said about thethinness of the soles though. chucks still seem pretty thick compared to these. it's like when i play ball, it makes a big difference the thinner thesoles are. more of a "grounded" feeling.

you probably don't wanna see any of the ones you see with a strap, but without the midfoot covering. they look like mary janes
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Dammit, I swear if I see one more pair of those damn feet-spandex at my gym, I'm gonna start dropping 45lb plates on peoples toes. Seriously an overexaggeration of the idea of doing floor-based exercises barefoot. Really no need, and if you want to feel closer to the ground and more stable when squatting, deadlifting, etc... just wear some chucks. I guess wear whatever you want, but most of the guys I see at the gym wearing these are never going anywhere near the squat rack, they're doing cardio and abs and using nautilus machines wearing those things...
u salty panarican?
in my defense, i stay the hell away from cardio machines for the most part, and spend a lot of time in the squat rack. there's the added benefit of them allowing your toes are spread out more naturally, for an added sense of stabily. whether or not that helps or it's just a psychological thing, whatever, but i've read that a lot of people feel their toes "claw" the ground when they lift with them on.

i know this is NT and all, so would you hate them less if they had brighter colorways?

Spoiler [+]


i wear the gorilla black ones
In all honesty, the first couple of times I saw someone in the gym wearing them, I wasn't surprised. I'm not knocking you if you're using them for floor-based lifts as I can see how they'd feel beneficial, but I also think you can get the same effect with some flat-soled sneakers like chucks or wrestling shoes, so it's not like these are absolutely necessary, but whatever feels best to you.

My problem is I live in Cambridge, MA, land of the clones. Everybody looks and dresses like everyone else here. You'll see it when you go out, people in groups all dress the same as the other people in their group. These shoes are just the newest trend to catch on for the sake of it being a trend. I saw about 8-10 different guys in my gym the other night wearing them and I always saw them doing nautilus machines are using the stretching mat to do crunches and oblique twists and stuff. I've only seen one guy in my gym wear them to do squats. The colors don't bother me, but I hate the half-footed ones that don't have that midfoot strap like the ones in the above pic.
oh no doubt, i'm not feeling the clones. luckily for me it's not that bad out here in so cal. there is something to be said about the thinness of the soles though. chucks still seem pretty thick compared to these. it's like when i play ball, it makes a big difference the thinner the soles are. more of a "grounded" feeling.

you probably don't wanna see any of the ones you see with a strap, but without the midfoot covering. they look like mary janes


I hate the ones that doesn't have the mid foot covering. If Vibram Fivefingers KSO didn't offer the mid foot covering, I would have looked elsewhere. As verynecessary pointed out, these "shoes" really do have that grounded feeling. Their sensitivity level is really high, hence why they call itbarefoot feeling.

Anyhow, did deadlifts yesterday in them and there is a big difference compared to my '89 Flights (basketball shoes). More power toward my heel thanbefore. I guess because there isn't as much cushion there, just flat ground.
So... Intrabolic has a bolded warning in the back saying it contains phenylalanine.

Haven't read into it much.... But I'll stay away considering the things I've read about it so far.

I was looking forward to trying it out.

Anddddddd, I got like 3 tubs of this from a friend.

What's good with this?

I'm gonna try it out tomorrow.

Also... I'm looking for an ab roller. Hopefully an inexpensive effective, durable one. Could someone point in the right direction?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Wawa....your forgeting many major factors when it comes to creatine. Ill be back later
There are many factors for every supplement and you can't possibly cover them all on a forum.

The point is it works and any risks associated with taking it are minute at best.
Who ever said creatine doesnt work?....What I said was, its a waste if your looking to put on permanent muscle. If you thinkcreatine plays a role in lean muscle mass your a fool.
. Creatine is supplemented with to increase phosphocreatine in the muscle, which in turn increases ATP. ATP is used by the muscle as energy. Increasing phosphocreatine stores in the body can improve strength and body mass by hydrating muscle cells and other factors
Now, if you want to gain some temporary strength and feel a good pump while your muscles are filled with water giving you the"appearance" of muscles
laugh.gif all means take it by the cupfull. But once you come off and you p!ssed your muscles out, you'll be the size you were before.
I never said your gonna get kidney disease from taking creatine, but it does affect your kidneys and liver function point blank.

You still didnt answer my question. What doesnt make much sense about what I said?
So, if I get off the creatine once I'm done taking it...

I begin to lose a lot of muscle mass/strength? Even if I continue lifting?

The hell is the point in that?

I guess I'll just stick to whey protein like I've always been. LOL
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HI PROFILE

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

sup hos

creatine is fine, cheap no sides and effective

take it
creatine has a side effect on your liver

have had doctors tell me they couldn't prescribe certain meds to patients who used creatine because it effed up their liver so bad
absolutely incorrect

a lot of doctors are idiots who know nothing they don't have to know.

It affects your livers
IMO dont take creatine if you don't need it. If your looking to build mass, try exhaust some other alternatives first. Like eating more, less cardio etc..

And do try dealifts/squats barefooted, you get SO much more drive and feel its great.
Weighed in @ 173 last nite, basically losing 6 pounds over the last month


And yes, we took those at the gym


I go 2-3 times a week and I believe it's best not having a routine. I have a couple faves I like to do, but I usually hit up random things while there.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by creamOfDacrops

Any tips on getting a body like this?

If you are skinnier than him currently, you must complete a bulking phase followed by a cutting phase.
He is probably 180lbs... which is where my scrawny *$% wants to be so I'll be doing about two bulking phases to a cutting phase.

If you are larger than him and want to have defined muscles you must do a cutting phase using HIRT at least 2 days a week.




Who ever said creatine doesnt work?....What I said was, its a waste if your looking to put on permanent muscle. If you think creatine plays a role in lean muscle mass your a fool.

It plays a role, yes, but its not what puts the muscle mass on.


It affects your livers
You got more than one???
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

So, if I get off the creatine once I'm done taking it...

I begin to lose a lot of muscle mass/strength? Even if I continue lifting?

The hell is the point in that?

I guess I'll just stick to whey protein like I've always been. LOL
If you want a temporary fix thats basically what it is. Ive taken creatine when it first hit the market, then went to cell tech when that was the+@+* and then all this other types began coming out. And I can say by experience from years of trying creatine, you will lose your gains made by creatine. Itsbasically all water. And after awhile your body loses its response to it. Even with anabolic steroids, your body will adapt to it, thats why increasing dosagesis almost a must.

For all you youngers guys 14-20 summn. Just eat food. I cant preach enough about eating clean whole food will render great gains depending on your genetics andtraining. But if anyone wants to use creatine or any of that other stuff thats fine. Im just stating what to expect and decide if its something you want tospend your money on.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Who ever said creatine doesnt work?....What I said was, its a waste if your looking to put on permanent muscle. If you think creatine plays a role in lean muscle mass your a fool.

It plays a role, yes, but its not what puts the muscle mass on.

If you think creatine plays a role
It plays a role, yes,
in lean muscle mass
but its not what puts the muscle mass on.
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