Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ I believe it differs on individual basis.

To me, well my physique isn't big and bulky, I am lean, cut but not big. I am happy with my composition for now as its suited for my basketball game.

What sort of cardio are you doing? The diet needs to be on point, and you'll get ripped.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wanksta23

damn, has anyone pushed themselves to the max?

i felt like switching my jogging route today, and decided to run up the mountains, which in total was 5 miles, and i rested for 3 minutes

all of that and it took me 50 minutes

after coming home, i felt real sick, had some chicken breast, and chugged a bottle of water, after that it i felt i was about to faint, and most of all i lost my appetite

i was light headed and had a stomach ache for about 5 hours till i drank some gatorade, so im guessing i was lacking some electrolytes? i tried eating but i couldn't force feeling a lot better now though

You have to eat carbs after your workout. 


After weight lifting I always have a bottle of gatorade and two scoops of whey protein (along with some other vitamins like ALA and Vitamin C)

but its good that you changed up the routine.

It hurt that first time but keeping your body constantly guessing is going to help you if you're trying to burn off some extra fat.

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Anyone do the 300 workout?

going by my completion times, if i was born into the world of sparta i would be this guy...

I'm sayin man. I'm in decent shape, but the first time I did it I thought I was gonna yak all over the locker room
I'm going to do it in the middle of the night.... because the gym I go to is DEAD at 1am, literally its the gym attendant and I.. so if I feel the need to grunt/yak she'll understand
Originally Posted by I3

^ I believe it differs on individual basis.

To me, well my physique isn't big and bulky, I am lean, cut but not big. I am happy with my composition for now as its suited for my basketball game.

What sort of cardio are you doing? The diet needs to be on point, and you'll get ripped.
I rely on basketball training and pickup to give me my cardio, but I'm going to start doing hill workouts on my off days. The indoor track season is coming up and I'll most likely join the team for that as well.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm going to do it in the middle of the night.... because the gym I go to is DEAD at 1am, literally its the gym attendant and I.. so if I feel the need to grunt/yak she'll understand
Is it a 24hr gym? I wish they had those around me, all of them close at like 9 when I'd rather work out in the early mornings. And if I was making funny noises with the female attendant around...
at myself
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm going to do it in the middle of the night.... because the gym I go to is DEAD at 1am, literally its the gym attendant and I.. so if I feel the need to grunt/yak she'll understand
You won't be grunting

It's honestly one of the most intense cardio workouts I've ever done in my life. On top of that, once muscle fatigue sets in you really need to mentally focus and get that tunnel vision. The toughest part in my opinion was the kettlebell clean and press BY FAR.
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm going to do it in the middle of the night.... because the gym I go to is DEAD at 1am, literally its the gym attendant and I.. so if I feel the need to grunt/yak she'll understand
You won't be grunting

It's honestly one of the most intense cardio workouts I've ever done in my life. On top of that, once muscle fatigue sets in you really need to mentally focus and get that tunnel vision. The toughest part in my opinion was the kettlebell clean and press BY FAR.
For real? 35lbs or 35kg......
Doing floor  properly is very difficult for me, and 25 pullups is straight
 to think about.

I'm going to cut the reps in half, and do the 150 workout tonight.... I just wrapped up a bender weekend and there is no point in attacking my chest like I should because it'll be a lack luster effort 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm going to do it in the middle of the night.... because the gym I go to is DEAD at 1am, literally its the gym attendant and I.. so if I feel the need to grunt/yak she'll understand
You won't be grunting

It's honestly one of the most intense cardio workouts I've ever done in my life. On top of that, once muscle fatigue sets in you really need to mentally focus and get that tunnel vision. The toughest part in my opinion was the kettlebell clean and press BY FAR.
For real? 35lbs or 35kg......
Doing floor  properly is very difficult for me, and 25 pullups is straight
 to think about.

I'm going to cut the reps in half, and do the 150 workout tonight.... I just wrapped up a bender weekend and there is no point in attacking my chest like I should because it'll be a lack luster effort 
lbs...but remember, you're doing 50 on each arm.

And when I first started I did close grip pull-ups cause there was NO way I was getting anything else
That's true, I do find my shoulders fatigue quickly...
I wasn't able to try it out because the gym closed at 8, unbeknownst to me. It's a 24hr gym though.... the hell?
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

hey audi,
 hows the humapro thing working for ya?
u got the powder or pills?

funny you ask

i gotta put another order in monday mornin

im done with whey protein. im gonna order the pills and the powder (have not tried the powder yet)

i love it........really helpin me cut down without losin the muscle, very interesting product.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

hey audi,
 hows the humapro thing working for ya?
u got the powder or pills?

funny you ask

i gotta put another order in monday mornin

im done with whey protein. im gonna order the pills and the powder (have not tried the powder yet)

i love it........really helpin me cut down without losin the muscle, very interesting product.
Can you elaborate? They confused me when they started talking about "take this with" protein... 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

hey audi,
 hows the humapro thing working for ya?
u got the powder or pills?
Can you elaborate? They confused me when they started talking about "take this with" protein... 

not really sure what youre askin brett

you can still have food with it if thats what you mean.
Well, from what I understand it isn't just a protein like whey is (25g/scoop of whatever).. and it's actually supplemental to your protein source?
Looks really complicated... "take xx pills 25 mins before eating a protein source"
yea i heard good stuff about humapro at bb- less bloating, muscles look fuller, etc...but it's hard to see who is trying to sell the product and who is actually giving a good review.

regardless, im going to order it with a 2lb whey,how many caps a day are you taking audi? Im guessing at least 6
So the selling point behind Humapro is that cows milk is for cows so a man made protein is better for humans?   
Originally Posted by Durden7

So the selling point behind Humapro is that cows milk is for cows so a man made protein is better for humans?   

I'm saying....
and they drop terms like NNU and yadda yadda.. I feel like I'm reading fiction. 

I've also read some really nasty things about that company.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

So the selling point behind Humapro is that cows milk is for cows so a man made protein is better for humans?   

I'm saying....
and they drop terms like NNU and yadda yadda.. I feel like I'm reading fiction. 

I've also read some really nasty things about that company.
i dont really care what durden  thinks about supplements its known fact he isnt a fan of them period, ..........i love supplements and new products. many bs many legit.

yes brett, im actually new to this company myself.........i know all about that, they are not sold on, europa doesnt carry them............tainted etc etc.......things def get exaggerated cuz the internet is serious business

the ceo author rea is a real cool guy an he has explained the situation to me an this product, he knows his stuff an has ran this as his sole protein for 6 months before puttin it out, i gave his product a shot an im convinced along with many others. i also use chain'd out an im awaiting chain'd reaction

i def had my doubts about this product, it seems complicated but it really isnt

humapro website is kind of cheesy, all supplement companies have their lil phony marketing but humapro is the same concept as this 
         brett check that out if you need a better understanding

im actually more satisfied from humapro than i have ever been taking any kind of  i always and only talk about supplements ive actually taken myself since weven been doing the fitness thing on NT.

ive drastically cut my calories obviously from the calorie deficit comapred to eating chicken breast/whey etc all day an for the first time my appetite isnt huge as i always was before yet im pumped all day, i believe in the science behind it

i literally have humapro and 2tbs nat pb butter or almd butter as a meal...during the mid day, i eat 2 actualy protein meals a day because of cutting the rest is humapro, my carbs when needed an my good fats....i love it if you wanna give it a try eh its up to you, supplements are extra we all work hard for our money.

re-up on the link i posted

also ill say as time goes more an more ppl will catch on with this product, closest thing ive ever had to a "magic pill"

yes i know what i said. ill post my receipt tomorrow mornin if ya dont believe im runnin this for real, kinda pricey but if you look at the big picture im savin a lot in the grocery store these days while reaching my goals, cutting and looking solid. you can use this for a bulk or cut too obviously.

my sister saw my taking my hp in the kitchen one day an was like "!%!, human protein?" she was just
, im like you dont understand its ok.

Just read the 5/3/1 manual
My workouts have always hovered on the idea of 1 big lift and assistance work but I was missing a few keys to unlocking my strength potential.
Excited to kick this off tomorrow and hopefully see my numbers go up this year

Edit: thanks man.. I'm gonna read up on this stuff. seems pretty interesting. 
dont know if this went under the radar but




Sample Routine:

  • Monday: 30mins skipping & 1hr Pilates
  • Tuesday: 1hr run
  • Wednesday: 30min run & 1hr Pilates
  • Thursday: 30mins skipping; Dips, Push-ups (Light high rep resistance training)
  • Friday: Road Racing Practice (Motorbike)
  • Saturday: Racing (Motorbike Road racing)
  • Sunday: Racing (Motorbike Road racing)
dumbbell shoulder press

lateral raises

up right rows

front delt raises

rear delt face pulls
[table][tr][td][h5]ALRI HumaPro Drink 445 grams 60 Servings[/h5]
Flavor: Sour Grape 60 servings
[/td][td]6988[/td][td]1[/td][td]$35.99[/td][td] $35.99[/td][/tr][tr][td][h5]ALRI HumaPro 300 Tablets[/h5][/td][td]ALRI HP TAB[/td][td]2[/td][td]$35.99[/td][td] $71.98[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Subtotal:[/td] [td]$107.97[/td][/tr][tr][td]Shipping & Handling:[/td] [td]$7.99[/td][/tr][tr][td]Tax:[/td] [td]$0.00[/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Order Total:[/td] [td]$115.96[/td][/tr][tr][td]
just ordered 1 powder and 2 tabs before work, now off i go 756am est
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

So the selling point behind Humapro is that cows milk is for cows so a man made protein is better for humans?   

I'm saying....
and they drop terms like NNU and yadda yadda.. I feel like I'm reading fiction. 

I've also read some really nasty things about that company.

ive drastically cut my calories obviously from the calorie deficit comapred to eating chicken breast/whey etc all day an for the first time my appetite isnt huge as i always was before yet im pumped all day, i believe in the science behind it

Care to elaborate on the science of it?
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