Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

A few years ago my school(University of Hartford) had a weight lifting club, this year students are bring it back. Some of our main goals are to get new gym equipment and to also move it to a bigger part of the gym, and hold a lifting competition of some sort. I plan to have fundraisers and we would like to get sponsors. So if anyone could have suggest some ideas for a fundraiser, that would be really appreciated. I plan to call some places tomorrow for sponsor, if anyone knows or can suggest a place that may possible be interested in sponsoring the club, that would be great too! As of now we have a deal with Max Muscle for 15% off all products and a membership deal with Golds Gym.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rhester

Why ain't nobody put me up on Greek Yogurt earlier?!?
One's I got only have 90 cals, and 10g of protein

Because all people in here want to take is supplements.
Often times protein powder is a more economical approach to meeting an individuals macro goals.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rhester

Why ain't nobody put me up on Greek Yogurt earlier?!?
One's I got only have 90 cals, and 10g of protein

Because all people in here want to take is supplements.

Plus, Greek Yogurt sucks.

I started doing sprints with a 40-lb weight vest on. Definitely a cardio-tester.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

What the hell..I've been missing out on this greek yogurt!
It's cool but it's more expensive.  Don't expect to buy 10 for $3 like the Yoplait or Dannon.


Word. I pay $6+tax for a 32oz tub of Chobani yogurt. The little 6 oz cups are $1.39 - $1.79
That's not bad for the 32oz tub. I'll check out my local supermarkets. I'm hoping Trader Joe's has it for the cheap
need some help, I been workin out consistently for about a month n a half now, I usually bench, military press, and curl with a long bar.......what Ive noticed tho, is that my Left arm (my off arm) has grown WAY weaker than my right arm, to the point where when im doing any of the previously mention exercises the left side is always the side to die out first.

what can I do to offset this?
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rhester

Why ain't nobody put me up on Greek Yogurt earlier?!?
One's I got only have 90 cals, and 10g of protein

Because all people in here want to take is supplements.

Plus, Greek Yogurt sucks.

I started doing sprints with a 40-lb weight vest on. Definitely a cardio-tester.
always tempted to buy one whenever i see them at a store...have you ever had any back pains because of it? that's just my main concern
I was hopin you guys could school me a little more on HIIT

If I'm doing 30 seconds high intensity I can usually spike my heart rate up into the 170 area, is it better to do low intensity until my hr is back into the 60% zone or should I keep going 30 high, 30 low? I have no problem doing 30 high and 30 low but from what I've read it seems like to start it may be more effective to do 30 high, 60 low in order to lower my hr

Also, I get really bored with cardio so I've been doing HIIT every day as opposed to low intensity that ok?

Thanks guys, this thread is always
If you are effectively performing HIIT more than three days a week you are REALLY risking fatigue.

I know alot of guys do HIIT sprinting for a min and then completely stop, or walking even.
Either way.. doing 1 min fast 1 min slow felt good for me, and the larger the intensity difference the better (to my understanding)
damn, has anyone pushed themselves to the max?

i felt like switching my jogging route today, and decided to run up the mountains, which in total was 5 miles, and i rested for 3 minutes

all of that and it took me 50 minutes

after coming home, i felt real sick, had some chicken breast, and chugged a bottle of water, after that it i felt i was about to faint, and most of all i lost my appetite

i was light headed and had a stomach ache for about 5 hours till i drank some gatorade, so im guessing i was lacking some electrolytes? i tried eating but i couldn't force feeling a lot better now though
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rhester

Why ain't nobody put me up on Greek Yogurt earlier?!?
One's I got only have 90 cals, and 10g of protein

Because all people in here want to take is supplements.
Often times protein powder is a more economical approach to meeting an individuals macro goals.
yea I be getting a 25lb bag for $110-$125. Im still using the same one I got back in February
Originally Posted by wanksta23

damn, has anyone pushed themselves to the max?

i felt like switching my jogging route today, and decided to run up the mountains, which in total was 5 miles, and i rested for 3 minutes

all of that and it took me 50 minutes

after coming home, i felt real sick, had some chicken breast, and chugged a bottle of water, after that it i felt i was about to faint, and most of all i lost my appetite

i was light headed and had a stomach ache for about 5 hours till i drank some gatorade, so im guessing i was lacking some electrolytes? i tried eating but i couldn't force feeling a lot better now though

You have to eat carbs after your workout. 
Is the gatorade g series prime 01 good for you? I tried it Thursday and it gave me energy to work out more intensely than days without. It's only a dollar for a small pouch at Walmart. If not what would you guys recommend?
Originally Posted by scshift

I'm trying to add weight/get stronger right now, so what should my ideal workout/rep ranges be? I normally train 5 reps to strength but I've been reading that 8 is the best for size, so what gives me optimal gains in both?

Also what are the best functional/athletic lifts to get bigger? My workout is all compound, centered around bench/squat/deadlift/incline with additional lifts like rows/shoulder press and pull ups added. Also what's a good core workout to make my abs bigger?
I think 5 reps is good for strength, from what i've experienced.. rep ranges wont do much without a proper diet.  You said you want to add weight/get strong, to get stronger you need to eat, give muscles food for growth.  So just check you're eating slightly over your maintenance level with good whole foods first, then I am positive you will add weight/strength. 

In terms you're workouts, you're on the right track compounds and additional lifts are great for getting bigger.  Depending on you're goals, are you after an athletic purpose or just aesthetic appearance? I believe in confusion, doing a bit of isolation and compound movements is best.  Ab wise, compounds will give you a good workout already, I like to do reverse crunches, hang leg raises and cardio and that sorts me out.  But again diet diet diet will give you the 39 pack,  not 1000 crunches.
scshift wrote:

I'm trying to add weight/get stronger right now, so what should my ideal workout/rep ranges be? I normally train 5 reps to strength but I've been reading that 8 is the best for size, so what gives me optimal gains in both?

Also what are the best functional/athletic lifts to get bigger? My workout is all compound, centered around bench/squat/deadlift/incline with additional lifts like rows/shoulder press and pull ups added. Also what's a good core workout to make my abs bigger?

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe sounds exactly like what you're looking for. Get the book and get to work.
I strongly recommend L-sit and front/back lever for core work.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by rhester

Why ain't nobody put me up on Greek Yogurt earlier?!?
One's I got only have 90 cals, and 10g of protein

Nutrients-wise, I haven't found one comparable to Voskos except maybe Trader Joe's plain non-fat. But Vosko's is 24g of protein, 140 calories with only about 9 grams of sugar. All the other ones I see are a few grams more in sugar and less in protein.

Greek yogurt + natural honey (a little) or my nature's path flax and red berry crunch is
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by scshift

I'm trying to add weight/get stronger right now, so what should my ideal workout/rep ranges be? I normally train 5 reps to strength but I've been reading that 8 is the best for size, so what gives me optimal gains in both?

Also what are the best functional/athletic lifts to get bigger? My workout is all compound, centered around bench/squat/deadlift/incline with additional lifts like rows/shoulder press and pull ups added. Also what's a good core workout to make my abs bigger?
I think 5 reps is good for strength, from what i've experienced.. rep ranges wont do much without a proper diet.  You said you want to add weight/get strong, to get stronger you need to eat, give muscles food for growth.  So just check you're eating slightly over your maintenance level with good whole foods first, then I am positive you will add weight/strength. 

In terms you're workouts, you're on the right track compounds and additional lifts are great for getting bigger.  Depending on you're goals, are you after an athletic purpose or just aesthetic appearance? I believe in confusion, doing a bit of isolation and compound movements is best.  Ab wise, compounds will give you a good workout already, I like to do reverse crunches, hang leg raises and cardio and that sorts me out.  But again diet diet diet will give you the 39 pack,  not 1000 crunches.
I want to get much bigger, I'm only around 145 lbs right now and I'm trying to be 160-165. This is all for athletic purposes, so whether or not I have big biceps or not, I want to be stronger, yet heavier so when I play basketball I can take hits and contact easier. Right now I have one workout day around 5 reps and another around 8.

The abs for for aesthetic appearance, I do the compound lifts and eat but they still don't show, even when I flex

And just so I know I'm on the right track, training around 5 reps (like an athlete) will make you more toned, right? Because that's what I have been doing for a couple months and my muscles are invisible unless I flex.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by scshift

I'm trying to add weight/get stronger right now, so what should my ideal workout/rep ranges be? I normally train 5 reps to strength but I've been reading that 8 is the best for size, so what gives me optimal gains in both?

Also what are the best functional/athletic lifts to get bigger? My workout is all compound, centered around bench/squat/deadlift/incline with additional lifts like rows/shoulder press and pull ups added. Also what's a good core workout to make my abs bigger?
I think 5 reps is good for strength, from what i've experienced.. rep ranges wont do much without a proper diet.  You said you want to add weight/get strong, to get stronger you need to eat, give muscles food for growth.  So just check you're eating slightly over your maintenance level with good whole foods first, then I am positive you will add weight/strength. 

In terms you're workouts, you're on the right track compounds and additional lifts are great for getting bigger.  Depending on you're goals, are you after an athletic purpose or just aesthetic appearance? I believe in confusion, doing a bit of isolation and compound movements is best.  Ab wise, compounds will give you a good workout already, I like to do reverse crunches, hang leg raises and cardio and that sorts me out.  But again diet diet diet will give you the 39 pack,  not 1000 crunches.
I want to get much bigger, I'm only around 145 lbs right now and I'm trying to be 160-165. This is all for athletic purposes, so whether or not I have big biceps or not, I want to be stronger, yet heavier so when I play basketball I can take hits and contact easier. Right now I have one workout day around 5 reps and another around 8.

The abs for for aesthetic appearance, I do the compound lifts and eat but they still don't show, even when I flex

And just so I know I'm on the right track, training around 5 reps (like an athlete) will make you more toned, right? Because that's what I have been doing for a couple months and my muscles are invisible unless I flex.

Toning is a product of low body fat and sufficient muscle size. Doing 5 reps exclusively won't help you get there the best way if you're a beginner.  Hypertrophy rep range is 8-12, and low body fat is achieved through a safe caloric deficit.
Im ready to get back ON my workout tip. Here's my planned workout. My goal is to lose weight but try to tone also. With this workout i should be using lower to moderate weight(s) to achieve my goals correct?? Oh btw i just got some Jack3d, using for the first time starting Monday.

Monday - Chest

* Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Decline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Dumbbell Pullover 2 x 15-20
* Incline Flyes 2 x 10-20

* Bench Press Incline/Decline/Flat 2 x 8-10

Tuesday - Legs

* Squats 3 x 10-20
* Leg Press 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Curl 3 x 10-20
* Reverse Calf Raises 2 x 10-20
* Seated Calf Raises 2 x 10-20

 * HackSquats  3 x 10-20

*Ab Routine of Choice

Wednesday - Back
 * Deadlift 4 x 8-10
* Pullups 3 sets to failure
* Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 x 8-12
* Seated Row 3 x 8-12
* Hyperextensions 3 x 12-15

Thursday - Shoulders

* Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12-15
* Military Press 2 x 8-10
* Arnold Press 2 x 8-12
* Bent Lateral Raises 2 x 8-12
* Shrugs 2 x 12-15

*Ab Routine of Choice

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12

*Deadlifts 3 x 8-12

Saturday – Cardio Only Day doing any of these Outdoor Running, Basketball,Jumprope, Jumping Jacks, or P90X Cardio Program (if available)

Sunday – Rest Day
I've gained about 40-50 lbs past year and a half after losing the previous lbs. How hard would it be lose these lbs again?
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by scshift

I'm trying to add weight/get stronger right now, so what should my ideal workout/rep ranges be? I normally train 5 reps to strength but I've been reading that 8 is the best for size, so what gives me optimal gains in both?

Also what are the best functional/athletic lifts to get bigger? My workout is all compound, centered around bench/squat/deadlift/incline with additional lifts like rows/shoulder press and pull ups added. Also what's a good core workout to make my abs bigger?
I think 5 reps is good for strength, from what i've experienced.. rep ranges wont do much without a proper diet.  You said you want to add weight/get strong, to get stronger you need to eat, give muscles food for growth.  So just check you're eating slightly over your maintenance level with good whole foods first, then I am positive you will add weight/strength. 

In terms you're workouts, you're on the right track compounds and additional lifts are great for getting bigger.  Depending on you're goals, are you after an athletic purpose or just aesthetic appearance? I believe in confusion, doing a bit of isolation and compound movements is best.  Ab wise, compounds will give you a good workout already, I like to do reverse crunches, hang leg raises and cardio and that sorts me out.  But again diet diet diet will give you the 39 pack,  not 1000 crunches.
I want to get much bigger, I'm only around 145 lbs right now and I'm trying to be 160-165. This is all for athletic purposes, so whether or not I have big biceps or not, I want to be stronger, yet heavier so when I play basketball I can take hits and contact easier. Right now I have one workout day around 5 reps and another around 8.

The abs for for aesthetic appearance, I do the compound lifts and eat but they still don't show, even when I flex

And just so I know I'm on the right track, training around 5 reps (like an athlete) will make you more toned, right? Because that's what I have been doing for a couple months and my muscles are invisible unless I flex.

Toning is a product of low body fat and sufficient muscle size. Doing 5 reps exclusively won't help you get there the best way if you're a beginner.  Hypertrophy rep range is 8-12, and low body fat is achieved through a safe caloric deficit.
I meant like assuming you trained like an athlete, what would the prototypical athletic physique look like? I'm not bodybuilding so toning isn't my goal, I was just wondering because I'm not sure what the deal is when you can't see your muscles unless you flex. I get the diet stuff, and I've been lifting for a couple months. But thanks for the .02, any info/advice I can get right now is appreciated
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