Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by I3
All aboard!
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Seriously though cmon on.
is it possible to gain a real nice physique with a "drinking habit"? im 6'2, current 180.. heaviest ive been is 240 and that was a few years ago due to overeating and depression.
i drink a few beers (2-6) every night and weekends, eitehr fri or sat or both, i will consume 12+ beers a night. only days im not drinking is when im recuperating from a hangover or extremely tired
i work out 3-4 times a week and ive been noticing results, but im not sure if this is holding me back.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

 did ten mins on the treadmill, and after my workout had a bit of energy to spare so I did another ten moderately hard.

MY SHINS ARE killing me today... were my shoes laced too tight? or what? I can't even walk today

I've asked a bunch of people who run all the time if it was just me running with improper form causing the pain , and they agreed that its harder to run on a treadmill. I used to run cross country/ track & field back in high school, and I would hardly ever be sore. Treadmills feel like theyre beating up my knees and shins, so I usually just run on them every other day instead of making them part of my daily routine.
the pain in your shins are called shin some calf stretches and you'll be straight. a good calf stretch is pulling back on your foot with a towel.
^yea u need to cut back on the amount u drink.

Im not gonna tell u to stop drinking all together just limit it to about 2-3 days a week and lessen the amount of total beers
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can squat/deadlift 1.5x but I want to go over just a little bit so I can do it easily, then I'll slow down. My upper body is terrible in comparison, but I can bench my bodyweight like once or twice. 37" is a ridiculous vertical, have you trained before? If so it is probably harder to increase it but if not, then you must be crazy athletically gifted. I need a 37" vert just to touch the rim because my standing reach is just under 7'

Keep working on the upper, I can only now consistently bench slightly above my bodyweight, which I find quite good progress.  I could only bench like 130 before, for maybe a year. But I found a spotter, and drop setting would help as well. 

In terms of vertical jump, when I was younger I was always riding my bike - everywhere to school, down the hill, up the hill everywhere.  As far as I could remember I was never the tallest in my elementary school basketball team - But i'd always do the jump balls etc.  Ive done a few programmes in my time.  AA3, VJB, skys the limit etc.. I have a 5'11 reach which prob gives me a slight advantage.

Just keep at it son, squats, clean diet and practise the technique you use to jump, that can add like an extra 2-3 inches right off the bat.
Originally Posted by big mike 13

is it possible to gain a real nice physique with a "drinking habit"? im 6'2, current 180.. heaviest ive been is 240 and that was a few years ago due to overeating and depression.
i drink a few beers (2-6) every night and weekends, eitehr fri or sat or both, i will consume 12+ beers a night. only days im not drinking is when im recuperating from a hangover or extremely tired
i work out 3-4 times a week and ive been noticing results, but im not sure if this is holding me back.
Are you seriously looking for answer to that or are you waiting to hear what you want to hear?  there's no way you haven't figured out what the answer to that question is.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by big mike 13

is it possible to gain a real nice physique with a "drinking habit"? im 6'2, current 180.. heaviest ive been is 240 and that was a few years ago due to overeating and depression.
i drink a few beers (2-6) every night and weekends, eitehr fri or sat or both, i will consume 12+ beers a night. only days im not drinking is when im recuperating from a hangover or extremely tired
i work out 3-4 times a week and ive been noticing results, but im not sure if this is holding me back.
Are you seriously looking for answer to that or are you waiting to hear what you want to hear?  there's no way you haven't figured out what the answer to that question is.

if anything maybe like once a week..
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by Al Audi


very impressed, so basically when you cant even pinch skin off your body is 5% bf? do we all agree?

Saw this this morning, dude doesn't even do cardio
a lot of ppl say that

but im not shredded to that point yet.

diet is more important though, thats the key to this whole thing......
"I do not do cardio..."
Pfft...+$%@*, +!#% youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 

And by the way you was leaning on those "shoulder" presses I'd say he worked out more of his upper pectoral muscles. Yes I'm mad. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by Al Audi


very impressed, so basically when you cant even pinch skin off your body is 5% bf? do we all agree?

Saw this this morning, dude doesn't even do cardio
a lot of ppl say that

but im not shredded to that point yet.

diet is more important though, thats the key to this whole thing......
"I do not do cardio..."
Pfft...+$%@*, +!#% youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 

And by the way you was leaning on those "shoulder" presses I'd say he worked out more of his upper pectoral muscles. Yes I'm mad. 

funny thing is ive said it before............a lot of these simply shredded interviews i think dudes are not telling the whole truth.

well duh of course not.
New treadmills were put into my gym last week, equipped with flatscreen HDTVs with an iPod connect. I've been meaning to get cardio back into my workout, looks like I'm sold on the idea.
Lean dudes that dont do cardio also have unbelievably fast metabolisms. For most people some cardio is absolutely essential to reducing/maintaining body fat.
Originally Posted by bkmac

New treadmills were put into my gym last week, equipped with flatscreen HDTVs with an iPod connect. I've been meaning to get cardio back into my workout, looks like I'm sold on the idea.

that's dope, what gym you go to?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Lean dudes that dont do cardio also have unbelievably fast metabolisms. For most people some cardio is absolutely essential to reducing/maintaining body fat.

yep also true

a lot of these dudes grew up ectomorphs.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Lean dudes that dont do cardio also have unbelievably fast metabolisms. For most people some cardio is absolutely essential to reducing/maintaining body fat.

See the thing is, I have a very fast metabolism. I want to run and do cardio because I absolutely love running and want to build up my lungs and such and such. How would I go about doing this?
I did cardio for a month. Didn't need to, but wanted to. I messed up my legs. Never again. I agree with what joecam said. Putting in work in the gym is more than enough cardio for some people. I'm an ecto, so yeah.
dude who dont need to do cardio are lucky as hell, i used to be like that. now i cant even lose weight/fat while doing cardio SMH
Originally Posted by I3

Keep working on the upper, I can only now consistently bench slightly above my bodyweight, which I find quite good progress.  I could only bench like 130 before, for maybe a year. But I found a spotter, and drop setting would help as well. 

In terms of vertical jump, when I was younger I was always riding my bike - everywhere to school, down the hill, up the hill everywhere.  As far as I could remember I was never the tallest in my elementary school basketball team - But i'd always do the jump balls etc.  Ive done a few programmes in my time.  AA3, VJB, skys the limit etc.. I have a 5'11 reach which prob gives me a slight advantage.

Just keep at it son, squats, clean diet and practise the technique you use to jump, that can add like an extra 2-3 inches right off the bat.
Yeah I went back to the gym today, trying to get back to normal and my deadlift went up. I was doing 210 pretty easily, so once the rest catches up it'll be good.

And do you mean 6'11" reach? Cause 5'11" is abnormally low, unless you're talking wingspan. My arms are real short too so it's annoying. I stopped doing jump-specific training though, I'm trying to get my entire body stronger instead of just more jump-oriented, once I feel good about my strength then I'll start to jump again.
I'm very lean myself, but I'm looking to get cardio back into my weekly workouts because I want to increase my stamina and I want to work on my abs for a 6-pack Summer 2011. With a good diet comes abs, I'm aware, I just need to find the perfect diet to follow.... 
Can someone recommend a good full body mass building routine? I've been caught up in playing lots of pick up ball recently and would rather only lift like 3-4 days a week... I did this tonight..

DB Flat Press 4x
Squat 4x
Deadlift 4x
Wide grip pullups 4 x 8
Calf raises 4 x 185

What do y'all think about this routine? Thinkin of lifting every other day and having my next day be a variation of Squat/Incline Bench/BB Row and then some isolated lifts as well... Yay Or Nay??

Thanks NT

Edit:  Throw military press in there as well
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