Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Not "dense" muscle. That was the joke (dense is a bro term). I have gained, about, 10 lbs since I started using Beta Alanine, though its purely coincidental I used that number. There, I gave you a complete analytical response about my post.
Thinking of doing this:

Day 1

A1)* Chin-ups, supinated (palms facing you)
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up (pull yourself up over a period of 3 seconds), 1 second down
Rest Interval: 0 seconds (after one set, move directly to the next exercise below)

A2) Squat
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

A3) Push-up
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

A4) Deadlifts
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 120 seconds

* The A1-A4 designations mean you do one set of each exercise with no rest in between. After the last exercise, in this case deadlifts, you'll rest for the prescribed amount of time and then repeat the whole circuit two more times. After that, you'll probably puke, and then you can move to the "B" exercises.

B1) Hanging leg raises
Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

B2) Decline reverse crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, one second up
Rest Interval: 60 seconds

The decline reverse crunch is performed on a slant board or a Swiss ball where you raise your legs up towards your face.

Day 2

A1) Push press
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds down, explode up
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

The push press is a shoulder press that utilizes the entire body. Start by standing, with a shoulder-width grip and the barbell resting on anterior delts. Squat one-fourth of the way down to initiate the momentum. Next, press the bar straight over the head to a soft lockout while exploding up on to the toes. Finish by lowering the weight to your shoulders.

A2) Walking lunge with dumbbells
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

A walking lunge looks like a regular lunge except instead of stepping back to the starting position, you step forward with the back leg. You'll end up walking across the floor 20 to 30 feet.

A3) Dip
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 0 seconds

A4) Bent over barbell row
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: 3 seconds up, 1 second down
Rest Interval: 120 seconds

B) Twisting crunches on Swiss ball or hanging leg raises with twist
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rep Speed: Hold 3 seconds at the top
Rest Interval: 60 seconds
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I"m the opposite, I wouldn't hesitate to put health over friends lol.

PAGING DURDEN-Have you gained 10lbs of dense muscle from the beta alanine yet?
  Ive only been taking it for 3 days now.

I havent weighed myself in months so maybe ill weigh myself monday to get some sort of baseline.

Still skepetical. 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Need a few tips. I'm a big dude looking to drop pounds. Don't need to (at least I don't think I do) to gain muscle. Other than going on the treadmill, what else can I do?
i wish i could put more effort into my legs

and yeah im always getting injured lol, my form isnt perfect, and i tend to push it a little too much during my last few sets

the forearm splint turned out to be forearm flexor tendonitus (sp) though since my arms have been growing stupid the past few months lol

and im done with jack3d or preworkout supps in general

1,3 dimethyl in jack3d can mess up your mood

gave me a bad headache too last time i took it (over a month and a half ago)

taking green tea as of late(with 150-200mg caffeine), which seems to suffice

i dont get these mood swings and headaches anymore
I'm drunk right now, but it's all good. Ok, preworkouts actually make me feel really good post workout. I feel high, pretty much. Jacked has been known to make you crash hard. Presurge mitigates that pretty well. I feel buzzed after a work out, invincible even. Yeah, only 150mg of caffeine is enough for me. Jesus I've never had this much trouble typing before. I never drink this much. Going to hit it hard this week.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Sneakerking.. what leg exercises do you do? What is your "leg routine".

-Leg Extensions-Leg Curls-Squats-Hack Squats-Lunges-Calf Raises (weighted and body weight)And I'll be adding Roman deadlifts starting next week.Edit - I didn't type this all in one line like it came out.
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Need a few tips. I'm a big dude looking to drop pounds. Don't need to (at least I don't think I do) to gain muscle. Other than going on the treadmill, what else can I do?

I highly recommend doing HIIT on the treadmill twice a week and in the morning time. also, what's your diet like? changing my diet was about 80% of my fat lost, 20% from cardio and light weights
Originally Posted by I3

Anyone know a good compound circuit training programme?

Looking to do 2 weeks of intense low rest time compounds with an emphasis on muscle stamina before my tournament
What tournament are you training for?

For a general strength/power workout, I'd do a circuit of:

Squat, deadlift, bulgarian split squats and dumbbell step ups, all for 4-5 reps at around 90% max, no rest in between exercises, then right after that move to upper body.

For upper body: Flat bench press, bent over rows, incline press, weighted chin ups and then weighted dips, all for 3-5 reps at around 90-95% max. You won't be moving alot of weight so be prepared to see a drop in numbers. Take about a 3-5 minute rest, then repeat the circuit, doing it either 2x or 3x through, depending on how you feel.
I +*$@@@ HATE BEING SICK. AGHHHGHGHHGHGGH, doesn't help at a large university either with those densely packed lecture halls full of other sick people. I don't know what to throat has been killin me these past few days but my cold I haven't had any nasal congestion at all? I'm worried that it means I won't get better because ....well don't colds move on from sore throat to runny nose and congestion?
Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Need a few tips. I'm a big dude looking to drop pounds. Don't need to (at least I don't think I do) to gain muscle. Other than going on the treadmill, what else can I do?

I highly recommend doing HIIT on the treadmill twice a week and in the morning time. also, what's your diet like? changing my diet was about 80% of my fat lost, 20% from cardio and light weights
You may think you don't need to hit the weights, but I would recommend hitting the weights at least for the first phase of it. Build up your muscle with a strength routine (high weight, 8-10 reps/set) and once you start to see the shape of your muscles changing after a couple of months change your workout to include more cardio 30-45 minutes and lighter weight more reps.

It works. Trust me.

Change your diet too. But do it gradually. Start by cutting out one thing per week that you know you shouldn't be eating. By the time you're ready to get cut, you'll be down to eating just what you need.

I'm no personal trainer, but this worked for me.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Need a few tips. I'm a big dude looking to drop pounds. Don't need to (at least I don't think I do) to gain muscle. Other than going on the treadmill, what else can I do?

I highly recommend doing HIIT on the treadmill twice a week and in the morning time. also, what's your diet like? changing my diet was about 80% of my fat lost, 20% from cardio and light weights
You may think you don't need to hit the weights, but I would recommend hitting the weights at least for the first phase of it. Build up your muscle with a strength routine (high weight, 8-10 reps/set) and once you start to see the shape of your muscles changing after a couple of months change your workout to include more cardio 30-45 minutes and lighter weight more reps.

It works. Trust me.

Change your diet too. But do it gradually. Start by cutting out one thing per week that you know you shouldn't be eating. By the time you're ready to get cut, you'll be down to eating just what you need.

I'm no personal trainer, but this worked for me.

I'm no personal trainer either, but from everything that I've read this ^ is the consensus best way to drop weight.
wow I let myself go a little bit. I just checked the scale yesterday and I gained bout 18 lbs. Went from 150 to 168.4. I was going zig zag with my diet trying to lose weight. I would follow my diet a few days then just !!*+ up and eat bad.. I guess I had too many bad days. Luckily I was going to the gym the whole time. All my lifts went up

bench 135 3x5    to   155 2x5 1x3
squat 185  3x5   to   205 3x5
DL 230 3x5   to   270 2x5 1x2
seated DB shoulder press 30lb each 3x6 to 45lb each 3x5

My gut is poking out a bit more and overall I just got a bit fatter. My face got a bit fatter too, no more defined jawline. I'm a lot leaner than the last time I used to be 168lbs though (last year). I still can see some veins and "hints" of striation. I don't know what I should do for a goal anymore. I think I'm too heavy for my height at 5'6 and wanna lose weight because my medium sized tee's don't look good on me no more and I'm starting to wear my large size shirts again. But at the same I like the feeling that I'm gettin stronger. What ya'll think I should do? try cutting again and then clean bulk? or try getting stronger and gaining more muscle now instead?

f it i'm cutting..
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Hol' up, ya'll be taking days off cuz of sore throats and *##+?
I'm spittin out green loogies and $@%@ dude, I don't know if I'm contagious or not ...what with that recycled air inside the gym I ain't tryna *%## up somebody else.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I'm drunk right now, but it's all good. Ok, preworkouts actually make me feel really good post workout. I feel high, pretty much. Jacked has been known to make you crash hard. Presurge mitigates that pretty well. I feel buzzed after a work out, invincible even. Yeah, only 150mg of caffeine is enough for me. Jesus I've never had this much trouble typing before. I never drink this much. Going to hit it hard this week.
I am the happiest little #*#%$% in the world post workout since I've started taking three scoops of jack3d. I don't talk but I'm in the best mood... it's wild.
...I also crash hard and get sad for no reason. I guess I know why now.

In what form are you guys taking caffeine? is it just pills I can buy?

Also, someone put me on a beta alanine.. 
Random question but I was wondering for those of you who do different muscles (more then 1 a day) do you guys do the first muscle, all the exercises, then the second muscles or do you guys switch it up
Example: When doing Chest/tri would you do all you chest first then do all your triceps after? or do you do some chest workouts when some triceps then chest again then triceps?
Originally Posted by drock2010

Random question but I was wondering for those of you who do different muscles (more then 1 a day) do you guys do the first muscle, all the exercises, then the second muscles or do you guys switch it up
Example: When doing Chest/tri would you do all you chest first then do all your triceps after? or do you do some chest workouts when some triceps then chest again then triceps?

I'd say it all depends on what muscles you're grouping together.If it's chest/tris, it wouldn't really matter 'cause you're tris get hit when you work your chest anyway. I'd still do my chest exercises first (since they're compound), then tri exercise (since they're isolation).But if you're doing chest/bis (which I'm currently doing), I'd say it's better to knock out each muscle group one at a time.
Originally Posted by RareAirBreeds23

what does "cutting" mean exactly?

Your daily intake of calories < daily maintenance calories. Some say you lose a lil strength but it gets the six pack showing
i told you guys how i dont take whey anymore

i know a lot of you are gonna think this is BS but i use this cuz honestly it does seem like BS


I LOVE not even hungry all day how i usually am.......keeps me hard and veiny all day (pause)

i literally only have 2 meat meals a day now an ive bumped up my carbs stuff is great. for people who actually use it i have not heard anything negative thus far
my bottles

im actually doing a log on a diff forum, an i gettin professional photos done come dec.

had my first work out today with this new product..........great. supplements have come a long way.

i actually found out about the product from this ive been readin up on it for about 2-3 weeks and hearin feedback from people who actually use it an it got a lot of praise so i was like (#&$# lemme try this for myself.


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