Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


last pic but these proportions + bf% is hard to beat

lotta dudes just get big but none of their body parts match up size-wise.....arms way bigger than chest and whatnot

 This dude ran a cycle of steroids to achieve that. He's notorious on for running cycles to achieve his physique
Originally Posted by bC

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


last pic but these proportions + bf% is hard to beat

lotta dudes just get big but none of their body parts match up size-wise.....arms way bigger than chest and whatnot

 This dude ran a cycle of steroids to achieve that. He's notorious on for running cycles to achieve his physique
i googled "zyzz before"

got this pic


dude was like 100 lb before lifting.

i dont care about steroid use to begin with, and starting with this $!%@%% of a base makes it pretty understandable.

regardless of how he did it dude looks incredible no %!+!
damn at 120 per week. being a college student working part-time thats a little od for me. for dudes in the same situation how do you do it?
Originally Posted by rhester

......Yall still talkin about that dude, though.....

foreals...i think we get the point about him, hes shredded...he took roids...he has low good for him...
I find it tedious to count calories and carbs.. I didnt it before..

But it depends on your goals. If you're cutting its probably a good idea to gather the approximate amount of calories your taking in. Slow bulk is similar. But with a bulk, just eat as much as you can... (clean preferrably)

I know I can't see my abs properly unless I cut my carbs.. but then my lifts go down..

I am trying a high protein/fat low carb diet, but its just hard to miss out carbs...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it tedious to count calories and carbs.. I didnt it before..

But it depends on your goals. If you're cutting its probably a good idea to gather the approximate amount of calories your taking in. Slow bulk is similar. But with a bulk, just eat as much as you can... (clean preferrably)

I know I can't see my abs properly unless I cut my carbs.. but then my lifts go down..

I am trying a high protein/fat low carb diet, but its just hard to miss out carbs...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it tedious to count calories and carbs.. I didnt it before..

But it depends on your goals. If you're cutting its probably a good idea to gather the approximate amount of calories your taking in. Slow bulk is similar. But with a bulk, just eat as much as you can... (clean preferrably)

I know I can't see my abs properly unless I cut my carbs.. but then my lifts go down..

I am trying a high protein/fat low carb diet, but its just hard to miss out carbs...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Al Audi

how many of you dudes REALLY be countin the carbs?

ive done it like once............real tedious but.............thats when i got my leanest also.. i was in the legit 8% range......maintained it for like 2 weeks maybe an had a whole pizza one day like F it.

best my abs ever been.........that had to be like 2 years ago now.

ive been to a point where i dont crave anything bad but i always snap........when i cheat its not a cheat day its like i cheat for a whole month. xtreme though.....for the most part of clean but gettin under 10% i really do gotta count the carbs my metabolism is good but not that damn good.

I don't count carbs, but when I try to lean out a bit I will try and limit them. Dropping carbs quickly kills my water weight. I tend to drop carbs for a week or two then up them again when I feel like I'm lean enough. I tend to stay between 9 - 11% bf by doing this, while maintaining my strength. I make sure I have enough protein though.
Originally Posted by bC

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


last pic but these proportions + bf% is hard to beat

lotta dudes just get big but none of their body parts match up size-wise.....arms way bigger than chest and whatnot

 This dude ran a cycle of steroids to achieve that. He's notorious on for running cycles to achieve his physique
I'd say 80% of "great" physiques similar to this guy are the result of some form of AAS.

Lots of people find this hard to accept.
I read that article Audi posted. I had a question is says to have direct carbs only after workouts on workout days. Is it not ok to have direct carbs before the workout since theyll give you energy?
Something like wheat bread, brown rice, pasta or oats. Things like a fruit might have some carbs but arent a direct source I think.
Something like wheat bread, brown rice, pasta or oats. Things like a fruit might have some carbs but arent a direct source I think.
Something like wheat bread, brown rice, pasta or oats. Things like a fruit might have some carbs but arent a direct source I think.
  • 1/2 cup of egg whites
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 1 cup green pepper and mushrooms bad would it be if i just threw it in a blender? down the shooting cheap whiskey after a vodka night.

Nothing is "lost" by blending it right?
In my first bulking phase il'l count my simple/complex and try to range 20grams per intake of a meal. Snacks were different though, cause i'd go for mere calories and protein instead. Like, for a snack a slice of wheat bread would be nonsense. Instead an apple, with peanuts would suite.
Lmao brett I dare you to drink that out the blender......o man. Lol @ Joe with the <3. Hahaha. Yea I'm def tryna be 6-8 packed out all year long. This will be the first winter I don't give myself an excuse to eat w/e I want around that time of the year.
40 minutes of basketball and 45 minutes of insanity...Gonna hit the gym for an hour or two tonight.

SMH, didn't eat too healthy during my trip to Vegas.
Originally Posted by Durden7

My first FULL week off of lifting in a lonnnggg time.  I dont even remember the last time I took 7 days off in a row.

Ive got too many injuries.  I need to heal.  Strained rhomboid, strained wrist flexors on right wrist, sore left shoulder and still recovering from both ankle injuries. 

One more week of a lot of free time, then graduate school begins. 
Taking 1-week off in a row is almost impossible when you are hooked
. I've tried doing this several times this year and have ended up taking no more than 3-days off in a row on only 1 occasion
I really like that link lurkin posted.

42g protein, 15g fat for 4 meals.
42g protein, 15g fat, 60g carbs for 1 meal.

That's what I've gathered. I just don't think 60g carb/day is enough. I guess I could do 60g in the morning, and 60g after workout.

With that said, he suggests MRPs... b/c they have nutrients, protein and fats. He doesn't mention what to use for the MRP though. Could the protein source just be a scoop of whey????
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