Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Is there a benefit to drinking straight liquid egg whites instead of cooking them into an omelet/etc. besides time?
i always thought your body couldnt process the egg protein unless it was cooked?

that could be total i think liquid egg whites are coked/pastuerized

im gonna start doing this, years of drinking nasty supps/protein shakes makes you immune to most bad tastes
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Is there a benefit to drinking straight liquid egg whites instead of cooking them into an omelet/etc. besides time?

One may debate that cooking an egg "denatures" it... but I think that is going to happen in your stomach anyways. For me it's all about time.

Just bought a weeks worth of oatmeal, milk, tuna, chicken, turkey burgers, cottage cheese, yogurt, egg whites and sweet potatoes and it was $120

You cant tell if youre doing correct contractions with a shirt on?
Not really. When I'm at home flexing/doing the motions I can see it working it's targets area.
For example, with military press I have no idea the correct placement of wrists/elbows etc. All I know is full ROM and make sure to get the weight up. However when my shirt is off I can see things working. It's more/less an experience thing
Damn 120/week? I just can't spend that much money on food. Damn. You are eating a lot or you are getting ripped off.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

 I just can't spend that much money on food.
buying food is the most expensive part of this hobby.

ive taken so many notes from simply shredded website

also took some names down of interviews i liked

thing i like most is how everybody eats/trains/beliefs in different things

one example would be post workout....which is so very how people go about carb intake. just do what works for you. an also from that i notice each body type is different. i def like checkin out the meal plans you can read this website all day.
If its 120/week on food plus extra for supplements... I'm just not about that life.

Audi, did you like Zyzz's interview?

I'm j/k
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

You cant tell if youre doing correct contractions with a shirt on?
Not really. When I'm at home flexing/doing the motions I can see it working it's targets area.
For example, with military press I have no idea the correct placement of wrists/elbows etc. All I know is full ROM and make sure to get the weight up. However when my shirt is off I can see things working. It's more/less an experience thing

Thats odd.

If you dont know the correct placement of things, then a shirt on or off wont make a difference. 

How close are you to the mirror at the gym anyways so that you can see that much?

Also, shirts are really necessary for sanitary reasons and equipment maintence.  (But thats beside the point)
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

You cant tell if youre doing correct contractions with a shirt on?
Not really. When I'm at home flexing/doing the motions I can see it working it's targets area.
For example, with military press I have no idea the correct placement of wrists/elbows etc. All I know is full ROM and make sure to get the weight up. However when my shirt is off I can see things working. It's more/less an experience thing
Thats odd.

If you dont know the correct placement of things, then a shirt on or off wont make a difference. 

How close are you to the mirror at the gym anyways so that you can see that much?

Also, shirts are really necessary for sanitary reasons and equipment maintence.  (But thats beside the point)

You make very valid points. I guess I'm just teh kinda guy who needs to see things working to make sure it's happening correctly

but yeah.. 120/week is HEAVY. With that said, there is more than enough protein to stop with whey, and all other supps are "not needed". If I find I have a few extra $$ one month I might grab some BCAA or creatine.
As well, that 120 is essentially everything I eat for 7 days. Calculate how much you spend on snacks, lunches, lattes, smoothies ETC. For me, it was HELLA more expensive than $120. I completely eliminated any "extras" food/snack wise from my budget.
The only way I'll be able to afford this during the school year is to eliminate party/beer/booze/female $$ as well. So, all in all $480/month is pretty justified.
QUEASTION im trying to lose about 5 pounds (pants getting a little snub) should I stop taking creatine?
My first FULL week off of lifting in a lonnnggg time.  I dont even remember the last time I took 7 days off in a row.

Ive got too many injuries.  I need to heal.  Strained rhomboid, strained wrist flexors on right wrist, sore left shoulder and still recovering from both ankle injuries. 

One more week of a lot of free time, then graduate school begins. 

last pic but these proportions + bf% is hard to beat

lotta dudes just get big but none of their body parts match up size-wise.....arms way bigger than chest and whatnot
how many of you dudes REALLY be countin the carbs?

ive done it like once............real tedious but.............thats when i got my leanest also.. i was in the legit 8% range......maintained it for like 2 weeks maybe an had a whole pizza one day like F it.

best my abs ever been.........that had to be like 2 years ago now.

ive been to a point where i dont crave anything bad but i always snap........when i cheat its not a cheat day its like i cheat for a whole month. xtreme though.....for the most part of clean but gettin under 10% i really do gotta count the carbs my metabolism is good but not that damn good.
how do you guys cook your chicken breasts? I absolutely cannot fry them cause i dislike dry chicken. I've been baking them for the longest and its getting a bit bland.
i feel like i cant function properly with very low carbs

i dont even eat sugar/simple carbs outside of fruit either

carb cycling kinda sucked for me

im trying to cut down starting today and all im really worried about is keeping cals at 2000 or below, getting enough protein in, and making sure all the food i eat is healthy just for nutritional purposes. not gonna trip about carbs.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

how many of you dudes REALLY be countin the carbs?

ive done it like once............real tedious but.............thats when i got my leanest also.. i was in the legit 8% range......maintained it for like 2 weeks maybe an had a whole pizza one day like F it.

best my abs ever been.........that had to be like 2 years ago now.

ive been to a point where i dont crave anything bad but i always snap........when i cheat its not a cheat day its like i cheat for a whole month. xtreme though.....for the most part of clean but gettin under 10% i really do gotta count the carbs my metabolism is good but not that damn good.
Audi how many carbs are we talking?  I wanna start being strict on them but I just love to load up on em before a session of hooping
Taste and chicken? In the same sentance?? Lol, I forgot how chicken tastes.

Just put lemon on it, maybe some cayenne pepper, and grill.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

last pic but these proportions + bf% is hard to beat

lotta dudes just get big but none of their body parts match up size-wise.....arms way bigger than chest and whatnot
JOE just HAD to post up a Zyzz pic again

right before i go to bed

 aesthetically pleasing

no h_
Does the amount of carbs consumed do the same for everyone? i.e. is there an ideal amount for "bulking" "cutting" "maintaining"????

I've dialed my diet in so tight (time, proportions, etc) that I know exactly how many g of everything I'm getting in a day. I just don't know if I need to tune those number a bit or not?

What's good for muscle growth and body fat loss?
Originally Posted by gunnasgunnagetit

how do you guys cook your chicken breasts? I absolutely cannot fry them cause i dislike dry chicken. I've been baking them for the longest and its getting a bit bland.

nah brett id say its not the same for everyone..............i mean duh you got common we all weigh the same?

for the different phases, yes you do tune those numbers.


another article i read just now.........

d723.......youre gonna need a good dose of carbs before thats understandable........and after. just depending on your goal it matters what you do all day. i mean your body is gonna use those carbs too.

yea itll drive you crazy this diet thing, the hardest part to a body you want. man sleep too smh. time flies
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