Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Good tips everybody.
Just getting back from a broken leg so I need to get back into shape.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by WarMachine

95% of what people? 95% of people don't care about what the eat, whats your point?

That percentage of people dont need to go through B/C phases. Its not necessary and can be detrimental to their health.

So it is possible to lose fat/gain muscle at the same time, and recommending they B/C can be risky.

This, and you (WarMachine) contradicted yourself by saying it's not possible, then by going back on your word and saying it's impractical. Don't feed people misinformation that bulking and cutting is the only way to do it, when there are better alternatives that are better suited for them.

oh you caught me in mincing my words, but I corrected myself in saying it's impractical, though I like how you look over my correction and continue to beaton my first point to emphasis how wrong I was. Slick. And you argue 95% of people don't need to B/C but some say 95% of people don't need supplements,should dissuade people from that too?
im at 186 now i want to get a 200 with less than or equal to 11% bf whats a reasonable goal time to reach this?............with a fair diet and 4 days a weekworkouts with 4 days a week cardio.
Im recomping.. but its easier if you stick to one goal IMO either cut or bulk. Patience is required when eating at slightly over maintenance... plus you get toretain your physique, minimal fat gain.

Ive added around 2-3kgs already in 3 weeks, but its most likely 0.5kg muscle or thereabouts.
Been lurking in this thread (and the one before it) for quite a while and just thought I would share some of my progress. I have had quite a few stints in thegym and started up another go round' this past march. Being a natural ectomorph I stay around 150ish @ 5'11 when out of the gym. The after pic is mygains since March...roughly 175-180 depending on what time of day it is.

Still trying to bulk another 10 lbs before doing a minor cut before spring hits.

March 09

Nov 09
Airjzz great progress. Mayor how much more inspiration you need, all jokes aside, what r you tryna do right now? L-glutamine.......if you were taking it raiseHGH, not that serious, again this imo but l-glutamine by itself is not needed.
LAX dunno why you asked about steroids but even if you were considering it your training isnt at that level yet. I remember you lost some weight, go try alegit stack first or supplement with something thatll help fat metobolism and lean muscle gains thatll work too. Applied Nutriceuticals has a product calledDRIVE it might interest you.
What about it would you like to know? I don't know all the science and specifics in regards to creatine but I know it helps build strength, mass, and aidsin recovery. I consider it pretty much a standard (alongside protein powder) when it comes to weight lifting.
Yea......creatine has been talked about plenty maybe the old thread? Welp....anyways Kre-Alkalyn for me.
Fellas i need some insight on this. I bought some SuperPump 250 over the weekend. What exactly is the feeling you get from this and other supp's such aswhite flood i hear so much about. It's gonna be my first time using something other than vitamins and protein (whey,casein). I read that it makes you focusand increases your pump but i'd really like to hear it from one of you guys who have had experience with these supp's. I'm headed to the gym inabout 2hr's so im starting to think twice about using it. I was all pump and like yeah now im kinda second guessing it.
I have used Superpump before. It's an NO product that is supposed to increase the 'pump', your energy and focus while in the gym. I would give it apositive review as it def did help me with my focus and did give more of an extended pump throughout the day. Make sure you drink it on an empty stomach.

Be wary though, a lot of users (myself included) visit the bathroom shortly after using the product (and no not to pee).
^^ thanks.
anymore reviews out there.

Man i had breakfast this morning but bout time i get to the gym 3hr's will have passed so im sorta on a empty stomach. All i had was a small bowl ofoatmela and 3 eggs (2 whites,1 reg). i also see you said throught the day as if it keeps you energized all day??
That's pleny of time between your meal and the superpump drink. I personally wouldnt eat again until after gym unless it were something small.

As far as the pump, I meant it just helps prolong that 'pumped up' feeling you have after working out. Whereas you might still be feeling jacked maybean hour after you leave, the superpump might help extend that to 2 hours or so. The 'pump' is mainly an ego pleaser IMO, I like to take NO productslike superpump for the increased energy and focus while in the gym. More energy + focus = less rest between sets/adding more weight = more real muscle gain.

The energy boost for me generally is strictly during gym time only.
I tried Pump Tech for free a couple years ago don't know if they still make it. You feel you muscles fuller blood rushes faster and you stay pumped longer.Its a waste doesn't really do anything in the long run.
Superpump is very legit......back in the day I hit a PR (personal record) with dumbbell inclines. 110lbs. Its one of the most popular products in thatcatergory. Superpump x Size On is a serious stack if you wanna put on size.
I just finished my NO Shotgun x NO Synthesize stack
I think I might give Dark Rage( I believe this has some hormones in it) x Dark Matter a try
^^ Thanks You all. My uncle is using the superpump size on stack. He said thats all he take and is throwing his protein away. I LOL'd at him because heneed the protein but i guess that's him. Im not really looking to put on a lot of size but to trim and shape. But if i gain some lean mass then im all forit. So if this increases energy then im going for low to med weight at PLENTY of reps then. Yess!!!! Once again thanks fellas. Time to roll and get busy. Mymotto for working out is "LET'S GET IT". Time to go and get it. I will post after i try it for the first time and let you guys know how i feltand if i noticed any difference in my lifting. Thanks again
Originally Posted by Durden7

airjzz, did you age 5 years in those pics???


the 1st pic is kinda fuzzy but my face is the same..just have a shorter cut now.
damn airjzz, props on the progress.

seeing those pics really gives me inspiration.

i'm 5'9" about 150 lbs...i've been doing p90x, around day 60 something and i've seen lots of improvement. just gotta keep pushing andeating more! lol
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