Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

quick question, getting up early for a lift session, should i have a postworkout protein shake? and then another following the workout?

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty much where I want to be.

I don't see the point anymore. WHY!? Now.. How do I stay fit? (And does it include extending the days I'm away from the gym)

Oh and.. Screw supplements. Too expensive and I've made a decent amount of gains without them.

Like I've been's a lifestyle. The work outs and the eating habit gotta stay. I can't even see myself eating the stuff Iused to eat anymore..yuck.

My boy been staying away from the gym for about 3 months and check him out. He's been going crazy on alcohol as you can see from the beer belly.

After: The Newspapers is to mark the date. He's going back on the grind to get rid of the prego tummy.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by blaxoid

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Yankeephan87 wrote:

I dont get one thing, I keep hearing opposing advice on this. Cardio after lifting, some say its great because it targets your fat for energy and some say its not good for muscle recovery post workouts. Which is it?

Honestly, I say neither. Space them out by at least 6 hours if you really want to do both in one day. From personal experience, cardio afterwards kills your strength gains, and I know if I ran first, I wouldn't have energy to lift after.

Cardio after does not kill strength gains. As long as your body has enough nutrients(ie Carbs) to fuel both your lifting & cardio, you will be fine. Make sure you get a nice postworkout meal in there though.

Don't do cardio before, it will make you weaker in your lifts.
For me it does. I speak from experience, so I don't mess with it.
How long of a cardio workout are we talking here? 15min? 45 min?
Im lifting heavy but still have significant fat to loose. So on non lifting days I go 55 mins and after lifting 35 with HIIT?
i think you're making this too complicated. basically, all you need to do is create a energy (calorie deficit). you don't HAVE to do cardio to lose weight, and if you overdo it, you'll likely lose the muscle mass you already have. keep your diet in check and you will lose the fat. if you're worried about doing them on the same day, then alternate.

i'm curious though... what is your lifting routine like?

Mondays-Thursdays and Sundays its Back, Arms, Chest, Shoulders, Arms and Legs.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty much where I want to be.

I don't see the point anymore. WHY!? Now.. How do I stay fit? (And does it include extending the days I'm away from the gym)

Oh and.. Screw supplements. Too expensive and I've made a decent amount of gains without them.


. That's depressing. Within just 3 months too!?

I mean, this was already hard to achieve... But just knowing how fast I can lose all my progess.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty much where I want to be.

I don't see the point anymore. WHY!? Now.. How do I stay fit? (And does it include extending the days I'm away from the gym)

Oh and.. Screw supplements. Too expensive and I've made a decent amount of gains without them.

. That's depressing. Within just 3 months too!?

I mean, this was already hard to achieve... But just knowing how fast I can lose all my progess.
it's really not that bad, as long as you don't completely let yourself go. it's a lot easier to maintain what you have now than toput on mass or lose more fat. you can probably do 1/2 or 1/3 (depending on how much you've progressed since you started) the work volume per week that youdid to get your gains/losses, as long as you keep your diet in check. that's why the lifestyle aspect is important. since you're not taking a wholelot of supplements, i don't think it'll be too hard for you to continue to eat well.

yankeephan - can you break down your routine in more detail? what exercises on which days, and your usual rep/setranges? if you're trying to burn off a lot of fat, you shouldn't necessarily be doing a standard body building type of resistance workout.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm pretty much where I want to be.

I don't see the point anymore. WHY!? Now.. How do I stay fit? (And does it include extending the days I'm away from the gym)

Oh and.. Screw supplements. Too expensive and I've made a decent amount of gains without them.

Like I've been's a lifestyle. The work outs and the eating habit gotta stay. I can't even see myself eating the stuff I used to eat anymore..yuck.

My boy been staying away from the gym for about 3 months and check him out. He's been going crazy on alcohol as you can see from the beer belly.

After: The Newspapers is to mark the date. He's going back on the grind to get rid of the prego tummy.
That's ridiculous. Homie's got the V-cut (NH). Don't you just love genetics?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

That's ridiculous. Homie's got the V-cut (NH). Don't you just love genetics?

No kidding.

I could literally work out my whole life, get up to 220lbs @ 5% bodyfat and I still wouldn't have an adonis belt...
Originally Posted by iBlink

Okay, so since the summer, I've done a pretty decent job at toning up. I'm at 164, but I want to put on the extra 6 pounds to make it 170. I'm satisfied with my body, but I want to add more definition to my chest.

I've been hesitant about supplements, but I'm willing to give some a try. But if I can get the results I want without them, give me some other suggestions.
Yeah, what he said.
i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put onany muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for thepast....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh,you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts),and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out likeit should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DBbench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditionalhey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for mychest/tris?
Man it's so hard when you are doing ti by yourself. Motivation is not there. I just gave up pork and red meat, sodas and beer. I'm going to starthitting the gym Monday and get a full colon cleansing.
To the guy that doesn't bb bench press bench press, you can do it without a spotter just don't try to lift what you can't handle.
If you want to test your limits then ask for someone to spot you .
^ I almost never lift BB bench with a spotter. Just don't do weights or reps you don't feel confident in. Or if you're in your last set andsupposed to reach 8, for example, and on your 6th lift you feel pretty weak just get it up and stop.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for the past....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh, you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts), and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out like it should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DB bench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditional hey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for my chest/tris?

well it seems like you had an appetite to be able to eat McDonald's every day. that's the difference with me, where i have to force myself to eat therecommended calorie intake to fuel my workouts. 2 years ago i was 5 '11 and 130 lbs., but after changing my diet(eating 5-6 small meals daily, includingsupplements, etc.) and lifting religiously 5 days a week, i eventually gained 30 lbs. of muscle. i'm not saying it isn't hard for other people to makegains. what i'm saying is it takes people with smaller body frames longer to bulk.

how often are you working out your chest btw?
Taking time off is no joke. I was out the gym and eating like crap for 1 month and 3 days and I lost a lotta weight prolly like 9 lbs. I'm not a big dudeso thats ALOT. I'm back at again now. Gonna focus more on strict form this time around
Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for the past....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh, you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts), and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out like it should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DB bench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditional hey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for my chest/tris?

well it seems like you had an appetite to be able to eat McDonald's every day. that's the difference with me, where i have to force myself to eat the recommended calorie intake to fuel my workouts. 2 years ago i was 5 '11 and 130 lbs., but after changing my diet(eating 5-6 small meals daily, including supplements, etc.) and lifting religiously 5 days a week, i eventually gained 30 lbs. of muscle. i'm not saying it isn't hard for other people to make gains. what i'm saying is it takes people with smaller body frames longer to bulk.

how often are you working out your chest btw?
Averaging once a week, depending on how my workouts fall, off days, and random crap that comes up. I don't have my log on me right now, butI'm pretty sure my last chest/tri day looked something like this:

Dips: 2x8
DB Bench: 3x10 @ 30 lbs each
Triceps Extensions: 3x10 @ 30

I'm going in tomorrow, so I'll probably test the waters with the solo bench--I learned my lesson from one time I thought I was big and bad three yearsago and actually won't put the clips on to hold the weights just in case I have to bail. Probably gonna start adding DB flys as well.
I hate the bench too.. usually because im without a spotter too.

Slow bulking is tough, but you just have to have patience, remember if your eating clean, working out hard.. you are making progress, you maybe wont see iteverday but take pics of yourself every now and then and compare.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by iBlink

Okay, so since the summer, I've done a pretty decent job at toning up. I'm at 164, but I want to put on the extra 6 pounds to make it 170. I'm satisfied with my body, but I want to add more definition to my chest.

I've been hesitant about supplements, but I'm willing to give some a try. But if I can get the results I want without them, give me some other suggestions.
Yeah, what he said.

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


i've read about it. almost seems too good to be true. are they actually safe or safer than anabolics,because that's like saying cocaine is safer than heroin
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by iBlink

Okay, so since the summer, I've done a pretty decent job at toning up. I'm at 164, but I want to put on the extra 6 pounds to make it 170. I'm satisfied with my body, but I want to add more definition to my chest.

I've been hesitant about supplements, but I'm willing to give some a try. But if I can get the results I want without them, give me some other suggestions.
Yeah, what he said.
besides losing a little bit more fat, you could add more variety to your chest exercises. incorporate dumbbell bench if you haven't, hitinclines, declines, and dips. if you already do that, you can try high volume work. high reps, moderate weight, stop well short of failure. pushups are agood way to get several sets in per day. also, you can switch up grips (wide, normal, narrow) to make it more challenging.

as far as supplements go, you don't need them, but the basic creatine monohydrate and whey won't hurt you. depending on you diet, it's not toohard to get sufficient protein. if you cut a lot of meat out, creatine supplementation might be a good idea because it comes mainly from meat sources,especially red meat. it increases your work capacity so you can create a greater stimulus to grow.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for the past....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh, you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts), and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out like it should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DB bench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditional hey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for my chest/tris?

well it seems like you had an appetite to be able to eat McDonald's every day. that's the difference with me, where i have to force myself to eat the recommended calorie intake to fuel my workouts. 2 years ago i was 5 '11 and 130 lbs., but after changing my diet(eating 5-6 small meals daily, including supplements, etc.) and lifting religiously 5 days a week, i eventually gained 30 lbs. of muscle. i'm not saying it isn't hard for other people to make gains. what i'm saying is it takes people with smaller body frames longer to bulk.

how often are you working out your chest btw?
Averaging once a week, depending on how my workouts fall, off days, and random crap that comes up. I don't have my log on me right now, but I'm pretty sure my last chest/tri day looked something like this:

Dips: 2x8
DB Bench: 3x10 @ 30 lbs each
Triceps Extensions: 3x10 @ 30

I'm going in tomorrow, so I'll probably test the waters with the solo bench--I learned my lesson from one time I thought I was big and bad three years ago and actually won't put the clips on to hold the weights just in case I have to bail. Probably gonna start adding DB flys as well.

that is pretty much my chest/tricep work out except i add decline presses and skull crushers just to round it out. i also warm up with 3 sets of 40 push ups. ithink you'll be fine on the solo bench as long as you know where you're at and what your limits are.

better question for you, i think my biggest weakness is my lats. i've done my share of research and been getting advice from guys who seem like they'vealready had that natural wide back. seeing as how you might be the same body type as me, what have you been doing to get that 'cobra' back?
^ Word

I posted my pics.. and got told to work on my lats haha.. im just doing DB/BB rows, Lat Pull Down, Seated Row, Weighted Pull Ups - all rotated each 2 weeks orwhatever.. and I can feel the difference already.

Just lift hard yo, make sure you sweat and give it 100%!
For anyone that's in Ballys Total Fitness or the YMCA.

How much do yall pay monthly and if you have a personal trainer how much do you pay for that altogether a month?

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