Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Upgraded from one set of workouts to another to prevent plateau, love the results, and Im continuing to moderate food portion and eat healthier. But its goin to be hard now that we are in "FAT BOY ZONE" Thanksgiving and Holiday parties are coming up
I always enjoy packing a few extra fat lbs in the winter. Being on the east coast, theres roughly 4 hours of sunlight and its always cold so theextra weight is nice.

The winter is the best. No concern over weight, workouts are longer/harder and I actually do ab exercises in the winter (never in the summer).
I'm at 205lbs give or take.. Ppl already think I am on crack.
Hateto see their faces another -30lbs from now.

It's still all for the better, I hope. It's just weird when so many chicks are like "Don't lose anymore weight!" I'm thinking whythe F not?

10-12% is eventually where I want to be. I'm thinking next summer, maybe?
Pics up in about a month or so.

Im thinking about swimming every now and then to mix things up. Doing HIIT gets boring, but effective.

Im finding this bulking thing hard, I find it hard to eat so much.. got damn, ive only eaten around 2000kcal and I feel stuffed already..........!!

Did the chest today, flat bench BB, fly machine, cable flys, flat DB.. I really need a spotter because I can't do jack !*## haha.. although I did get a PBof like 130 haha.. shows how week my chest is SMH
I'll eat 3 whole eggs for every 1 egg white.

I feel like the "yolk scare" is *@*%+*%+. *Kanye shrug*
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by REDBRIM

All workout I've been used to was RUN. Ran, ran and ran.

I'm 25, 6'-0" and 180lbs.

Slim dude.

Need to bulk up, specifically with muscle mass.

I work at a steakhouse where we can eat for free (steak, lamb, pork & chicken). I see members saying red meat is bad? I choose not to eat pork, but are any of the aforementioned meats that I can eat (I work 4 days a week) while at work bad for me? I thought it would be a great source for helping bulk up (just started working here in October).

I'm going to start a weekly routine to workout. Have a bench at home.

But planning on buying protein shakes as well (Muscle Milk or Pro Gain).

So shall I completely AVOID eating ANY of the meats at my job?


I calculated based on my size and whatnot, I'd need to have a Calorie intake of 3,700 per day.

Protein shake isn't something bad to commit to, right? I mean, I'm familiar on when it's best to take (post workout or pre-workout and before sleep) and as long as I stick to a workout.

Carbs/Day: 450g
Protein/Day: 198g
Fats: 125g

*I got this off of a "weight gain" calculator on a site I forgot

Thanks in advance

If I worked somewhere that offered me free steak, lamb, and chicken, I'd be in heaven.
. Seriously though, the health risks associated with red meat are from overconsumption. Red meats have saturated fats in them, and also run the risk of containing carcinogens when blackened too much. I would just be careful when you cook it to not burn it, and make sure you're not lathering it up with BBQ sauce or anything like that. Steak/lamb medium rare with a pepper crust is
. I would rather eat a variety of food, get a variety of nutrients, and not be bored with my diet as opposed to eating the same thing day in and day out. Everything in moderation, as long as you do it right.

Anyway, be careful with your overall consumption of calories. 3700 is a lot if you're not doing enough exercise, and be prepared to gain a lot of fat. When I started working out, I was pretty much 180-185lbs, and 5'11 (almost your stats), and I OD'd on the food (especially protein), and paid for it dearly. I thought I was getting huge and jacked, but I looked at my pictures 6 months later, and I gained a lot of body fat. It's gotten me 2-3 years to get to where I am now, getting my body fat down this low. I'm sure it would've been much faster if I did it properly the first time. Slow, consistent progress is good progress.

Good adivce. Im in this boat too, trying to figure out the perfect caloric intake number. I want to gain, but not to the extent where I have to cut again after 3-4 months..

Does anyone know how long usually the body takes to adjust to a surplus (minus water weight)
Thanks for the good input from personal experience, ChewToy

So I guess not to eat too much at my job with the free meats. I usually eat my meats Med-Well . . .had no idea that the more burned/cooked,the worse.

So shall I just continue eating meats and food (no fast food) and not protein right now? Or is it good to begin with the shakes now?
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Its official, jump roping is way better than running. I will still do some HIIT but jump roping will be 5 days a week, so much better cardio. I feel like the only dude praising the jump rope in this thread. I'm still a noob at it but am able to jump rope continuously for 2 minutes
. Can't wait to see how long it takes me to do 10 minutes of skipping.

I need to learn how to do that boxer shuffle.
I would agree: Running=Best Cardio

I used to run 4 miles a day . . . haven't ran in 8 months. I'm slacking.
Jump Rope > Running -- ANYDAY

Just got back from doing legs today, I feel much more comfortable doing squats. No more lower back being sore so I'm guessing that my form is correct now.
It depends on the person. As long as everything else is constant, the mode of the activity is meaningless.
I think i lost like 2kgs watching the champions league this morning
Can somebody help me make a grocery list i got a $30 budget and hopefully last me 2 weeks at least.

Goal lose 10 lbs this month
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


Running > Any other form of cardio.

Careful with the generalizations, because it all depends on the individual.
-If someone had bad knees, running might not be the best option.
-If someone had a bad back, rowing might not be the best option.
-If someone had bad shoulders, swimming might not be the best option.
-etc. etc.

In any case, switch your cardio up like you would switch your lifts up. Your body gets used to cardio and it becomes easier over time, which means lesscalories burned.
Okay, so since the summer, I've done a pretty decent job at toning up. I'm at 164, but I want to put on the extra 6 pounds to make it 170. I'msatisfied with my body, but I want to add more definition to my chest.

I've been hesitant about supplements, but I'm willing to give some a try. But if I can get the results I want without them, give me some othersuggestions.
how does one properly measure what length jumprope to use?

i bought one, without thinking, and that joint is too damn short.....

im 6'4 if that means anything.
Originally Posted by cartune

Can somebody help me make a grocery list i got a $30 budget and hopefully last me 2 weeks at least.

Goal lose 10 lbs this month
Run, Jog, Walk...Whatever floats you're boat.

I lost 8 pounds in a week when I jogged & walked with my hoody 2 weeks ago.

Guess I had MAD water weight in me from my Creatine loading week I was going through the week before that.

Some cheap stuff is...
Water gallons > Water bottles (Alot cheaper) Usually $.70-$1
Oatmeal ($3-5 a bucket of plain oatmeal, Get Instant only if you HAVE to)
Wheat Bread $2-2.50
Eggs (Hardboil them, eat 1 yolk for every 3 eggs)
Wheat Pasta $1-2 (Boil about 2 days worth and cover and save the rest in the fridge to reheat later)
Pasta Sauce $1-2
Skim Milk Gallon $2-3
Regular Cornflakes $2-3
Bulk packs of chicken breasts $5-7

This should last you a good week and should run you about $15-16. Then get whatever you've finished eating for the following week

Stop & Shop around me has the cheapest veggies. Like a huge Romaine lettuce is $1.50...Look around for who has the cheapest fruits and veggies. You reallycan't go wrong with any of them.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


Running > Any other form of cardio.
Careful with the generalizations, because it all depends on the individual.
-If someone had bad knees, running might not be the best option.
-If someone had a bad back, rowing might not be the best option.
-If someone had bad shoulders, swimming might not be the best option.
-etc. etc.

In any case, switch your cardio up like you would switch your lifts up. Your body gets used to cardio and it becomes easier over time, which means less calories burned.
That still doesn't mean it isn't the best cardio. Especially outdoors, with all that fresh air.

If someone has physical problems, like I used to (Left half of my body was semi paralyzed for a good 3 years), then I'm pretty sure they know their limitsand options. So yea I get what you're putting out there. Respect on that.

I had to use the Recumbent bike pretty much for that entire time. But once I got to running, jogging, and walking...Man...Changed my life forever.
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

how does one properly measure what length jumprope to use?

i bought one, without thinking, and that joint is too damn short.....

im 6'4 if that means anything.
This is all I could find to help you. But eBay a longer jump rope. Maybe that should help.

Regular jump ropes like 9 feet I think, you might need a foot or two extra.

Segmented or Beaded Ropes are the most versatile jump ropes and this is their biggest strength. An inner nylon cord is strung with plastic cylindrical beads which makes it flexible so that it keeps its shape well for various skills, yet gives it enough weight to turn well at slower speeds or in a light breeze. The main downside is that they do sting if you accidentally strike yourself with it while jumping at high speeds. They are also heavier than speed ropes (typically about 3.5 oz. versus a speed rope's 2 oz. for a 9 foot rope) which makes it slower if you are into high speed jumping, or more taxing to the arms if you are into endurance jumping.

Another unique advantage to segmented jump ropes is that it is relatively easy to lengthen it even if you are very tall. Here's how to do it:

  1. Buy a two matching ropes (the second rope will provide you with the extra parts) and go to a hardware store and buy a nylon cord that is a little more than long enough for your height (see the first picture above for determining the correct length).

  2. Take the knots out of the cord (inside the handle), and unstring the beads and handle on one jump rope.

  3. Now, restring the handles and beads on the longer cord that you bought from the hardware store. You might be a bit short on beads, so take the extra beads from the second rope to make up the difference.

  4. Keep the extra beads and handles for the future. The only thing that wears out on beaded ropes are the beads at the middle where it strikes the floor. Replace these beads with new ones in the future as needed.
Lifeline makes among the best beaded ropes on the market and I've used them from the very beginning. In fact, I used to do demonstrations as well for them at various sporting goods trade shows.
I dont get one thing, I keep hearing opposing advice on this. Cardio after lifting, some say its great because it targets your fat for energy and some say itsnot good for muscle recovery post workouts. Which is it?
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by cartune

Can somebody help me make a grocery list i got a $30 budget and hopefully last me 2 weeks at least.

Goal lose 10 lbs this month
Run, Jog, Walk...Whatever floats you're boat.

I lost 8 pounds in a week when I jogged & walked with my hoody 2 weeks ago.

Guess I had MAD water weight in me from my Creatine loading week I was going through the week before that.

Some cheap stuff is...
Water gallons > Water bottles (Alot cheaper) Usually $.70-$1
Oatmeal ($3-5 a bucket of plain oatmeal, Get Instant only if you HAVE to)
Wheat Bread $2-2.50
Eggs (Hardboil them, eat 1 yolk for every 3 eggs)
Wheat Pasta $1-2 (Boil about 2 days worth and cover and save the rest in the fridge to reheat later)
Pasta Sauce $1-2
Skim Milk Gallon $2-3
Regular Cornflakes $2-3
Bulk packs of chicken breasts $5-7

This should last you a good week and should run you about $15-16. Then get whatever you've finished eating for the following week

Stop & Shop around me has the cheapest veggies. Like a huge Romaine lettuce is $1.50...Look around for who has the cheapest fruits and veggies. You really can't go wrong with any of them.
Eh. Sometimes cheaper is not the better option. For meat and dairy, definitely stick to organic, grass-fed, etc. Conventional stuff is laden withantibiotics, hormones, pesticides, etc. Sure, it may cost more, but you are paying for quality.
Also, you should avoid having meat or dairy for every meal. Save the meat for dinner and eat lighter throughout the day.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Eh. Sometimes cheaper is not the better option. For meat and dairy, definitely stick to organic, grass-fed, etc. Conventional stuff is laden with antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, etc. Sure, it may cost more, but you are paying for quality.
Also, you should avoid having meat or dairy for every meal. Save the meat for dinner and eat lighter throughout the day.

But he said he only has $30.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I dont get one thing, I keep hearing opposing advice on this. Cardio after lifting, some say its great because it targets your fat for energy and some say its not good for muscle recovery post workouts. Which is it?
doing a workout to target fat burning is very overrated imo. if that was the best option, all the people at the gym slaving away on thetreadmills, ellipticals, and stairmasters would be below 10% bodyfat in no time.

you want to do you highest intensity work towards the beginning of your workouts and finish with the lower intensity stuff. if you switch it around, you endup with less energy to do your most energy intensive work.

as far as the best cardio goes, i'd say it's the exercise that involves the most muscle groups and is weight bearing. running comes pretty close, butit's difficult to maximize your aerobic potential unless you become an advanced endurance runner. even more so for swimming, since lung capacity, lacticthreshold, and muscle efficiency are more critical when you have to pace your breathing more. my favorite cardio is sports, especially those that involve alot of variety of movement and change in direction like basketball, football, soccer, tennis, etc.
can anyone provide me some insight on eating more? Ive been trying to gain weight (eating 3000+ cals/day) but even though ive been eating a lot more (burgerking and #!#% included) ive still been losing / not gaining weight. A lot of people tell me i dont need to worry about gaining weight but what do they know?

Pics from my before/after post on pg 17 (or 19)


next major transformation for me is going from cheeseball to playa
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