Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ohBURRRR

nealraj006 wrote:
Eh. Sometimes cheaper is not the better option. For meat and dairy, definitely stick to organic, grass-fed, etc. Conventional stuff is laden with antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, etc. Sure, it may cost more, but you are paying for quality.
Also, you should avoid having meat or dairy for every meal. Save the meat for dinner and eat lighter throughout the day.
uh im preeeeetty sure you've got it backwards. Dinner is supposed to be one of your lightest meals if not your lightest meal. If dinner's your heaviest meal, youre storing excess calories most probably. Breakfast should be your largest and most heartiest meal.... and on the subject of straight organic..... everything's either got hormones, antibiotics or will give you cancer... live a little.

The body only stores nutrients when it can't utilize them at that time. The body is a brilliant machine.
I've heard that way too many times to even bother. I'm a believer in fasting/undereating during the day. I am so much more productive and alert when Ieat very little during the day. Everyone can knock it down however they want, but IMO, you can't say anything until you've actually tried it. Not justfor one day, for a week or two. The body adapts and will eventually become more efficient.
I barely eat during the day. Maybe a couple pieces of fruit or some fresh juice, but that's it. After I workout, I start eating heavier foods and Idon't see any drops in strength. Increased protein efficiency, growth hormone production, and fat burning are great results of fasting/undereating. I go tobed happy and I get to enjoy my evenings.

I did an experiment to see how I felt today. During lunchtime, I had a bowl of oatmeal to see how I'd feel. I felt heavy, lazy, and bloated the rest of theday. I was so much less productive than usual. My workout wasn't much different than usual, but I prefer to workout on an empty stomach, so I won't betrying this again.
Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for the past....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh, you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts), and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out like it should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DB bench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditional hey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for my chest/tris?

well it seems like you had an appetite to be able to eat McDonald's every day. that's the difference with me, where i have to force myself to eat the recommended calorie intake to fuel my workouts. 2 years ago i was 5 '11 and 130 lbs., but after changing my diet(eating 5-6 small meals daily, including supplements, etc.) and lifting religiously 5 days a week, i eventually gained 30 lbs. of muscle. i'm not saying it isn't hard for other people to make gains. what i'm saying is it takes people with smaller body frames longer to bulk.

how often are you working out your chest btw?
Averaging once a week, depending on how my workouts fall, off days, and random crap that comes up. I don't have my log on me right now, but I'm pretty sure my last chest/tri day looked something like this:

Dips: 2x8
DB Bench: 3x10 @ 30 lbs each
Triceps Extensions: 3x10 @ 30

I'm going in tomorrow, so I'll probably test the waters with the solo bench--I learned my lesson from one time I thought I was big and bad three years ago and actually won't put the clips on to hold the weights just in case I have to bail. Probably gonna start adding DB flys as well.

that is pretty much my chest/tricep work out except i add decline presses and skull crushers just to round it out. i also warm up with 3 sets of 40 push ups. i think you'll be fine on the solo bench as long as you know where you're at and what your limits are.

better question for you, i think my biggest weakness is my lats. i've done my share of research and been getting advice from guys who seem like they've already had that natural wide back. seeing as how you might be the same body type as me, what have you been doing to get that 'cobra' back?
Oddly enough, I think my back is my strongest and what I'm most proud of. I love Lat Pull-downs, and pull-ups. I know as time goes on,I'll have to add more exercises, but for right now, those two are enough to keep me plenty busy.

@i3: I know clean bulking is going to be rough, but I think this time I'm plenty prepared for it. I just see it as part of being permanently healthy,although I still tend to sneak in Double QPC's from McDonald's from time to time.


Back pic I found from...'07? Just to give you an idea of what's going on.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Chris is Walken

i have an ectomorphic body type which basically means i'm naturally slim and i have to work twice as hard as most people(eating + lifting) just to put on any muscle.

so some of you should be thankful this isn't your problem
Or you just have to work hard, period. I'm an ectomorph, too, but thanks to the joys of eating one McDonald's meal every day for the past....oh, I don't know, 8 months or so, I became what people in the business call "skinny fat". 6'2", 180, 5 weeks ago. "Oh, you're skinny," people tell me. Yeah, and I also have a gut for no reason. So, I finally man'd up and hit the weights hard (hello, deadlifts), and changed my diet for the better (more meals, almost no junk). Now I'm down to about 171 as of two days ago, and my body's starting to fill out like it should. Once I get down to an acceptable level of ab visibility, I'll be starting my clean bulk through the winter. Mmmm, food.

Speaking of which--question: I hit two of the Big Three (squats, deads) religiously, but I don't BB bench because I don't have a spotter. I use DB bench as a substitute, but I have a feeling I'll just be making gains at a slower pace than doing the traditional hey-I-can-finally-bench-one-plate-per-side-for-reps BB bench. Should I just man up and get a spotter, or just hit a few more support exercises for my chest/tris?

well it seems like you had an appetite to be able to eat McDonald's every day. that's the difference with me, where i have to force myself to eat the recommended calorie intake to fuel my workouts. 2 years ago i was 5 '11 and 130 lbs., but after changing my diet(eating 5-6 small meals daily, including supplements, etc.) and lifting religiously 5 days a week, i eventually gained 30 lbs. of muscle. i'm not saying it isn't hard for other people to make gains. what i'm saying is it takes people with smaller body frames longer to bulk.

how often are you working out your chest btw?
Averaging once a week, depending on how my workouts fall, off days, and random crap that comes up. I don't have my log on me right now, but I'm pretty sure my last chest/tri day looked something like this:

Dips: 2x8
DB Bench: 3x10 @ 30 lbs each
Triceps Extensions: 3x10 @ 30

I'm going in tomorrow, so I'll probably test the waters with the solo bench--I learned my lesson from one time I thought I was big and bad three years ago and actually won't put the clips on to hold the weights just in case I have to bail. Probably gonna start adding DB flys as well.

that is pretty much my chest/tricep work out except i add decline presses and skull crushers just to round it out. i also warm up with 3 sets of 40 push ups. i think you'll be fine on the solo bench as long as you know where you're at and what your limits are.

better question for you, i think my biggest weakness is my lats. i've done my share of research and been getting advice from guys who seem like they've already had that natural wide back. seeing as how you might be the same body type as me, what have you been doing to get that 'cobra' back?
Oddly enough, I think my back is my strongest and what I'm most proud of. I love Lat Pull-downs, and pull-ups. I know as time goes on, I'll have to add more exercises, but for right now, those two are enough to keep me plenty busy.

@i3: I know clean bulking is going to be rough, but I think this time I'm plenty prepared for it. I just see it as part of being permanently healthy, although I still tend to sneak in Double QPC's from McDonald's from time to time.
Save yourself time and the injury risk; add other exercises now that work your traps, rhomboids, and spinae
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by ohBURRRR

nealraj006 wrote:
Eh. Sometimes cheaper is not the better option. For meat and dairy, definitely stick to organic, grass-fed, etc. Conventional stuff is laden with antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, etc. Sure, it may cost more, but you are paying for quality.
Also, you should avoid having meat or dairy for every meal. Save the meat for dinner and eat lighter throughout the day.
uh im preeeeetty sure you've got it backwards. Dinner is supposed to be one of your lightest meals if not your lightest meal. If dinner's your heaviest meal, youre storing excess calories most probably. Breakfast should be your largest and most heartiest meal.... and on the subject of straight organic..... everything's either got hormones, antibiotics or will give you cancer... live a little.
The body only stores nutrients when it can't utilize them at that time. The body is a brilliant machine.
I've heard that way too many times to even bother. I'm a believer in fasting/undereating during the day. I am so much more productive and alert when I eat very little during the day. Everyone can knock it down however they want, but IMO, you can't say anything until you've actually tried it. Not just for one day, for a week or two. The body adapts and will eventually become more efficient.
I barely eat during the day. Maybe a couple pieces of fruit or some fresh juice, but that's it. After I workout, I start eating heavier foods and I don't see any drops in strength. Increased protein efficiency, growth hormone production, and fat burning are great results of fasting/undereating. I go to bed happy and I get to enjoy my evenings.

I did an experiment to see how I felt today. During lunchtime, I had a bowl of oatmeal to see how I'd feel. I felt heavy, lazy, and bloated the rest of the day. I was so much less productive than usual. My workout wasn't much different than usual, but I prefer to workout on an empty stomach, so I won't be trying this again.

You know I do the same thing you do nealraj, by eating little spaced out meals throughout the day and getting my food in after my workout...I especially getwhat your saying about feeling lazy after a meal during the day.

As for the cardio before or after workouts question posted pages back I do 10 minutes warm-up cardio before I start working out for every session. Not onlydoes it gets blood pumping, I break a little sweat to start-up a fat-burning process that I think is sustained throughout the lifting. I never do cardio aftera workout because i'm def spent after my lifting and all I wanna do is eat. But I get that cardio after a workout can be benificial.

For my true cardio sessions of 30 min or more I do that the day between lifting sessions, 1x a week because i'm naturally on the skinny side. Not on thesame day...for me to do those on the same day would be overkill and I would be losing more than what I'd be gaining.
I get mad hungry after any exercises, whether it be basketball or gym. I like to utilize my carbs mainly morning, pre and post workout. Evenings I keep itlight, usually grilled chicken with hella vegetables, green tea and then maybe cottage cheese/protein shake or fruit for desert (if hungry - fits into goalsetc..). Even on a bulk, I do this.. just because your eating clean doesn't mean your going to lose weight, ANY food will cause a gain in weight ifover-eaten (moderation).

I just cant imagine going back to my old habits ever, although I was pretty healthy. Being able to monitor your food and know whats going inside of you (hellno %!@!) really makes a difference and when you see the results, you beg to differ.

As for feeling lazy/tired after a big meal - yah I feel you there, although for me its usally a combination of tiredness from exercise and food digestion Iguess - its a nice feeling...
Originally Posted by lebrady23

I saw some of the people on the last couple pages ask some similar questions but I still have a couple...Im a sophomore in high school Im about 6' and I weigh around 160. I lift and workout regularly and im in good shape. Im playing football right now about to start up basketball. This year i have been thinking that i might need to gain some weight just because I think im pretty skinny for my hight but I cant seem to do it I always hover right around 160. Ive been gaining muscle mass and getting stronger but i know thats not gonna get me more weight. So what would you recommend I do to gain weight? or should I not try to gain any and just keep lifting and working out

Originally Posted by lebrady23

Originally Posted by lebrady23

I saw some of the people on the last couple pages ask some similar questions but I still have a couple...Im a sophomore in high school Im about 6' and I weigh around 160. I lift and workout regularly and im in good shape. Im playing football right now about to start up basketball. This year i have been thinking that i might need to gain some weight just because I think im pretty skinny for my hight but I cant seem to do it I always hover right around 160. Ive been gaining muscle mass and getting stronger but i know thats not gonna get me more weight. So what would you recommend I do to gain weight? or should I not try to gain any and just keep lifting and working out

Im confused... how are you gaining muscle mass but not gaining weight?
Originally Posted by lebrady23

Originally Posted by lebrady23

I saw some of the people on the last couple pages ask some similar questions but I still have a couple...Im a sophomore in high school Im about 6' and I weigh around 160. I lift and workout regularly and im in good shape. Im playing football right now about to start up basketball. This year i have been thinking that i might need to gain some weight just because I think im pretty skinny for my hight but I cant seem to do it I always hover right around 160. Ive been gaining muscle mass and getting stronger but i know thats not gonna get me more weight. So what would you recommend I do to gain weight? or should I not try to gain any and just keep lifting and working out

You need to bulk. Basically, up your calorie intake, and lift heavy.
durden i mean im getting stronger and bigger just not gaining weight but when you gain muscle mass doesnt weigh that much does it?

buddha is there certain foods that would be the best or just get more calories in general and low reps too or just lift heavy
anyone go to LA Fitness.... where do yall deadlift at?

i dont really see anywhere/anyone deadlifting ever....

I have been fat most of my life, but over the last year and a half, I lost 35 pounds. I recently started getting very serious about what I eat throughout theday, but the one thing I think I am messing up on is my post-workout meal.

I am afraid to get fat again.

I know it's stupid, and I know it is very important to eat a good post-workout meal, but I can't bring myself to do it, mostly because I go to sleepabout an hour and a half after my workout.

please convince me to eat a hearty meal filled with carbs and proteins and tell me I won't get fat again

I eat 2 eggs, 2 pieces of wheat bread and drink a glass of juice for my pre-workout meal, if that matters.

thank you
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Oddly enough, I think my back is my strongest and what I'm most proud of. I love Lat Pull-downs, and pull-ups. I know as time goes on, I'll have to add more exercises, but for right now, those two are enough to keep me plenty busy.

@i3: I know clean bulking is going to be rough, but I think this time I'm plenty prepared for it. I just see it as part of being permanently healthy, although I still tend to sneak in Double QPC's from McDonald's from time to time.
Save yourself time and the injury risk; add other exercises now that work your traps, rhomboids, and spinae
Good looking out--doing some research tonight and gonna add them in tomorrow when I go.

1. Neck workouts? I feel like my shoulders and traps are getting out of proportion with my neck...

2. Is it detrimental to do cardio twice a day when one is in a cutting phase?
Originally Posted by dead in 09


I have been fat most of my life, but over the last year and a half, I lost 35 pounds. I recently started getting very serious about what I eat throughout the day, but the one thing I think I am messing up on is my post-workout meal.

I am afraid to get fat again.

I know it's stupid, and I know it is very important to eat a good post-workout meal, but I can't bring myself to do it, mostly because I go to sleep about an hour and a half after my workout.

please convince me to eat a hearty meal filled with carbs and proteins and tell me I won't get fat again

I eat 2 eggs, 2 pieces of wheat bread and drink a glass of juice for my pre-workout meal, if that matters.

thank you
Why drink juice?

My post work out meal consists of 3 egg whites, wheat pasta, and chicken breast. It changes every now and then when I'm bored with the meal. You neednutrients to help you rebuild.

I do know what you mean. I lost about 60 lbs in 1.5 years...from 210 lbs to around 145 lbs. I do not want to get fat again even though I eat pretty darnclean. It's just a mental game for me.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


i've read about it. almost seems too good to be true. are they actually safe or safer than anabolics, because that's like saying cocaine is safer than heroin
they exist, available online if anyone wants a link (legal thus far). apparently some PH's actually act like SARMs as research has shown.
ive been doing this treadmill routine before workouts, not looking to lose weight:

0-3min speed 4
3-4 speed 8
4-5 speed 4
5-6 speed 8

I do this for about 20 min.
smh been slackin on this thread so bad, i dont deservemy sig right now

[table][tr][td]NAB037-01[/td] [td]Isopure Whey Protein Isolate - Unflavored - 3lbs
Available to ship[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]$37.95[/td] [/tr][tr][td]OPT084-03[/td] [td]100% Natural Casein-Fr. Vanilla -2lbs
Available to ship[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]$24.95[/td] [/tr][tr][td]VPX038-01[/td] [td]Power Shock - 28 serv - Fruit Punch
Available to ship[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]$21.95[/td] [/tr][/table]
this is my order thats coming in tomorrow, i def put on great size now i want to get leaner

i see a lot of post workout talk

right now mine is all about KARBOLYN, stuff is Egg Whites <3

yea i need to go grocery shopping an organize that updated food list i talked about before..
around this time its real easy to slack off so ill have to keep motivatedwith NT

joe always lookin into the latest advances

this is a good info on SARMS for those who care


here is my starting point, if anyone remeber my older pics i put on about 15-18 lbs.................yes gaining weight is very easy for me. that took 2 monthsof SOLID eating and cheating

very strong but very bulked. will do mornin cardio 3 xs a week.

HEN youre big asian dude needa get serious an bring out your full potential with those genetics........arent you like 6'2" also?

yea man stop playin around
Al- son, what happened to the 300 defined 6 pack?

The cooling weather has got me a bit lazy too. Some days I wake up and don't wanna do anything...then I force myself to go.
Originally Posted by wj4

Al- son, what happened to the 300 defined 6 pack?

The cooling weather has got me a bit lazy too. Some days I wake up and don't wanna do anything...then I force myself to go.
yea man................def no 6 pack right now, i was eating carbs like i didnt have a care in the world at times......oatmeal raisan cookies areok right?

ill get it back down..........thanksgiving will be my cheat meal to myself so i im gonna go hard.

lmao wj4 said the "cooling weather"

man................New England weather right now gets the muscles all tight, every mornin i wake up with a new kink that goes away as the day progresses.
From this day forward, I'm back on my grind...Le gooooooooooooo.. will be a more consistent contributor to this thread..
Al Audi wrote:
HEN youre big asian dude needa get serious an bring out your full potential with those genetics........arent you like 6'2" also?

yea man stop playin around

thats why i come to you guys
i need serious diet tips.I've recently started using spotters and can feel the benefits of not being introverted.
Originally Posted by shaolin

Al Audi wrote:
HEN youre big asian dude needa get serious an bring out your full potential with those genetics........arent you like 6'2" also?

yea man stop playin around
thats why i come to you guys
i need serious diet tips. I've recently started using spotters and can feel the benefits of not being introverted.

hen you could be like one of those the gangster asians in a movie if needed the one who always with the boss, he got the hair too throw on some dark shades ana tux

diet tips relating to what goal though? you tryna put mass on, get stronger? you have a good foundation id say you could put on mass if you went at the rightnow
I went into the gym this morning..... did 2 sets of DB Bench..... packed up my stuff and went home. Was.Not.Feeling.It.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I went into the gym this morning..... did 2 sets of DB Bench..... packed up my stuff and went home. Was.Not.Feeling.It.

i hate that feelin

if that happens ill just do some bs like static stretching and some boxing with 2lb db in each hand in the cardio room instead of going home

if the right music is on maybe a lil hip hop boxing, hmmm just gave me an idea for a video
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