Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. My knees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day

Is there any other way to do that?
Hey guys I could use some advice... I'm overweight and I am trying to lose as much as I can before the summer.

Problem is I don't really know where to start. Any suggestions of what my work out should consist of? Or what kind of diet and supplements I should use.

I weigh 330 rite now (yes I know) and I think at least losing 40 by the summer would be good. Anything more would be Great. Any suggestions???
For helping the joints? Im sure there is but ive never looked into it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. My knees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day

Is there any other way to do that?
For the guys who clean bulk, what is your daily intake of cal/fat/carbs/protein... or if anyone can help id appreciate it... im 5'9 145lbs...
Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Thats 19 since November 23rd.
cant wait till summer.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Thats 19 since November 23rd.
cant wait till summer.

Wht type of juice or PH are you on? Cause theres no way ur gaining 6lbs solid in 2 weeks naturally. Yea u can gain 6lbs but im sure its not all muscle...
Originally Posted by I3

Does cardio eat muscle? Im sure i've read copious amounts of cardio eats muscle, and decreases the explosivity in jumping, running etc..

I would like to know too. Could anyone more knowledgeable shed some light?
excessive cardio will decrease muscle gain and to what I've heard your strength gain as well. If your a naturally skinny guy and your tryingto lose weight while gaining size I would say limit cardio to 1-2x a week for 25 minutes or less, because even if your skinny and have some slight fat aroundthe midsection a decent weight training regimen will help with that.

I'm trying to gain muscle while losing fat myself and I do HIIT 1x a week. I've recentely got up to 150 after being 156 last september then droppingalot of fat down to 145 then just got back up to 150. I only hit the gym 2x a week, I do HIIT 1x a week, and the other days I do a 10 minute ab routine.
been playing some basketball 3-4 times a week and i started p90x yesterday..............and it certainley isnt easy but imma stick with it!
I was surprised to find once I had a job again I lost 6 pounds in about 2 weeks without notice. I need another job again but in the mean time I will at leastbe eating less and trying to go in with the situps and pushups to say the least.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Thats 19 since November 23rd.
cant wait till summer.

Wht type of juice or PH are you on? Cause theres no way ur gaining 6lbs solid in 2 weeks naturally. Yea u can gain 6lbs but im sure its not all muscle...

i agree with this guy. theres no way u gonna see any real results in 2 weeks. i been gyming it for 2 months 5 times a week weight training and just recentlyhave i seen a physical change in muscle, weight, maybe 5 or 6 pounds of muscle w/ very little fat.
Question... I lift (what my skinny *!$ can), do 300 push ups (it's just 20 every minute, crunches and sit ups. Every other day, I do the core workouts witha little more added on. I know it's usually a good idea to rest your muscles a day or two, which I do as far as lifting and push ups... I'm justwondering if I should take that same approach with my core workouts. I am I stressing my core working it basically the same way every day? All I add on eachcore only day is a swivel situp with weight, so it's essentially the same workout I'd do everyday for my core.
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Thats 19 since November 23rd.
cant wait till summer.

Wht type of juice or PH are you on? Cause theres no way ur gaining 6lbs solid in 2 weeks naturally. Yea u can gain 6lbs but im sure its not all muscle...

i agree with this guy. theres no way u gonna see any real results in 2 weeks. i been gyming it for 2 months 5 times a week weight training and just recently have i seen a physical change in muscle, weight, maybe 5 or 6 pounds of muscle w/ very little fat.
PED's baby.

edit: Nah but I take trenoval. Been illegal in sports for a few years and as of Jan 4th it cant be sold in stores anymore. But that plus krealkalyne, Arginineand ornathine with L-Lysine and 5 whey protein shakes a day do wonders.
Originally Posted by oOickusOo

Question... I lift (what my skinny *!$ can), do 300 push ups (it's just 20 every minute, crunches and sit ups. Every other day, I do the core workouts with a little more added on. I know it's usually a good idea to rest your muscles a day or two, which I do as far as lifting and push ups... I'm just wondering if I should take that same approach with my core workouts. I am I stressing my core working it basically the same way every day? All I add on each core only day is a swivel situp with weight, so it's essentially the same workout I'd do everyday for my core.
core is no exception. give it a day rest
whats the ideal weight for a 25yr old 5'9 male? i'm 160lbs and the last two days i've woken up in the middle of the night with shortness of breathbut after i drank some water and stretched out in went away. i walk about 4 miles a day and work out with free weights about 3 times a week.
Alright. I'm about to get back in the gym hard.

These last couple of months i've been goin' back sporadically. Definitely not as consistently as I need to be. I think i'm ready to go all in,though.

Gonna start taking some supplements too:
Fish Oil

Anybody got brands they recommend of any of these?

Day 1 of bringing sexy back diet:
10:00 AM 50g protein shake
1:00 PM 6 inch Subway roasted chicken sandwich. No cheese no oil on wheat bread.
For the rest of the day i'm planning on eating another 1/2 of the Subway sub, probably make some sort of salad, and lots of fruit. Another protein shakeif I goto the gym tonight (class tonight though so I doubt it)
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. My knees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day

Is there any other way to do that?

does glutamine really help with crackling knees? Mine have been very bad for years now, I just learned to deal with the noise walking up stairs, but it'dbe nice to get rid of it
Originally Posted by carbine

Hey guys, I could use some help. Little bit of background info first, I'm 5' 11", 17 years old, and I weigh about 140-145 lbs. I got a fast matabolisim and it's hard for me to gain weight. My goal is to gain strength and muscle mass through weightlifting.
I used this site: to calculate that I need 2,371 calories per day. How much should I increase that by to make gains? Should I consume about 150 grams of protein per day? What can I incorporate into my routine? Do I need to make any dietary/supplemental changes? Should I take the whey in the morning and 30 minutes after working out? How often a week should I incorporate cardio? Thanks


Tuna, salmon, chicken, steel cut oats, rice, pasta, multi grain bread, potatoes, peanut butter, fruits and veggies, milk, water, and orange juice


Gold Standard 100% Whey


Opti-Men or Mega Men's Sport


3 day routine. Each exercise 2-4 sets, reps 5-8.


back machine
lat machine
preacher bench curl
standing barbell
seated hammer


bench press (flat, incline, decline)
triceps - ? (I need some tri exercises)


Anyone? I'd really appreciate it.
al- yeah i have copped that bolthouse farms stuff, not in a whilllle though. i think i'll pick some up i don't even remember what it tastes like. iremember there being a coffee flavored one too, i think it was coffee+milk though, not much fruit if any in there.

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. My knees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day

my right knee has been cracking, i might give this a already get a ton of glutamine in protein shakes though so i don't get why 2-4 g'sextra would make a diff. been thinking of getting some MSM based joint supp like Animal Flex. there's gotta be a better one though. i gotta hit up anorthopedist to see what they say.
Originally Posted by dosky323

whats the ideal weight for a 25yr old 5'9 male? i'm 160lbs and the last two days i've woken up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath but after i drank some water and stretched out in went away. i walk about 4 miles a day and work out with free weights about 3 times a week.
Go to the doctor just to be on the safe side. You may be in great shape but some conditions are genetic or out of your control.
Originally Posted by carbine

Originally Posted by carbine

Hey guys, I could use some help. Little bit of background info first, I'm 5' 11", 17 years old, and I weigh about 140-145 lbs. I got a fast matabolisim and it's hard for me to gain weight. My goal is to gain strength and muscle mass through weightlifting.
I used this site: to calculate that I need 2,371 calories per day. How much should I increase that by to make gains? Should I consume about 150 grams of protein per day? What can I incorporate into my routine? Do I need to make any dietary/supplemental changes? Should I take the whey in the morning and 30 minutes after working out? How often a week should I incorporate cardio? Thanks


Tuna, salmon, chicken, steel cut oats, rice, pasta, multi grain bread, potatoes, peanut butter, fruits and veggies, milk, water, and orange juice


Gold Standard 100% Whey


Opti-Men or Mega Men's Sport


3 day routine. Each exercise 2-4 sets, reps 5-8.


back machine
lat machine
preacher bench curl
standing barbell
seated hammer


bench press (flat, incline, decline)
triceps - ? (I need some tri exercises)


Anyone? I'd really appreciate it.

Alright i'll help you out. Honestely your diet looks great if all that stuff you posted is what you truly eat. Maybe I would add in some cous cous andquinoa as an alternative if you get bored of pasta. You should def put in some rice though. People are gonna tell you to constantly eat to get in thecalories which is true but you don't need to go overboard, ease yourself into eating more to where you can get to a point where you don't feel weigheddown by all the food.

Since you said you have a high metabolism I would only do cardio 1-2x a week max, but still do your 5 min warmup before excercising. Another thing I wanna addis that because your so young and your body is still maturing get off the regular ON whey and go for the ON Natural Whey and then move onto the Natural ProComplex in like 6 months or a year if your continously training. I say since you just started working out you do a full body routine 2-3x a week for a couplemonths then switch it up to doing splits. I personally don't take a multi-vitamin because I feel I get enough from the foods I should also lookinto some good cereal in the mornings as well as eggs.

Since your trying to gain mass you should looking into compound excercises like the squat, deadlift, shoulder press, and incline presses to name a few. Do dipsof all kinds (Vertical dips, Chest dips, bench dips) as well as pushups. You should aim for 4 sets and your rep range sounds good.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks. Thats 19 since November 23rd.
cant wait till summer.

Betcha cuzzo is just ingesting that "Mass" gainer like its the best thing since sliced bread.

edit: Nevermind....

But damn you got more supps in you than a @!$$+$ GNC, cuzzo.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

al- yeah i have copped that bolthouse farms stuff, not in a whilllle though. i think i'll pick some up i don't even remember what it tastes like. i remember there being a coffee flavored one too, i think it was coffee+milk though, not much fruit if any in there.

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. My knees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day

my right knee has been cracking, i might give this a already get a ton of glutamine in protein shakes though so i don't get why 2-4 g's extra would make a diff. been thinking of getting some MSM based joint supp like Animal Flex. there's gotta be a better one though. i gotta hit up an orthopedist to see what they say.
Both my knees have been makign cracking/ popping sounds since I was about 13 or 14. I don't think it's a a problem at all if there'sno pain/ stiffness associated with it.
Originally Posted by carbine

Originally Posted by carbine

Hey guys, I could use some help. Little bit of background info first, I'm 5' 11", 17 years old, and I weigh about 140-145 lbs. I got a fast matabolisim and it's hard for me to gain weight. My goal is to gain strength and muscle mass through weightlifting.
I used this site: to calculate that I need 2,371 calories per day. How much should I increase that by to make gains? Should I consume about 150 grams of protein per day? What can I incorporate into my routine? Do I need to make any dietary/supplemental changes? Should I take the whey in the morning and 30 minutes after working out? How often a week should I incorporate cardio? Thanks


Tuna, salmon, chicken, steel cut oats, rice, pasta, multi grain bread, potatoes, peanut butter, fruits and veggies, milk, water, and orange juice


Gold Standard 100% Whey


Opti-Men or Mega Men's Sport


3 day routine. Each exercise 2-4 sets, reps 5-8.


back machine
lat machine
preacher bench curl
standing barbell
seated hammer


bench press (flat, incline, decline)
triceps - ? (I need some tri exercises)


Anyone? I'd really appreciate it.
Military Press
Lateral Raises
Leg Press
Hamstring Curls

Pulldown machine
Close Grip Bench

Your diet looks good btw.
Did some 60lb barbell lunges and midway through my session, left knee joint started to hurt. Whats the problem? Any recommended solutions?

I read up on some knee wraps and their success stories, can anybody relate?
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