Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I need some help here...

It seems my bench press is being limited by my right shoulder. It really hurts once I start benching at the 80% range or so, and this applies for flat, inclined AND decline bench presses.

For chest I usually start off with 4 working sets of flat bench (10, 10, 8, 6) then do 3 sets of 10 incline bench then 3 sets of 10 decline bench. I usually finish up with a couple of flat flys.

I alternate which bench press I do the 4 working sets of each week, i.e. flat one, then incline the next, etc. etc.

My problem is that my bench isn't limited by my chest at all, rather by my right shoulder.

When I workout shoulders (military press, lateral raises, upright rows, etc.) I feel no pain.

I'm gonna give it a week, lay off the shoulders and try to hit the bench again next monday... if it still hurts should I go see a doctor?

Any tips on getting over this?

(sorry I know this is a lot of information, and it's not terribly well organized)
It's most likely rotator cuff tendinitis (shoulder bursitis) . Lay off the barbell and work with dumbbells for 6-8 weeks. It may either be the barbell (any variation) that's producing the problems for you or specifically the incline/ flat/ decline variation.

How far do you space your hands on the barbell?
Right... that's what I fear. I don't think it's any particular variation of the bench... any of the three will hurt.

Ugh, so dumbbells it is I guess.

I space my hands right where the break in the textured part of the bar is. Approx. two times shoulder width maybe?


I close grip bench press hurts too...
Just stay away from barbell pressing until you heal up then. Closer grip should yield less pain but if it isn't then don't press your luckand let your rotator heal. It'll take a while (3-4 months) but it's better then degenerative shoulder bursitis.
Ok, I need this answered because I see it every single day.

At my gym, all the overweight people do is lift weights... I never see of them on the treadmill or elliptical machines.

No offense, but shouldn't they focus purely on cardio?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by tedrjr03

Hey everybody, I'm looking for a little bit of help.

Im trying to get in shape by the summer time. I need to lose about 10 pounds or so from my stomach and just add some muscle overall.. I'm 5ft9 and about 155ibs.

I would appreciate it if someone could help me out with a workout schedule. My problem is i can only workout on Sunday, Wed, and Thursday.
You can't target a specific area to lose weight. You lose fat from all over.

3 days a week is fine if you get to work. I'd personally do 2 muscle groups per day, ie shoulders/legs on Sunday, back/biceps on Wednesday, and chest/triceps on Thursday.

I'd say your goal is about 20% gym time and 80% diet. You can run your heart out and burn 1000 cals and go eat a fatty meal to completely make the run worthless.
Thanks for the tips man. What exercises would you suggest I do for those muscle groups?

and yeah diet is going to be the hardest part. Going to school full time, and working almost everyday makes it hard to eat healthy.
Originally Posted by cor23ey

Ok, I need this answered because I see it every single day.

At my gym, all the overweight people do is lift weights... I never see of them on the treadmill or elliptical machines.

No offense, but shouldn't they focus purely on cardio?

Not solely cardio; Weight lifting promotes lean muscle mass which burns more calories. I've seen people drop some significant weight from lifting and abalanced healthy diet.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Joshuatree2192

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Dont really care for powders but thought you guys may find this useful has Two 5lb Tubs of Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard protein supplement in a variery of flavors for $66 with free shipping using coupon code ONWINTER.

  • Banana Cream
  • Caramel Toffee Fudge
  • Chocolate Malt
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Coffee
  • Cookies and Cream
  • Delicious Strawberry
  • Double Rich Chocolate
  • Extreme Milk Chocolate
  • French Vanilla Creme
  • Mocha Cappuccino
  • Rocky Road
  • Strawberry Banana
  • Tropical Punch
  • Vanilla Chai
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • White Chocolate w/ six Free HydroWhey Samples
Anyone else order from them?

That is a VERY good deal.. reviews?
Yes FITRX ships pretty fast. Usually order on Sunday and I'll have my product by Weds.sometimes Thursday. My only problem with them is they use Fedex. When I not at home,they leave my order on my front door instead of the lease office like every other shipping company
White Chocolate
plus you get Six sample packs of Platinum Hydrowhey

Anyone want to recommend some flavors?
Basically, avoid any fruit flavors.
You guys mixing with Milk or Water?
The tropical punch with water is

Anyone take Casien Protein? Thinking about adding it as a before bed shake. so far Im taking 1 scoop of Whey upon waking and 2 scoops PWO
Adding 1 more before bed good or bad if im trying to cut?
Hey guys, I could use some help. Little bit of background info first, I'm 5' 11", 17 years old, and I weigh about 140-145 lbs. I got a fastmatabolisim and it's hard for me to gain weight. My goal is to gain strength and muscle mass through weightlifting.
I used this site: http://www.muscleandstren...-calorie-calculator.html to calculate that Ineed 2,371 calories per day. How much should I increase that by to make gains? What can I incorporate into my routine? Do I need to make anydietary/supplemental changes? Should I take the whey in the morning and 30 minutes after working out? How often a week should I incorporate cardio? Thanks


Tuna, salmon, chicken, steel cut oats, rice, pasta, multi grain bread, potatoes, peanut butter, fruits and veggies, milk, water, and orange juice


Gold Standard 100% Whey


Opti-Men or Mega Men's Sport


3 day routine. Each exercise 2-4 sets, reps 5-8.


back machine
lat machine
preacher bench curl
standing barbell
seated hammer


bench press (flat, incline, decline)
triceps - ? (I need some tri exercises)


Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

what the heck are you guys eating? do you not get enough protein from whole foods?

"enough" really depends on your goals. it would be ideal to get all your protein from whole foods, but that's not easy to do for a lot of people.

there's also the theory that protein directly after lifting or about 30 min after (i.e. a protein shake) increases protein synthesis by a significantmargin and aids in building muscle.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

what the heck are you guys eating? do you not get enough protein from whole foods?

"enough" really depends on your goals. it would be ideal to get all your protein from whole foods, but that's not easy to do for a lot of people.

there's also the theory that protein directly after lifting or about 30 min after (i.e. a protein shake) increases protein synthesis by a significantmargin and aids in building muscle.
what is a good way to get your bench press weight up im repping (8-10) about 185 lbs (bar 45, 2 45's, 2 25's ) and cant do anymore no matter what. anyinput in how i can increase ?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I need some help here...

It seems my bench press is being limited by my right shoulder. It really hurts once I start benching at the 80% range or so, and this applies for flat, inclined AND decline bench presses.

For chest I usually start off with 4 working sets of flat bench (10, 10, 8, 6) then do 3 sets of 10 incline bench then 3 sets of 10 decline bench. I usually finish up with a couple of flat flys.

I alternate which bench press I do the 4 working sets of each week, i.e. flat one, then incline the next, etc. etc.

My problem is that my bench isn't limited by my chest at all, rather by my right shoulder.

When I workout shoulders (military press, lateral raises, upright rows, etc.) I feel no pain.

I'm gonna give it a week, lay off the shoulders and try to hit the bench again next monday... if it still hurts should I go see a doctor?

Any tips on getting over this?

(sorry I know this is a lot of information, and it's not terribly well organized)
It's most likely rotator cuff tendinitis (shoulder bursitis) . Lay off the barbell and work with dumbbells for 6-8 weeks. It may either be the barbell (any variation) that's producing the problems for you or specifically the incline/ flat/ decline variation.

How far do you space your hands on the barbell?
Right... that's what I fear. I don't think it's any particular variation of the bench... any of the three will hurt.

Ugh, so dumbbells it is I guess.

I space my hands right where the break in the textured part of the bar is. Approx. two times shoulder width maybe?


I close grip bench press hurts too...
Just stay away from barbell pressing until you heal up then. Closer grip should yield less pain but if it isn't then don't press your luck and let your rotator heal. It'll take a while (3-4 months) but it's better then degenerative shoulder bursitis.
. In better news, I saw that dumbbell bench pressdoesn't hurt at all
I'll just have to go extra hard on theskull crushers to make up for the lack of close grip bench press.
just wanna say this is great were still goin strong 100+ into our 2.0 edition

check you guys later

hey btw wj4 whats goin on bro?!

you been at it a while you see the definition comin in yet?
1. How much fruit do you dudes consume? I have heard a lot of folks that are heavy into the lifting game tend to stay away from fruit because of the sugarcontent. I know I consume at least 3 pieces per day (Banana, apples, orange during this time of the year).

2. Do you all bring your lunches/snacks to work with you? If not why not? I see many say they don't have the time/means to eat as much as they need to perday, then I hear/see in other threads folks buying lunch every day. Not saying those are the same groups of people but I think we need to do a better job ofcontrolling what we eat. You can easily bring 4 small meals with you to work each day and not be so reliant on the whey mixes.

3. What would you recommend for a woman that works out often and is complaining that her h o o t e r s are shrinking? I told her that it kinda comes with theterritory but she gets angry with me whenever we do chest exercises. She wants to skip it altogether but I tell her she shouldn't ignore any body partbecause it can cause imbalances when you lift one region and neglect other regions. Can a woman work out without losing her breasts?
more veggies than

2-3 a day for me id say on avg

1.simple carbs before and after workouts, or midday for me

i eat bannanas, apples, kiwi, etc etc love fruit

here is a quick article i skimmed before i head out it seems decent and informative;col1

btw anybody here like Bolthouse Farms products? The smoothies are great, green goodness i good stuff. Is def on par if not better than Naked Juice.

2. bring own food to work, i for one do. most of the time an if i dont that day i still eat clean.

number 3, im gonna say it comes with the territory
anybody recommend animal cuts?

i just started working out/doing cardio recently. try to loose few lbs and get cut up. so should i buy this or would u suggest anything else? my 2 packs of ONwhrey protien should be comming in today.
AJ fanatic wrote:
cor23ey wrote:
Ok, I need this answered because I see it every single day.

At my gym, all the overweight people do is lift weights... I never see of them on the treadmill or elliptical machines.

No offense, but shouldn't they focus purely on cardio?

Not solely cardio; Weight lifting promotes lean muscle mass which burns more calories. I've seen people drop some significant weight from lifting and a balanced healthy diet.


As far as losing weight, strength training will be decrease the amount of excess fat much quicker than aerobic activity will. Theyre both crucial to overallhealth but weight training will help with body health and aerobics will help with heart health.

1. How much fruit do you dudes consume? I have heard a lot of folks that are heavy into the lifting game tend to stay away from fruit because of the sugar content. I know I consume at least 3 pieces per day (Banana, apples, orange during this time of the year).
Yeah theres nothing wrong with 3 servings of fruit. I never understood the "fruit is bad because of sugar" idea because its"natural" sugar. The body knows what to do with it and can digest/process the sugar. Obviously too much fruit (its objective but id personally sayanything about like 7 servings a day is too much) is a bad thing but anywhere from 3-5 is fine.

Do you all bring your lunches/snacks to work with you? If not why not? I see many say they don't have the time/means to eat as much as they need to per day, then I hear/see in other threads folks buying lunch every day. Not saying those are the same groups of people but I think we need to do a better job of controlling what we eat. You can easily bring 4 small meals with you to work each day and not be so reliant on the whey mixes.

Lock n Lock containers are fantastic. I love them. They keep me from buying junk food while im out.
another question is when im running my heart rate is 160+ and people told me to keep my heart rate under 140 for fat loss(also says it on the machines). but ifi keep it so low, i dont feel anything or even drop a sweat, what should i do?
AQPHAME wrote:
another question is when im running my heart rate is 160+ and people told me to keep my heart rate under 140 for fat loss(also says it on the machines). but if i keep it so low, i dont feel anything or even drop a sweat, what should i do?

Youd have to exercise for a long time at that HR (140) in order to use fat as the primary fuel. Youre better off going to 160, exercising for a shorter periodof time and achieving the benefits that way.
Finally got my membership back at Lifetime. Hooped for 2 games yesteday. Fawking dying lol. I really need to cut the smoking, but yea im back on it.

Steam room is the perfect way to finish a workout
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Joshuatree2192

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Dont really care for powders but thought you guys may find this useful has Two 5lb Tubs of Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard protein supplement in a variery of flavors for $66 with free shipping using coupon code ONWINTER.

  • Banana Cream
  • Caramel Toffee Fudge
  • Chocolate Malt
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Coffee
  • Cookies and Cream
  • Delicious Strawberry
  • Double Rich Chocolate
  • Extreme Milk Chocolate
  • French Vanilla Creme
  • Mocha Cappuccino
  • Rocky Road
  • Strawberry Banana
  • Tropical Punch
  • Vanilla Chai
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • White Chocolate w/ six Free HydroWhey Samples
Anyone else order from them?

That is a VERY good deal.. reviews?
Yes FITRX ships pretty fast. Usually order on Sunday and I'll have my product by Weds.sometimes Thursday. My only problem with them is they use Fedex. When I not at home,they leave my order on my front door instead of the lease office like every other shipping company
White Chocolate
plus you get Six sample packs of Platinum Hydrowhey

Anyone want to recommend some flavors?
Basically, avoid any fruit flavors.
You guys mixing with Milk or Water?
The tropical punch with water is

Anyone take Casien Protein? Thinking about adding it as a before bed shake. so far Im taking 1 scoop of Whey upon waking and 2 scoops PWO
Adding 1 more before bed good or bad if im trying to cut?
Oh yeah. I mix everything with milk. Forgot.
alright brohans I'm taking a flight out to florida tommorow and i'll be hitting the gym up down their with my cousin, can I put some of my protienpowder in a ziplock bag and put it into my check on without any worries or does anyone know if doing things like that is a no-no.

Also can I pack my hair clippers in my check in bag? I know some of you dudes who travel gotta know things like this.
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

So i lost 60 lbs in the past 2 months, will try to post before and after pics if i find pics of me when i was fat, but my question is, weight training is starting feb 1st in school for football, and its going to be each day different part, arms,legs,back, etc. so i was wondering after doing this, what can i do in the gym im signed to afterwards, will a lot of cardio reduce me from gaining muscle?
Does cardio eat muscle? Im sure i've read copious amounts of cardio eats muscle, and decreases the explosivity in jumping, running etc..

I would like to know too. Could anyone more knowledgeable shed some light?
Had some really dry joints and tendons for the past 3 months. Im dont take any supps besides NAC and fish oil, but i had to get some glutamine.
Worked wonders for me. Pretty sure most of you are up on it and so am i, but i never gave much a *+@+ about it till now. Def a supp you guys should add. Myknees dont crack anymore. 2-4000mg a day
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