Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by gberdin

does anyone know a good cleanser like an antioxidant im trying to cleanse my system
take some NAC, SAM-e, a good multivitamin, and eat a clean whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

the "detox" diets and drinks are scams.
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I went into GNC today, to check out some prices and ask questions..

I was told that this was the best product to buy, when it comes to building muscle mass..

Would you guys recommend this?
In a word: No.

I've never had good experiences with GNC branded products, its always gross and I feel bloated and weird afterwards
And plus look how unbelievably expensive it is. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but don't these dudes get commission for selling GNC branded products?

This is what I would recommend:

Better quality product I believe and from a price point it is far superior.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by gberdin

does anyone know a good cleanser like an antioxidant im trying to cleanse my system
take some NAC, SAM-e, a good multivitamin, and eat a clean whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

the "detox" diets and drinks are scams.
I'll look into NAC, but isn't SAM-e for depression?
tomm, im going to make a "TEAM FITNESS WDYET" (what did you eat today) thread..i think its important and can aid in the most important part of ourlifestyle (the foods we eat) ..we can post pics of the food we ate and share recipes (just like they do in if the regulars in this thread can cosignwe can really have something going here..

example..(my cheat meal)
consisted of chicken cutlet with mozzarella cheese and ziti

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Sik Wit It wrote:

does anyone have an opinion on crossfit?

Well-marketed circuit training.

He said CrossFit, not P90X. I never understand why people say CrossFit is well-marketed. I've never once seen an advertisement for it. Not to mention,there's nothing 'sexy' about CrossFit - it's painful, grueling, and a mental struggle start to finish.

I've only been doing it for a couple of months now, and I don't think I could ever go back to traditional weightlifting after this. And FWIW, 2 monthsinto crossfit and my 1rm max squat and deadlift absolutely crushed my previous PR.

A nice little video to show you an example of a CrossFit WOD:
Vancity74 wrote:
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Sik Wit It wrote:

does anyone have an opinion on crossfit?

Well-marketed circuit training.

He said CrossFit, not P90X. I never understand why people say CrossFit is well-marketed. I've never once seen an advertisement for it. Not to mention, there's nothing 'sexy' about CrossFit - it's painful, grueling, and a mental struggle start to finish.

The marketing started with the "300" workout, then pretty much went on from there. I work in the law enforcement industry, and lots ofcolleagues are onto it and pass the word on. Word of mouth is an effective marketing tool, too. I never said it wasn't a good program, but when you breakit down, it's just circuit training with basic principles that every program should follow (e.g. intense training sessions, compound movements, functionaltraining, etc.).
Bout to hop on that deal, been banging with tropical punch flavor for a while. Might try that chocolate mint
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by gberdin

does anyone know a good cleanser like an antioxidant im trying to cleanse my system
take some NAC, SAM-e, a good multivitamin, and eat a clean whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

the "detox" diets and drinks are scams.
I'll look into NAC, but isn't SAM-e for depression?
it is used for that purpose as mood regulation is one of its benefits, but its biochemical role is that of a methyl donor and offers a lot ofhealth benefits to the liver, brain. it guards against cellular damage and supports joint health as well. it's a pretty amazing chemical.....the onlydownside is its price. it's not crazy expensive but a lot of people have a hard time justifying it when they already take a whole bunch of other stuff.

a dose as low as 100 or 200 mg a day would be beneficial.....i take 600 mg of NAC and 400 mg of SAM-e, for the record.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

I never said it wasn't a good program, but when you break it down, it's just circuit training with basic principles that every program should follow (e.g. intense training sessions, compound movements, functional training, etc.)

No one's arguing this, and you're 100% right with your assessment, but you make it sound like this somehow negates it's effectiveness or something.

I will concede this, however. To train at a CrossFit gym costs something like $150 a month (which is ******ed). I'm lucky enough that my gym is simplyCrossFit affiliated and all they did was simply turn an empty room in the gym into a CrossFit room. I still have access to weights and all that jazz for mynormal monthly fee.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by gberdin

does anyone know a good cleanser like an antioxidant im trying to cleanse my system
take some NAC, SAM-e, a good multivitamin, and eat a clean whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

the "detox" diets and drinks are scams.
I'll look into NAC, but isn't SAM-e for depression?
it is used for that purpose as mood regulation is one of its benefits, but its biochemical role is that of a methyl donor and offers a lot of health benefits to the liver, brain. it guards against cellular damage and supports joint health as well. it's a pretty amazing chemical.....the only downside is its price. it's not crazy expensive but a lot of people have a hard time justifying it when they already take a whole bunch of other stuff.

a dose as low as 100 or 200 mg a day would be beneficial.....i take 600 mg of NAC and 400 mg of SAM-e, for the record.

oh ok.� I look into that a little further as well.� You don't get crazy mood swings, do you?

Anyway, I banged out on Squats, DL's, and Cleans yesterday and I could barely move all day.� And on top of that, I busted out the old foam roll andI've never been in so much pain in my life I was practically
throughout it all.� Anybody else use foam rollers?
no mood swings, and sam-e stabilizes mood, it wouldn't cause anything like that.

laced up jordans- i don't see anything great in that vid.....incline bench > flat bench if you had to only do one, and the incline flies are really notall that great of a lift for mass or functional stremgth or anything really......i'm sure he uses much better workout routines nowadays.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

I never said it wasn't a good program, but when you break it down, it's just circuit training with basic principles that every program should follow (e.g. intense training sessions, compound movements, functional training, etc.)

No one's arguing this, and you're 100% right with your assessment, but you make it sound like this somehow negates it's effectiveness or something.
Nah, it's not my intention to criticize it, but it's my goal to educate people that it's not "Crossfit", per se that getsyou the results; it's the aforementioned principles behind Crossfit that are doing the work. If you use those principles in any type of training,you're going to see results.
Circuit training is the best. Efficient, challenging, great for your heart, very functional, etc. Although you're lifting light weights youusually dont lose much strength. I did circuit training only for a month a couple years back and my strength actually went up.

You may wonder why he's doing some isolation exercises and think that its a waste of time but every exercise serves a purpose. First, you want to keep yourheart rate elevated the entire time so doing isolation exercises while you're on 'break' is a good way to keep your heart rate up. Secondly, youwant to try to work out almost every muscle in the body to build endurance. Thirdly, you include some 'easy' exercises to give your body a bit of abreak in between the difficult compound lifts such as bench, squat, deadlift, lunges, rows, etc. I usually threw in some bicep curls or some shoulder or abexercises when I was out of breath and felt like throwing up.

The biggest problem though with circuit training that its almost impossible to do when the gym is crowded.
Originally Posted by Rjwco

good creatine supplement?or should u go straight to roids?
im not into the anti-steroids thing.....but steroids would be suuuch a dumb move at this point for you. wait after a few years of working out,getting your diet fine-tuned, learning how your body responds to certain stimuli, and see if you want to. don't even think about them at this point.

as for some creapure, no need for any of the fancy creatines as the whole point of creatine supplementation is to achieve creatine saturationwithin the muscles......any sort of creatine will do this.

dont expect any miracles though. im off creatine right now and dont feel any different than when i was taking it. supplements arent magic, diet/sleep iare waymore improtant.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I went into GNC today, to check out some prices and ask questions..

I was told that this was the best product to buy, when it comes to building muscle mass..

Would you guys recommend this?
GNC strikes again... They'll always try to talk you out of a decent product and try to sell you on the store brand or on Muscletech brand supplements, because they get the most commission on them, and I think they get pressure from corporate to sell a certain quota of GNC brand stuff, but the quality is by no means worth the price. You're better off with ON 100% Whey like the dude said above and iiceman posted that link to to get 2 different 5lb tubs for like $66 shipped. You can also go to and get some whey isolate for cheaper than the GNC stuff and it's a better protein. MyoFusion is good as well, I've tried it, but it's a blended protein (mix of whey, casein, and egg protein) which means it doesn't digest as quickly as whey protein alone. It's good for having a shake in the middle of the day between meals or in the evening just to get enough protein in your system for the day, but for a post-workout protein, you just want whey.
Is this a good price?: $42 for 5lbs..

Thats the one you would recommend right?
I had a question. I am on a cut but I also lift heavy. How many carbs should I shoot for in a day? 60 70 80? is 100 a lot? Man the days where I get more carbsthen others is night and day in terms of how much I can lift in the gym. But I just get worried on how many grams of carbs I shouldnt pass since Im trying toloose weight.
I just started working out again. hopefully for good
, I want to gain 10 ibs of muscle, working out 4 times a week, (free weights mostly with some abs_what is a realistic time span to start seeing results?
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