Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

i dont even understand why dude would come in here JUST to kill the mood..
like people just stroll into GNC and pick up some random #$%@ and startin takin it

ive been hitting the gym hard lately
4 -5 days a week (3 - 4 hours), full body workouts..
also including a mile on the treadmill, mile on the elliptical, and 2 on the bike.

great diet, imo..
chicken, steak, potatoes, yams, brown rice and variation of veggies for lunch and dinner..
wake up with a protein shake (2 scoops) mixed with a scoop of peanut butter and 2 packets of oatmeal..
and, glutamine w/ water during workouts and a shake post workout..

i usually wake up in the morning feeling good, not OD sore

Youd be surprised how many people are taking things that they either dont know what its for or are taking it incorrectly. (Creatine is a great example)

You work out 3-4 hours a session? I hope you meant in a week.

3 scoops of protein is a great diet? Glutamine as well? Really?
Originally Posted by 951guero

Is it good to eat right after a workout? Or is there something else that is better recommended

I usually eat a sandwich, or grilled chicken with veggies.
There are so many methods of post workout nutrition out there. Some say you need to immediately refuel with a protien shake right after a workout,others say wait about an hour to eat if your trying to lose fat (especially from cicuit training), and theres alot of others.

I used to eat whole foods about 10-15 minutes after my workout but while I was filled, I felt a bit sluggish and as soon as I was home I wanted to sleep. So Iswitched up to a post workout protien shake about 5-10 minutes after my workout (to take a quick shower and get dressed) and about 30 - 45 minutes later I atethe skinless baked potatoe I brought from home. I found this worked pretty good for me because I feel that it helped my body not be sore or worn out later onin the day and helped with my initial recovery.

The thing they say about eating whole foods, especially veggies is that the fiber from the food slows down the digestion of the food and your body doesnt getthe nutrition from the food fast enough. I don't believe that though.
Originally Posted by I3

Im wary about the stiff leg deadlift, I would do it with lighter weight obviously. Although myself - i've never tried it. Deadlifts do it for me.

This week back from a 2 week break has been hell, feeling no energy etc.. going to take awhile to get back into the swing of things. My ball season starts soon, looking at going 2-3x a week now, with short compound workouts. Really need to focus on enery and cardiovascular now, then once thats achieved hopefully i'll have enough strength for weights etc.

There are heaps of questions not being answered lol, I think we need to update the first page since the questions have been repeated - nothing wrong with that.

I take whey only after, and sometimes as a snack or something on the go when I don't have natural food sources yeah. Im not too fond of the whole supplement effect, but surely long-term there would be some effects. I don't know how long i'll be in the gym game for, so for now I guess whey is all I need. But I would like to think that pre-supps etc.. would have some long-term effect if an individual would use it regular for a LONG period of time.

Eating after a workout is fine, probably one of the most important meals of the day - that as well as pre-workout. Theres a lot of bro science regarding specific amounts and etc, if you want to go into that detail.. However for most of us just trying to eat right, a nice meal with unprocessed foods (carbs, proteins and fats) would suffice. Something like grilled chicken sandwhich, or rice is perfect. Just look out for portion sizes in regards to your caloric goals.

Finally, can someone clarify what a full body workout is? Is that just compound lifts? Or is it employing the big 4 lifts everyday or something? I really need to maximise rest time while being able to play ball,
How many days a week are you going to be playing ball? You may find it difficult/too fatiguing to work out 2-3x a week if you're playing ballregularly.

A full body workout is a workout session where you exercise upper and lower body muscles.

Starting next week I'm going to start this routine. I think when April/May rolls around and the weather improves I'm not going to be able to hit theweights very much so I'm going to try to get as strong as possible before the spring.

Monday: flat bench, incline bench, power cleans, pushups, weighted decline crunches, captains chair
Wednesday: pullups, dumbell rows, lat pull down, deadlifts
Friday: military press, squats, lunges, leg press, dumbell presses, weighted decline crunches, russian twists

As for SLDL vs. Romanian, I stopped doing SLDL a few years ago because it absolutely destroyed my hamstrings. I'd do them on Fridays and take the weekendsoff and I wouldnt recover until Monday or Tuesday
. They were alsoextremely painful on my groin muscles...sometimes I'd have trouble getting up after being seated for a while.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.

I'm not trying to knock anything you or anyone else does, but have you ever honestly thought about possible health effects in the long run?

Im not saying the products are "dangerous" per say, but they are a foreign chemical and man made. Creatine is in the body, but the supplement is still made in a factory. A lot of people put all these foreign chemicals into their body and dont have any sort of concern for future outcomes. It's an weird part of exercise and living a healthier lifestyle that often gets overlooked. A healthier lifestyle is achieved, yet the body is being fed a bunch of chemicals.

Worrying about your water bottle possibly giving you cancer but taking 2 scoops of a pre-workout supplement seems a bit ironic, doesnt it? Im not saying that all supplements are evil.

When someone is trying to explain what healthy/nutritious foods are, the saying "if it wasnt around 200 yrs ago, chances are it isnt healthy for you" is said. The same thing can be said for supplements, no? They fall into that saying.

The possible long term effects need to be at least acknowledged.
see i think that's a fair point

but dcallamerican literally picked the two safest, most beneficial supplements on the market.

if he had brought up stuff like 1,3 dimethylamylamine ( a stimulant found in a lot of preworkouts like jack3d) or l-dopa (hgh "booster") or someother ingredients then i'd be more inclined to agree.

but assuming all you're getting in your creatine is creatine, you're fine. it's been studied short-term, long-term, high-dose, low-dose, you nameit. like i said, it's the exact same chemical form as the one in our body, nothing synthetic or artificial about it. and no study out of the thousands outthere has found any real side-effects or risks that arise from supplementing with it.

as for rdl vs. sldl...........i dont do either, i feel like my lower back gets hit enough with rows + dl's, id have to do sldl on a diff day but i do wantto try em.

i did decline bench today after not having done it for ages.......
feltgood. did it after incline and flat.......3 sets and i my chest was done.

for the record since i'm on a cut right now i decided to get all my calories from whole food sources so i haven't touched whey protein in a while.

and i am off creatine for the time being just because i like to cycle off it every now and then for maybe a month.

i'm usually taking both though, and they definitely help. i'm not one of those idiots who buys into the hype of every supp and goes to gnc to buy theentire BSN line or whatever, but i definitely think they can be used in a way that is both healthy and beneficial to your fitness goals.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

How many days a week are you going to be playing ball? You may find it difficult/too fatiguing to work out 2-3x a week if you're playing ball regularly.

A full body workout is a workout session where you exercise upper and lower body muscles.

Starting next week I'm going to start this routine. I think when April/May rolls around and the weather improves I'm not going to be able to hit the weights very much so I'm going to try to get as strong as possible before the spring.

Monday: flat bench, incline bench, power cleans, pushups, weighted decline crunches, captains chair
Wednesday: pullups, dumbell rows, lat pull down, deadlifts
Friday: military press, squats, lunges, leg press, dumbell presses, weighted decline crunches, russian twists

As for SLDL vs. Romanian, I stopped doing SLDL a few years ago because it absolutely destroyed my hamstrings. I'd do them on Fridays and take the weekends off and I wouldnt recover until Monday or Tuesday
. They were also extremely painful on my groin muscles...sometimes I'd have trouble getting up after being seated for a while.

I'll be balling probably 2-3x a week, scrimmaging, running, preseason stuff. I remember last year, it was just too rough on my body doing 3x a week andballing like 3-4x too. I need recovery time.

I like your routine that you posted, but yeah, like you said I think ive done a good 2-3 months of strength training, and looking now for agility,cardiovasuclar etc.. which is also important in basketball obviously. Like for instance doing heavy squats every week would mean a week of recovery for me andI just can't afford that, so perhaps I should like to reduce my visits and the weight?

Because like you said, going to the gym 1x or 2x a week is better than nothing right - its about being smart with your training. Not sure what to do.
just wanted to share this with you love to look like this, dude has an insane physique.....hes also completely drug/supp - free, doesn't eventake creatine.




^^^I'd really appreciate if you got my permission first before putting my pics up. That's my off-season condition btw.
That's YOU? Damn, that was unexpected. I seen that thread on BB too.

I remember reading he/you takes protein and glutamine though.

And damn some of y'all need to shut up and stop acting so condescending. Stop with the rhetorical questions and if you don't want to contribute andhelp someone else out keep the smartass comments to yourself.
I think everybody just has to remember that they are working towards their own goal. No one else knows their body and their goal like yourself. If you wanna docrossfit or circuit or bodybuilding then by all means do it , its yours. No one else can tell you what you can or can't do. Especially some person acrossthe internet that has never seen you!

Everyone has their own opinion of fitness but at the end of the day its only your opinion that matter after all it is your body!
l-dopa is in a lot of supplements and yea I don't mess with that either. (Pre workout too) Stuff like this is a big reason I always stay on top ofsupplement knowledge. I already state on protein talks way back I only do unflavored/naturals now I don't even take protein everyday either it really justmakes things easier so on a good day yea its def whole food sources. 3 scoops protein a day and supplementing with Glutamine would be a waste
I researched a bit of Parkinson's disease and it really introduced dopamine to me. There are quite a few ways to stimulate production as well, aside fromlevodopa. Levodopa also has a few undesireable side effects.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

That's YOU? Damn, that was unexpected. I seen that thread on BB too.

I remember reading he/you takes protein and glutamine though.

And damn some of y'all need to shut up and stop acting so condescending. Stop with the rhetorical questions and if you don't want to contribute and help someone else out keep the smartass comments to yourself.

Sorry man, I was being sarcastic. Dude is in WAY better condition than I am. When my bodyfat is down to about 7% or so, that's actually how my midsectionlooks, but I'm at least a good 15-20lbs away from 7% bodyfat. I could probably do it in a couple of months, but my weekly trips to Texas Roadhousedefinitely don't help my progress.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Have any of you ever stopped to think that all of these foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body are going to hurt you in the long run?
Artificial Testosterone Boosts
have you thought to actually learn about something before you speak out on it?

creatine is a natural substance found in food, especially meat, and also produced by your own body. creatine is a beneficial substance whose absence in the body can cause undesirable health effects- this occurs most often to vegetarians and vegans.

whey is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and what whey protein concentrate/isolate is the protein extracted from they whey with as little fat or carbohydrate left as possible. whey protein has been shown to improve immune system response by increasing levels of glutathione in the body. lactoferrin found in whey protein can activate the immune primary defenses, increase IL-18 levels by up to 15%, activate natural killer cells and enhance the cytotoxicity of neutrophils and macrophages. supplemental oral lactoferrin is effective against a broad range of tumors and in experimental animal studies, bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung and bladder carcinogenesis. it also contains alpha-lactalbumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

as for aritificial "testosterone boosts"....not quite sure what you're referring to here unless you mean steroids, but obviously that's a whole different ballgame.

I'm not trying to knock anything you or anyone else does, but have you ever honestly thought about possible health effects in the long run?

Im not saying the products are "dangerous" per say, but they are a foreign chemical and man made. Creatine is in the body, but the supplement is still made in a factory. A lot of people put all these foreign chemicals into their body and dont have any sort of concern for future outcomes. It's an weird part of exercise and living a healthier lifestyle that often gets overlooked. A healthier lifestyle is achieved, yet the body is being fed a bunch of chemicals.

Worrying about your water bottle possibly giving you cancer but taking 2 scoops of a pre-workout supplement seems a bit ironic, doesnt it? Im not saying that all supplements are evil.

When someone is trying to explain what healthy/nutritious foods are, the saying "if it wasnt around 200 yrs ago, chances are it isnt healthy for you" is said. The same thing can be said for supplements, no? They fall into that saying.

The possible long term effects need to be at least acknowledged.
My dad has brought this up to me, I mean...I believe him because he is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to this since he works in thepharmaceutical field, but the fact remains that the benefits right now outweigh the potential health risk in the future. Ultimately, my plan is to just eatnutritious food once I've attained my ideal body. So hopefully in about 1-2 years I'll just be back to eating regularly, no supps.

Question for Joe Camel: Do you cycle on/off the white flood? It's been about a month since I've started using it, and this whole week I've gone w/oit. Just wondering.
Guys, NaNo vapor or Jack3d for pre workout? Also does anyone have experience with post workout MyoZene? Protein throughout the day yay or nay? Im trying toget back into the swing of things workout wise...and want to do it right this time. Any help is appreciated.
I have a question. Im still lifting and doing cardio, but I was wondering if I did some form of martial arts combined with lifting will that be too much on mybody??
Originally Posted by Al Audi

btw this isnt even the article i wanted to post i just came across it im still searching on the l-dopa info i had an i was just like
that is some trippy stuff

i wouldnt mess with it.......neurotoxicity is one of the side effects, thats no joke

lotta people take it for the supposed mood effects but i guess it just makes you more optimistic, not happier? weird.

also taken for the hgh-boosting effects.
Originally Posted by The Technodrome

Hard to believe that guy doesn't take any form of creatine or tren, don't be so gullible

anyway the dude is ins his 30s and has been working out since he was 12. his career is in martial arts.....i believe it. he's
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

just wanted to share this with you love to look like this, dude has an insane physique.....hes also completely drug/supp - free, doesn't even take creatine.





his chest is awesome
^ Amazing physique, great genetics, but I would never want to be that big.

Warmup today was 500m row for time. Technical lift today was the power-clean (worked up to our 1rm max). WOD today was 4 sets of 6 reps and a minute breakbetween each round (95lbs):
- Power clean
- Push jerk
- Overhead squat
- Bent rows
- Deadlift
- Roll-out

Never had my forearms burn this badly.
^^^That dude looks like he can bench press an SUV. Way too big IMO though.

Today I planned on doing cardio but I didn't feel like doing it so I did circuit training instead...

-60 reps bench press
-100 reps barbell squats
-70 reps deadlifts
-50 reps per arm dumbell rows
-About 120 reps of abs at the end

I did each exercise one at a time at about 10-20 reps per set, rested 30 seconds and repeated. Everything was pretty easy except for bench press. After 40 repsmy chest was fried

It was a great workout though. I may do something similar tomorrow.
I don't think he is too big that's my ideal goal at my prime. I wanna be like 215-220 @ 6'1" lean mass. He doesn't look IFBB freaky
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