Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

$66 for the 5lb tubs?!
Y'all are really ballin' something serious if you think that is cheap. Here, if you're planning to stock up, I'd say get it here mangs. Like I've been saying...VS >>>*
$66 for two tubs my man. and you can pick separate flavors. and apparently there's a free shipping code
Originally Posted by picknroll24

Dammit I recently stocked up on ON 100% Whey protein
considering on still buying though, anyone know how long its gonna be on sale for?
18th of this month I believe.
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

Is P90X worth buying ?
check out craigslist, it's much cheaper on there.

i would say that if you dont really know too much about how to workout and how to set up/schedule your routines, then yes it's worth buying.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I went into GNC today, to check out some prices and ask questions..

I was told that this was the best product to buy, when it comes to building muscle mass..

Would you guys recommend this?
In a word: No.

I've never had good experiences with GNC branded products, its always gross and I feel bloated and weird afterwards
And plus look how unbelievably expensive it is. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but don't these dudes get commission for selling GNC branded products?

This is what I would recommend:

Better quality product I believe and from a price point it is far superior.
I just started a little cut/recomp hate cardio so eatin around 2200 its tough. Anyone have any luck with bcaas? I bought some and just started mixin em with mysizeon and drink during workout this week.
Yep. It's not horrible but it is overpriced, I believe they do get commission for getting you to buy their product which is probably why they alwayssuggest it first.

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Over at BodyBuilding forum, I have heard some good things about MyoFusion:

Have any of you guys tried this?
If you have the money I guess. Personally i've tried the gaspari products (good but pricy), musclemilk(over rated) products and GNCproducts(chalky
) and I believe for the money spent I get the most bangfor my buck with the ON Gold 100% Whey products.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Dont really care for powders but thought you guys may find this useful has Two 5lb Tubs of Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard protein supplement in a variery of flavors for $66 with free shipping using coupon code ONWINTER.

  • Banana Cream
  • Caramel Toffee Fudge
  • Chocolate Malt
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Coffee
  • Cookies and Cream
  • Delicious Strawberry
  • Double Rich Chocolate
  • Extreme Milk Chocolate
  • French Vanilla Creme
  • Mocha Cappuccino
  • Rocky Road
  • Strawberry Banana
  • Tropical Punch
  • Vanilla Chai
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • White Chocolate w/ six Free HydroWhey Samples

may sound like a stupid question but im lookin to get cut up (loose a little fat/gain muscle), is this a good product? lol
Jumped on that deal with the quickness.

Been 2 months without powders, waiting for a deal like this to pop up.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I went into GNC today, to check out some prices and ask questions..

I was told that this was the best product to buy, when it comes to building muscle mass..

Would you guys recommend this?
GNC strikes again... They'll always try to talk you out of a decent product and try to sell you on the store brand or on Muscletech brandsupplements, because they get the most commission on them, and I think they get pressure from corporate to sell a certain quota of GNC brand stuff, but thequality is by no means worth the price. You're better off with ON 100% Whey like the dude said above and iiceman posted that link to to get 2different 5lb tubs for like $66 shipped. You can also go to and get some whey isolate for cheaper than the GNC stuff and it's a betterprotein. MyoFusion is good as well, I've tried it, but it's a blended protein (mix of whey, casein, and egg protein) which means it doesn't digestas quickly as whey protein alone. It's good for having a shake in the middle of the day between meals or in the evening just to get enough protein in yoursystem for the day, but for a post-workout protein, you just want whey.
I'm having the hardest time curbing my diet, but I am making some sort of progression with phasing out things that won't help me at all...

Anyway....The last few weeks I've been deadlifting seriously, when I say seriously I mean finishing my full sets instead "testing" it out if thatmakes any sense lol. Question though. I'm doing DL on my back/bi days and I thought it was just natural since ppl call it the king of back excercises but Ialso do Bent rows, one armed rows, and Pull-ups will the DL have any negative effects? am I over working my back? I feel fine, but I'm just curious ifthose 4 excercises on the same day is too much. I mention those 3 because well...Those are the ones I feel I get the most out of compared to the otherexcercised I do for my back.
^^^Depends on how heavy you're going. If you're working up to doing your last 2 sets of deadlifts and bent rows to failure at 6-8 reps, then it mightbe a little too much. I would alternate deadlifts for bent rows from one week to the next, just so you're not overtraining. You'll also probably findthat you're stronger on the bent row when your core and stabilizers aren't as fatigued from all the deadlifts or vice-versa depending on what order youdo the exercises in.
Originally Posted by Sik Wit It

does anyone have an opinion on crossfit?

i've been Crossfitting for over a year now. I'm in the best shape since high school, and I graduate a long time ago. My pull up game is serious, andI've maintained strength, increase my durance, and cardio all while crossfitting. It's challenging but its worth the results.
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