Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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love the zelda reference 

@Master Zik I'm not really a big detractor of the prequels like some people are, so there's that. :tongue:

The duel :smh:
I'm never gonna get over his duel(s) with Finn and Rey however. That was dumb and just shouldn't have happened. :smh: Son was trained by Luke ******* Skywalker at one point, apparently took part in destroying whatever Jedi Order Luke was working on, seems to be the second or third highest ranking person in the First Order (Just like Vader was in the Empire), has the blood of the Chosen One running through his veins, and has basically been training with and using the Force for however many years, yet can't beat two untrained novices? One of which might not even be Force Sensitive?! Come on man. :smh: :smh: Let's be honest with ourselves, both Finn and Rey should've been slaughtered like animals. Luke trained with Yoda for weeks and still got his *** whooped by Vader. Why? Because Vader was his superior in every way. Same with Anakin and Obi-Wan taking on Dooku in AOTC. And those are situations where both parties involved have some amount of formal training, not only with using the Force, but with actual lightsaber based combat as well. (Maybe not Luke so much in ESB, but he'd at least been trained in how to use the blade). Finn and Rey have zero experience with the situation they're being faced with, yet they're somehow able to both hold their own and Rey's able to win?! :smh: :smh: :smh: By far the dumbest moment in this film.

I honestly take it as Luke didn't train him in combat but just in the ways of the force. Remember Jedi's are peaceful and only use violence as a last resort. That would also explain how he'd wash the whole order cause none of them could fight and he was using the dark side of the force.

Anyone else notice that all of Luke's training in the movies, we didn't see him learn any of the lightsaber fighting styles?

That doesn't really make any sense at all. Jedi are peaceful, but heavily focus on combat with the lightsaber as it's what they use to defend others, which is pretty much the main thing they do. You see way back in AOTC that there were even children training with the lightsaber. Couldn't realistically see Luke not training him in it's use or how he'd have destroyed the Order if he wasn't trained in combat whatsoever.

We may not have seen Luke learn to use the lightsaber, but he very clearly did, hence him being capable of holding his own against Darth Vader in ESB and capable of outright defeating Vader in ROTJ. Can also compare it to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan being capable of fighting evenly with, and in Obi-Wan's case defeating, Darth Maul in TPM. Unlike Jedi, Sith aren't about peace, but aggression and attack people all the time. Hence you have the Jedi making sure to train that so they can fight the Sith off, as well as defend other people.

The duel :smh:
I'm never gonna get over his duel(s) with Finn and Rey however. That was dumb and just shouldn't have happened. :smh: Son was trained by Luke ******* Skywalker at one point, apparently took part in destroying whatever Jedi Order Luke was working on, seems to be the second or third highest ranking person in the First Order (Just like Vader was in the Empire), has the blood of the Chosen One running through his veins, and has basically been training with and using the Force for however many years, yet can't beat two untrained novices? One of which might not even be Force Sensitive?! Come on man. :smh: :smh: Let's be honest with ourselves, both Finn and Rey should've been slaughtered like animals. Luke trained with Yoda for weeks and still got his *** whooped by Vader. Why? Because Vader was his superior in every way. Same with Anakin and Obi-Wan taking on Dooku in AOTC. And those are situations where both parties involved have some amount of formal training, not only with using the Force, but with actual lightsaber based combat as well. (Maybe not Luke so much in ESB, but he'd at least been trained in how to use the blade). Finn and Rey have zero experience with the situation they're being faced with, yet they're somehow able to both hold their own and Rey's able to win?! :smh: :smh: :smh: By far the dumbest moment in this film.
I'll break it down for you
1. Kylo was hurt in the midsection, that really limits his movement and pain can be really distracting
2. Kylo is not a bad *** (yet), he is nothing more than a spoiled child. Dude literally has everyone in the first order scared because he is the only force user. he has gone for years (possibly a decade) without being in a real fight. 
3. For the Rey fight Kylo was not trying to kill her, he was instructed to bring her in.
4. Rey had the clear mental edge, she overpowered him when mind reading and she out force grabbed the lightsaber. you could tell from the look on his face when the lightsaber flies by him that he's shook.
5. Prior to this point, Rey has shown more of an ability to fight than kylo. she has survived on her own for years having to fight off larger men. All kylo has faced is unarmed men and computer screens.
At the time of the fight, Rey had both the physical, mental and emotional advantage. No surprise at all that she bested kylo.
as for Finn, Kylo basically dominated him in 30 seconds, while figuring out how to adapt to fighting with hurt ribs. 

Allow me to explain why your excuses to justify Rey winning don't hold up.

Noted him being hurt in my review, don't think that explains him not still being able to take down to untrained novices, especially when he was the Force to call on

Not a badass? He can use the Force to tear information from people's minds and stopped a ******* blaster shot in midair and held it there with no type of visible strain, something we've seen no other person in this series ever do. :lol: Going for years without a real fight only matters if he didn't also keep up his lightsaber training, which i'd say he did as he seems to be able to handle the blade itself just fine. And it's again not even trained Force Users he's fighting. It's two people with zero experience. He could be rusty as hell and should still be capable of taking them down easily.

Which still doesn't explain her being able to hold her own against him. He should be capable of simply knocking the blade out of her hands and as seen with Luke and Vader, or Cooku and Anakin, there are ways to end a duel without killing someone, which leaves plenty of time to capture them for further questioning/torture.

Exactly. Rey had an edge over him and it makes zero sense as to why. Kylo being hurt is the only type of edge either her and Finn should have, however isn't then enough to incapacitate him and something he actually seems able to function properly with just fine. It doesn't visibly limit his fighting style whatsoever once the duel gets going. Mentally, there's again no reason that Rey should be able to resist him.
She took down a group of thugs once back on Jakku and was somehow able to kill Storm Troopers with a blaster, even though it was noted that she herself had never used one before that day, which is just as bad as the crap with her being able to resist Kylo's mental assault with the Force. In terms of combat, the Force allows a person to predict the movements of another person, which is a heavy component of lightsaber combat and pretty much makes most people useless against someone actually trained in using the Force, which Kylo is compared to Rey being a novice. Then add him again being trained in the use of the lightsaber, which like the blaster (Or a gun, or a bow and arrow, or a sword) isn't something you can just pick up and instantly be an expert in. That again makes no sense. I can actually believe Finn using the lightsaber effectively more easily than I can her, as as a trooper he should have some type of physical conditioning and formal combat training, just as anyone being trained in the Force should. Assuming that Kylo somehow never got such training, when it's been a staple of both the Jedi and Sith forever makes no sense and only seems to serve to try to justify someone with no training in anything to speak of (Not with the Force, not with the Lightsaber, and not even in actual combat considering that she was a junk collector) lasting in a prolonged duel.

I'm not arguing that Rey didn't win, i'm arguing that the way in which she did so was silly and terrible. Finn was bested, yet still put up something of a fight when he really shouldn't have been capable of doing so. Neither of them should be able to use that lightsaber with any type of finesse, especially against a person that's actually trained to use it. That's like being capable of outshooting Han Solo when you've never picked up a blaster a day in your life :lol: Physically, Ren again has the Force to ease his pain, push the pain aside, allow his anger to increase his strength, blow Finn and Rey away with telekinetic assaults, etc. Yet he did none of this. :rolleyes
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Rey wasn't all that good with the lightsaber and neither was Kylo truth be told but I feel like that has something to do with the character actors of Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver. I don't think they gave then too much training in those scenes because

1.) they want the lightsaber duals to look a little more slower pace like the OT. Lots of flipping and lightsaber flipping in the PT. Seeing the last fight in RotS between Anakin and Obi wan and then seeing the fight between Vader and Obi wan in ANH is hilarious.

2.) they want you to grow with the characters and see their skills maturate.

....Those darn Skywalker grandkids
After seeing it again I can definitely understand why Kylo got washed.
Dude was shot and bleeding out.
I'm retracting that particular complaint :lol:
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I think we can stop using spoiler tags by now.

I think what you're missing was Kylo was not the seasoned and veteran force user that we might think. Yes, he can use jedi mind powers, stop a blaster mid-air, and do a lot of impressive things.. but he's talented but not disciplined. He was trained by Luke, but we don't know how long and how much of training he received. We saw his outbursts, his struggles, his mistakes.. all of those things are things we didn't see from Vader in IV and V, because Vader was far more mature and experienced. Kylo was weaker, more conflicted, not focused, so all of those things factored in.

Finn was beat.. pretty badly. He got about one good shot in on a hurt Kylo and that was it. So I have no problem with their duel.

And Rey.. well it is what it is. I agree that her rapid understanding of the force felt a little rushed.. but I think the were trying to show that not only was she very strong in the force, but she possibly had some prior training that she doesn't remember. Even if that were true, for this movie, it did kind of all happen fast. I agree that a couple of things felt a little too perfect.. especially for the first movie. I think you could have done the jedi mind trick and piloting skills.. but left out using the force to grab the saber. Or have her show some fighting abilities, but not be as impressive with a saber. Don't get me wrong, it was all very awesome and cool.. of course.. but for her character right then and there, I don't think we needed all of that on the first movie. But as for the duel? I'm fine with it. They made it clear that Kylo was not Vader. He was hurt, he was conflicted, he wasn't trying to kill her, he wasn't focused, he was not at 100%.

Maybe that's the fault of the movie and it lessens the final battle a little bit. I think most of us like Kylo being a conflicted and complex character, it makes for an interesting villain. Although, just an agent of pure evil like Maul could have been entertaining too. But they did a good job of showing Kylo's struggles and conflicts, which makes his struggles in the final fight understandable.
And as for the big "misdirection" with Rey and Finn.. are we all really that surprised? I'm surprised Finn wasn't propped up as a future Jedi like I thought.. that's for sure. I didn't necessarily think it would be him getting his own saber and full on Jedi training by the end of the movie.. but did not expect there to be even a debate if he was force sensitive. I just assumed "Okay, he'll be force sensitive and a potential future Jedi, no doubt" so that was a shock.

But Rey? I would have been very surprised if she was just a regular person... she was a Jedi and likely offspring of a Skywalker from day 1 to me.
The end of the film was really about dude's transition into a full blown bad guy.

Dude was really torn between light and dark, and then he killed his pops. Now only one side rules him.

He'll definitely be a better fighter next time.
Son was a bad guy from the beginning :lol:

"What about the villagers?"

"Kill them all"

I wasn't buying into the whole "torn and conflicted" nonsense they were trying to push. There was nothing at all redeemable about his character that screamed "he's conflicted" to me besides everybody saying "lol there's still light in him". Show, don't tell.

Same with Anakin. Dude slaughtered children, killed millions, but he's a good guy in the end because he threw the Emperor off a ledge? :lol:
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Another small thing I liked about the movie was when Kylo froze Poa and Rey with the force it looked really violent. 

When I saw  Kylo freeze Rey the first time I jumped a little 
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Another small thing I liked about the movie was when Kylo froze Poa and Rey with the force it looked really violent. 

When I saw  Kylo freeze Rey the first time I jumped a little 
The thundering-bass-rumble also added to that effect!
About Rey

I think Rey will end up like Setele Shan. Their garb is similar with what she was wearing at the end of the movie. Also, Rey is well versed with using a staff and Shan uses a double bladed saber. I think if they gave Rey a double bladed saber it would be awesome since the dark side always gets the "cool" sabers.

View media item 1837398
2015 was a great yr at the movies and Star Wars ended it with a bang. Much better Xmas movie than Hobbit 3 was lol
‘Star Wars’ Passes ‘Jurassic World’ for Biggest Global Debut

There’s a new king in town.

After apparently falling short of “Jurassic World’s” record global launch of $524.9 million, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has overtaken the dinosaur thriller to set a new high-water mark for a worldwide debut.

Final numbers are still being tallied, but in an interview with Bloomberg on Monday morning, Disney chief Bob Iger suggested that receipts for the “Star Wars” sequel had come in higher than initial estimates had suggested. It now appears that the film will have hit a global record of $528 million. Disney originally suggested the film’s global tally would be $517 million, but domestic numbers are higher than anticipated, clocking in at roughly $247 million.

“That’s an incredible weekend,” Iger told Bloomberg, adding, “What this really does is it sets this great franchise up for far more value creation over a longer period of time for the company.”

What’s particularly impressive is that the figure was achieved without the help of China, the world’s second biggest market for film. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” doesn’t debut in the People’s Republic until Jan. 9. “Jurassic World” made more than $90 million from China during its opening weekend.

Iger stressed that “Star Wars” was “more than a movie,” because the film’s characters and stories appear on lunch boxes, toylines and theme park rides. That merchandising potential is part of the reason that Disney spent more than $4 billion buying LucasFilm in 2012.

“‘Star Wars,’ I’ve said a number of times, I think is probably the most valuable, maybe even the most important mythology created in our time,” the Disney chief said.

Even without China, “Star Wars” enjoyed a massive global rollout. The film debuted on over 30,000 screens internationally, scoring first place finishes in every major market where it debuted with the exception of Korea and Vietnam.

View media item 1837462

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I wasn't buying into the whole "torn and conflicted" nonsense they were trying to push. There was nothing at all redeemable about his character that screamed "he's conflicted" to me besides everybody saying "lol there's still light in him". Show, don't tell.

The end of the film was really about dude's transition into a full blown bad guy.

Dude was really torn between light and dark, and then he killed his pops. Now only one side rules him.

He'll definitely be a better fighter next time.

That was dope how Rey/Finn opened the door and the light was on him. I guess the sun going out was pretty symbolic of him completely embracing the dark side :nthat:
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Yeah, they went all out on the visual storytelling with the Han/Kylo scene. You could tell they put a lot of thought and care into that one.

Even though I knew the basic story and didn't avoid spoilers at all, my heart was still racing in the lead-up to that scene. In fact, knowing about it ahead of time probably made my anticipation even greater.
Son was a bad guy from the beginning

"What about the villagers?"

"Kill them all"

I wasn't buying into the whole "torn and conflicted" nonsense they were trying to push. There was nothing at all redeemable about his character that screamed "he's conflicted" to me besides everybody saying "lol there's still light in him". Show, don't tell.

Same with Anakin. Dude slaughtered children, killed millions, but he's a good guy in the end because he threw the Emperor off a ledge?
Well Kylo did say he was struggling when he was speaking to Vadar's helmet... but I kinda agree with you. He didn't do anything in the movie that shows he had some "good" in him. 
I think the "rushed" knowledge of the force for Rey will make more sense as the series moves along and we get an understanding about her background and where she came from.

They left a lot to be determined. But that scene on the bridge 

I knew it was coming once Han said Chewy liked Rey 
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