Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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The more I think about it the more clear it becomes; It think might take days, maybe weaks, maybe even years but I think you will all come to see what I see in Finn.:lol:

they told us it was black JEDI, ina film series with no black people and then


homeboy was a janitor, not black jedi a black ******* janitor

a wack one at that, who is such a coward immediately loses his nerve in his first battle. He's wack at every thing, so wack at shooting, Rey needs to flip the meleniam falcon over and line up his gun so he can hit the ******* target.

is completely ready to give up and run away, and totally would have deserted rey, han, chewy if the empire didn't catch up and blow up the cantina.

suddenly has the nerve to go on a suicidal rescue mission, despite his previous cowardice...WHY? because a school boy crush? or some other vague poorly defined ********.

oh did I mention he's a liar, who never tells the truth unless he's forced? and the moment of truth with everything on the line, he lies to the resistance he knows how to shut down weapon putting everyones lives at risk.

and he FAILS at his suicide mission only to be saved by Rey after getting washed by Kylo. and to the final indiginity, he doesn't stays in a coma while Rey jets off to fufil her destiny.

Jon Boyega worked that movie star level charisma to convince you Finn isn't the wack jobber/plot device he was on the page.

I remember US hyping him saying he was a black jedi. Don't remember anyone from the movie saying he was. We got ourselves hyped up. I'm still interested in his character arc tho.
The more I think about it the more clear it becomes; It think might take days, maybe weaks, maybe even years but I think you will all come to see what I see in Finn.

they told us it was black JEDI, ina film series with no black people and then

homeboy was a janitor, not black jedi a black ******* janitor

a wack one at that, who is such a coward immediately loses his nerve in his first battle. He's wack at every thing, so wack at shooting, Rey needs to flip the meleniam falcon over and line up his gun so he can hit the ******* target.

is completely ready to give up and run away, and totally would have deserted rey, han, chewy if the empire didn't catch up and blow up the cantina.

suddenly has the nerve to go on a suicidal rescue mission, despite his previous cowardice...WHY? because a school boy crush? or some other vague poorly defined ********.

oh did I mention he's a liar, who never tells the truth unless he's forced? and the moment of truth with everything on the line, he lies to the resistance he knows how to shut down weapon putting everyones lives at risk.

and he FAILS at his suicide mission only to be saved by Rey after getting washed by Kylo. and to the final indiginity, he doesn't stays in a coma while Rey jets off to fufil her destiny.

Jon Boyega worked that movie star level charisma to convince you Finn isn't the wack jobber/plot device he was on the page.
This actually makes a lot of sense.

Is Rey gonna be saving him throughout this trilogy?
Have a female character do all the **** that Finn did and this film and the internet intellegiencia would be up in arms, JJ Abrahms would be on the summer jam screen, and the feminist would be at lucsarts, with pitchforks.
Movie was cool. Saw it at my local theater for only $6.

I give it 8/10. Kylo Ren was the best part of the movie - him Force catching that laser beam in the beginning was :pimp:
The more I think about it the more clear it becomes; It think might take days, maybe weaks, maybe even years but I think you will all come to see what I see in Finn.:lol:

they told us it was black JEDI, ina film series with no black people and then

homeboy was a janitor, not black jedi a black ******* janitor

a wack one at that, who is such a coward immediately loses his nerve in his first battle. He's wack at every thing, so wack at shooting, Rey needs to flip the meleniam falcon over and line up his gun so he can hit the ******* target.

is completely ready to give up and run away, and totally would have deserted rey, han, chewy if the empire didn't catch up and blow up the cantina.

suddenly has the nerve to go on a suicidal rescue mission, despite his previous cowardice...WHY? because a school boy crush? or some other vague poorly defined ********.

oh did I mention he's a liar, who never tells the truth unless he's forced? and the moment of truth with everything on the line, he lies to the resistance he knows how to shut down weapon putting everyones lives at risk.

and he FAILS at his suicide mission only to be saved by Rey after getting washed by Kylo. and to the final indiginity, he doesn't stays in a coma while Rey jets off to fufil her destiny.

Jon Boyega worked that movie star level charisma to convince you Finn isn't the wack jobber/plot device he was on the page.

This actually makes a lot of sense.

Is Rey gonna be saving him throughout this trilogy?

Let's wait and see.

Lando was redeemed. I'm hoping that happens for Finn too in a way :lol:
I remember US hyping him saying he was a black jedi. Don't remember anyone from the movie saying he was. We got ourselves hyped up. I'm still interested in his character arc tho.

Look man they don't have to care about us all I know is my black cousins, brother and and family were really disappointed, I'm happy my sister, younger female cousins, have a hero to look up to, I just wish Finn could have been more like han solo, not necessarily a jedi but cool and competent ultimately heroic.

This is seems the new wave in hollywood.

I'm calling it; BBC

Big Black Character Device.

A Black non-character who exists solely as device to
1. tick diversity box
2. provide motivation/emotional stakes for tiny white female lead and
3. to titillate white audiences as a potential interracial sexual interest for said tiny white feamle lead.

Supergirl got a BBC, Jessica Jones has one...maybe wonder women movie will get one too?:lol:
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I remember US hyping him saying he was a black jedi. Don't remember anyone from the movie saying he was. We got ourselves hyped up. I'm still interested in his character arc tho.
Look man they don't have to care about us all I know is my black cousins, brother and and family were really disappointed, I'm happy my sister, younger female cousins, have a hero to look up to, I just wish Finn could have been more like han solo, not necessarily a jedi but cool and competent ultimately heroic.

This is seems the new wave in hollywood.

I'm calling it; BBC

Big Black Character Device.

A Black non-character who exists solely as device to
1. tick diversity box
2. provide motivation/emotional stakes for tiny white female lead and
3. to titillate white audiences as a potential interracial sexual interest for said tiny white feamle lead.

Supergirl got a BBC, Jessica Jones has one...maybe wonder women movie will get one too?
4. Takes L's to further propel the "strong white female character'" as a true hero who wins

Agreed with everything here.
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I see what you saying Osh but I disagree about Luke Cage in Jessica Jones.

Son was indestructible. Doesn't take any real crushing Ls unless you think that explosion matters. Being controlled was needed so there'd be somebody for JJ to fight leading up to the finale. Other than that son was winning and they did an amazing job of making me even more interested in his upcoming series.

Cage did not provide the sole motivation for JJ to save the day/kill Kilgrave. He already had her other friends/family controlled and had planned on killing him before Luke's involvement.

Not saying this BBC device (going off your description it's like a mix of the magical negro and the black brute with some damsel in distress sprinkled in) of yours isn't real but I aint see it much in JJ.

But yeah back to SW.

Thought it was 3 years in between both movies like real time of when the movies were released.

Yeah I know that now. You've now told me 3 times :lol:

All my last post was me explaining what I thought was the case.
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I haven't seen it yet but I heard they made the black dude act like a b**ch. I'm not surprised.
For people calling Finn a coward, I don't think that's what you were supposed to take that away from the movie. He had a brief moment of cowardice but everything he did in the movie was far from it.

1. Openly defying The First Order and helping Poe escape.

2. Rescuing Rey in Jakka when he could've just gone about his business. 

3. Going back to rescue Rey after she gets captured.

4. Not backing down from Kylo Ren.:nthat:

The scene were he expressed cowardice makes perfect sense. Dude has witnessed first hand the brutality of the first order, and you expect him to be all gun ho about going on missions against them? :lol:  I think his actions were supposed to mirror how Han Solo handled calls to heroism in the original story. Han Solo was a coward at times, but love for Leia is what kept him in the fight against the dark side. People forget Solo wanted NO parts of the rebellion. :lol:

1. He didn't openly defy the order, he did it only when he knew he could escape, when the order were busy shooting up villages he didn't openly defy anything. It was an act of self intrest once he knew he did have to stomach to be a storm trooper.

2. His spot was blown by BB-8, then the empire started attacking

3. He lied to the resitance to do that putting eveyrone at risk over a crush.

4. what choice did he have? and he still got washed.

Han Solo wasn't potrayed as cowardly, rather as a self interested rougue who was more interested in paying back his debt to Jabba than being a revolutionary, not coward. but cool iconocalst.
I see what you saying Osh but I disagree about Luke Cage in Jessica Jones.

Son was indestructible. Doesn't take any real crushing Ls unless you think that explosion matters. Being controlled was needed so there'd be somebody for JJ to fight leading up to the finale. Other than that son was winning and they did an amazing job of making me even more interested in his upcoming series.

Cage did not provide the sole motivation for JJ to save the day/kill Kilgrave. He already had her other friends/family controlled and had planned on killing him before Luke's involvement.

Not saying this BBC device (going off your description it's like a mix of the magical negro and the black brute) of yours isn't real but I aint see it much in JJ.

But yeah back to SW.
Yeah I know that now. You've now told me 3 times :lol:

All my last post was me explaining what I thought was the case.

You're right about Luke Cagae I took that too far. Luke wasn't that in JJ but the point still stands. :lol:


but I will say there are some proabalamatic racial things in the luke cage JJ relationship but Ill get into that another time.
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I see what you saying Osh but I disagree about Luke Cage in Jessica Jones.

Son was indestructible. Doesn't take any real crushing Ls unless you think that explosion matters. Being controlled was needed so there'd be somebody for JJ to fight leading up to the finale. Other than that son was winning and they did an amazing job of making me even more interested in his upcoming series.

Cage did not provide the sole motivation for JJ to save the day/kill Kilgrave. He already had her other friends/family controlled and had planned on killing him before Luke's involvement.

Not saying this BBC device (going off your description it's like a mix of the magical negro and the black brute) of yours isn't real but I aint see it much in JJ.

But yeah back to SW.
Yeah I know that now. You've now told me 3 times :lol:

All my last post was me explaining what I thought was the case.

You're right about Luke Cagae I took that too far. Luke wasn't that in JJ but the point still stands. :lol:


but I will say there are some proabalamatic racial things in the luke cage JJ relationship but Ill get into that another time.
I look forward to it in the Marvel netflix thread :lol:

I imagine any real problems could've been averted or lessened if the Luke Cage series came out before the JJ one but with that said he still had a good showing in that (and story wise I feel it helped the JJ show more than it did his character after seeing it).
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Han simply didn't want the Rebellion's problems. He was totally fine living in a galaxy where the Empire was running ****. He was already living an outlaw's life messing with smaller star systems and planets run by Huts and other gangsters. That's Han in ANH until they blow up the DS. It was Leia and Luke that caused him to stay and fight. He formed a bond. By ESB him being in it for the money was just a charade he kept up until he and Leia confessed their love

He only stuck around later cuz he got paid and got bumped up to rank of General or something like Lando did :lol:

Finn may follow that story arc but him being a defecting storm trooper, knowing how the First Order runs ****, makes it completely unique to itself. He's not some adventuring mercenary smuggler pilot. His cowardice and how far it goes is dependent on the sequels.
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I look forward to it in the Marvel netflix thread :lol:

I imagine any real problems could've been averted or lessened if the Luke Cage series came out before the JJ one but with that said he still had a good showing in that (and story wise I feel it helped the JJ show more than it did his character after seeing it).

honestly thats why I didn't get too worked up about luke cage at least he's got his own series coming up.

but I get some weird mandigo-y vibes the way their relationship played out and the way some people talk about it. but then again women have been used as eye candy in film and television forever perhaps I have no right to be uncomfertable when they do it to luke cage,.
If dude was really a coward he wouldn't have gone back to rescue Rey.

You guys are just mad he can't fight. Lol

If he acted in exactly the same way plus fighting skills there would be no complaints.

Sorry that you guys were misled. It is what it is though.
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If dude was really a coward he wouldn't have gone back to rescue Rey.

You guys are just mad he can't fight. Lol

he can't do ANYTHING. he sucks at everything.

that's why it doesn't work, a movie full of cowardice and all of sudden he's ready to go on a suicide mission because of a schoolboy crush on a girl he just met. while also lying to the resistance about what he knew.

I'm telling Jon Boyega got y'all fooled, because whats on the page is cowardice/lying/incompetence, he's able to sell it with his performance. :lol:
Finn was droppin ships when he flew with Poe.

He wasn't a master, but he wasn't Jar Jar either guys. :lol:

He was very heroic and went after Rey no diff than Han stayin behind to be around Leia.

I'm sure his character will work out in the end. People gotta relax.
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