Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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I dunno. It's like finding out Yoda has kids. Yoda and Obi Wan are the Jedi standard. You think of what a Jedi is and you think of those 2. Finding out Obi Wan has kids is like a huge betrayal to what Jedi stand for. Think we've had enough of betrayals lol. Especially with him already having to watch over a child who shouldn't have been conceived anyway in Luke.

Although, with them considering an Obi Wan movie, him being Rey's grandfather would be a huge way to drive even more people into theaters to see it.

It's believable if you watch Clone Wars. He had a thing with Satine which is canon.
Couldn't really see Obi-Wan having a kid either. While he had relationships, both in the Disney Canon and the EU Canon, his duty to the Jedi Order always trumped both.
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Couldn't really see Obi-Wan having a kid either. While he had relationships, both in the Disney Canon and the EU Canon, his duty to the Jedi Order always trumped both.

Yeah. Obi-Wan was the ultimate prude and boy scout for the Jedi Order. No need to force kids on him after all these years. I still say there's Rey's some sort of Palpatine/Skywalker DNA-type Clone or something like that.
Couldn't really see Obi-Wan having a kid either. While he had relationships, both in the Disney Canon and the EU Canon, his duty to the Jedi Order always trumped both.
Yeah but after a while still in his prime all alone watching over Luke from afar on a damn dessert planet he may go off and spread thatnseed given the order no longer exists.

He got like 20 years to raise a kid and send them on their way :lol:
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His kid would have had to be born right when Luke was. That means he would have left the kid to go on his suicide mission with Luke. I don't take Obi Wan as a scumbag Steve type of guy
Same problem arises with people talking about Rey is a Skywalker or a Solo and her parents left her on that planet by herself :lol: Unless her parents are dead, imprisoned, or had their memories erased, they end up looking like scumbags for leaving a child on that planet by herself without any kind of directions or supervision.
Same problem arises with people talking about Rey is a Skywalker or a Solo and her parents left her on that planet by herself :lol: Unless her parents are dead, imprisoned, or had their memories erased, they end up looking like scumbags for leaving a child on that planet by herself without any kind of directions or supervision.

That's why I thought it's a possibility that she was kidnapped and left there alone. We know something happened and Kylo Ren was sent away to the Jedi temple with Luke. Then whatever happened was so bad it made Han go back to being a smuggler, leaving fatherhood and being a husband behind.

Maybe Kylo was thought to have killed a young Rey (either Rey being his cousin or sister) with his powers and everyone blamed themselves for it. They sent Kylo away. Leia dwelled in her duties. Han felt he wasn't a good father or protector and left to do what he knew he was good at.

I think it's so obvious that Luke is Rey's father that it's being overlooked. I think the question isn't is Luke is her father, but why she was abandoned?

A girl obviously means something to Han and Kylo in the film. The way they both look upon her and interact with her. That "you remind me of a girl that I once knew. I see her face whenever I look at you" (Ursher baby). I think with Luke becoming a Jedi Master he had to send Rey away (to his sister?) knowing he shouldn't have those ties to anyone.
My family is snowed in today, so we are going to give Attack of the Clones a try. (My wife/daughter haven't seen it)

Interested to see if I soften on it any. See what I've forgotten.
Couldn't really see Obi-Wan having a kid either. While he had relationships, both in the Disney Canon and the EU Canon, his duty to the Jedi Order always trumped both.

Depends on what was stronger, his sense of duty or his pullout game.
Yeah. Obi-Wan was the ultimate prude and boy scout for the Jedi Order. No need to force kids on him after all these years. I still say there's Rey's some sort of Palpatine/Skywalker DNA-type Clone or something like that.

either of those would suck

either maker her a skywalker or somebody totally unrelated to anyone

deer lord if luke says shes his father... :lol:
His kid would have had to be born right when Luke was. That means he would have left the kid to go on his suicide mission with Luke. I don't take Obi Wan as a scumbag Steve type of guy
Well maybe they had a falling out and the kid left home. Like dad why are you disappearing for hours to days at a time leaving me and mom alone? Why won't you teach me how to use the force or that lightsaber? Why aren't you helping the rebels? You're a coward dad, blah blah blah.

Misunderstood dad Ben Kenobi? :nerd:
Since it was said the clues for Rey's parents are in TFA, I see kind of resemblance here:

Even facial expressions are similar.

I can think of a few ways that this makes sense and it's been speculated about before. 
We're literally a Matthew McConaughey away from this happening.
Make it happen!
Maybe it's just me and I'm a piece of trash of trash, but I don't have any interest in seeing a Han Solo film

I'm with you right now, but I know it'll be inevitable that I change my tune once a trailer drops or something.

Surprisingly, I'm actually more interested to see young Lando in this. I want to see if their dynamic, in this film, will make me look at ESB differently. Like Rogue One does for the beginning of ANH now.
I feel like most people either don't wanna see the Solo movie or are iffy to it at best.

I've been on the bandwagon since day one, and after seeing R1, I've been more excited for the upcoming spinoff films than Ep. 8 or 9.
I'm all in on the Han spin-off. I think it will be great. I just don't know what parts of his lore they'll delve into.

I assume we'll see him win the Falcon playing Sabbacc with Lando, save Chewie, then it's just me guessing.
Imperial academy?
Kessell Run?

And now this Woody/Mentor angle.

I think it's going to surprise a lot of people.
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