Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Most people in here liked rots right? I need to watch it again. I just remember hating how quick robotic acting anakin was quick to change sides. Then watching Obi Wan wash him, padme dying of a broken heart and then the "noooo!" scene.

man i am LOVING the clone wars animated series. glad i didn't assume it was trash and that i asked you guys about it
The dark side of the force is unclear and cloudy to the Jedis according to prequel logic. Yoda spoke about it.

This. Mace and Yoda both specifically discuss this in AOTC, and EU mentions it even more. Plus, the fact that Palpatine is so insanely powerful just makes it that much easier for him to hide his presence from people anyways. Not that different from Dragon Ball characters keeping their Ki levels down to a minimum, before ramping them up when it's time for battle.
The dark side of the force is unclear and cloudy to the Jedis according to prequel logic. Yoda spoke about it.

This. Mace and Yoda both specifically discuss this in AOTC, and EU mentions it even more. Plus, the fact that Palpatine is so insanely powerful just makes it that much easier for him to hide his presence from people anyways. Not that different from Dragon Ball characters keeping their Ki levels down to a minimum, before ramping them up when it's time for battle.
I was going to make that comparison.

The bigger problem is nobody was suspicious of Palpatine from a political angle until it was too late. Son was hoarding and monopolizing power, making himself the key figure in important and critical junctures during the war. Son literally went from old senator on his way out to emperor for decades.
The dark side of the force is unclear and cloudy to the Jedis according to prequel logic. Yoda spoke about it.

This. Mace and Yoda both specifically discuss this in AOTC, and EU mentions it even more. Plus, the fact that Palpatine is so insanely powerful just makes it that much easier for him to hide his presence from people anyways. Not that different from Dragon Ball characters keeping their Ki levels down to a minimum, before ramping them up when it's time for battle.
I was going to make that comparison.

The bigger problem is nobody was suspicious of Palpatine from a political angle until it was too late. Son was hoarding and monopolizing power, making himself the key figure in important and critical junctures during the war. Son literally went from old senator on his way out to emperor for decades.

The Plageius book. :nerd:

They was playin chess FOR DECADES. No joke. He was a weed forever before he started his move.
I was going to make that comparison.

The bigger problem is nobody was suspicious of Palpatine from a political angle until it was too late. Son was hoarding and monopolizing power, making himself the key figure in important and critical junctures during the war. Son literally went from old senator on his way out to emperor for decades.

I've said this before, but I think that even though Lucas intended the prequels to be Anakin's story, it's really more Palpatine's story: how he understood that the Sith could never wage an overt war against the Jedi, so he created a war, complete with warring factions and puppet governments to slowly whittle their numbers down, while also putting himself in prime position to usurp power due to the galaxy's fear.

Prequel trilogy is the story of Palpatine's machinations coming to fruition.
I was going to make that comparison.

The bigger problem is nobody was suspicious of Palpatine from a political angle until it was too late. Son was hoarding and monopolizing power, making himself the key figure in important and critical junctures during the war. Son literally went from old senator on his way out to emperor for decades.

I've said this before, but I think that even though Lucas intended the prequels to be Anakin's story, it's really more Palpatine's story: how he understood that the Sith could never wage an overt war against the Jedi, so he created a war, complete with warring factions and puppet governments to slowly whittle their numbers down, while also putting himself in prime position to usurp power due to the galaxy's fear.

Prequel trilogy is the story of Palpatine's machinations coming to fruition.
On purpose or inadvertent, it really makes the character look like pure genius.

You just list the bullet points of how he manipulated them all and rose to power and it's just beautiful.

Its why Palpatine/Sidious is one of if not my favorite character :lol:

Knowing what I know now about what he pulled off in the prequels makes his trolling in RotJ a billion times more entertaining :rofl:

One of the rare times where if the bad guy won I wouldn't be mad at all. Hell I might have to root for him.
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Don't know how much has been discussed but I'm watching TFA and I'm slowly convinced that Rey is Luke's daughter (well always believed that part) and that he had Rey stay with his sister and brother in law (as Obi Wan had him raised with his step uncle and aunt) and something happened where Rey was kidnapped or something (believed dead) leading it to be Kylo Ren's fault but them blaming themselves for it.

Just the way Han looks at her and stuff seems like he's reminded of someone when he looks at her. Him wanting her to come serve on the Falcon seems like at an attempt at filling a void. Then Kylo Ren immediately showing concern when he's told that Fin and BB-8 was assisted by a girl
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Rey was born over ten years after the Battle of Yavin. Only way she's Obi-Wan's daughter is if he had a clone running around.
I dunno. It's like finding out Yoda has kids. Yoda and Obi Wan are the Jedi standard. You think of what a Jedi is and you think of those 2. Finding out Obi Wan has kids is like a huge betrayal to what Jedi stand for. Think we've had enough of betrayals lol. Especially with him already having to watch over a child who shouldn't have been conceived anyway in Luke.

Although, with them considering an Obi Wan movie, him being Rey's grandfather would be a huge way to drive even more people into theaters to see it.
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