Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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as with the panic over Suicide Squad re-shoots, I'm not worried at all. I'm sure it'll all work out.
bring some levity into the story? that's exactly the opposite of my hope. that's the kind of thinking that got us jar jar binks (without the sixth lord reveal [emoji]128064[/emoji])
as with the panic over Suicide Squad re-shoots, I'm not worried at all. I'm sure it'll all work out.

thing is suicide squad atleast had humor in their trailers which made reshoots of humor seem false

rogue one trailers was looking like batman vs superman serious

if they really want to go the serious route with star wars they need to wait for the reboot of the entire saga.

hopefully were still alive when that happens.
reshooting 40% of the movie though?....jesus

6 days a week for 8 straight weeks for reshoots...

Rogue One conversation     1:12:37 - 1:23:00

I don't believe that for a second.

Reshooting about HALF of the movie when it comes out in December? Now if the date gets pushed back then I'll maybe believe that.
Update on my vader build I built my belt boxes and crafted the Shins and cod piece (space underwear )my wife kicked *** on the sewing machine and made my body suit cloak and robes and after a **** ton of man hours I couldn't help but want to do a con so we went to megacon which is Orlando's version of comicon I made the whole family join in it was fun but man is that costume brutally hot even with fans installed in the helmet

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That Vader's fire, JIM :pimp: You a member of the 501st down there?

Thanks man , no I haven't submitted an application yet but I was definitely thinking about it , the good they do for sick kids and such makes it seem very worth while
as with the panic over Suicide Squad re-shoots, I'm not worried at all. I'm sure it'll all work out.

Ehh the beef I have with the reshoots is that they are changing the tone of the movie.

Edwards wanted to deliver a darker war movie and that's exactly what I wanted out of this given the subject matter. My hope with the anthology films was that they could make smaller scale movies without the constraints of a main line SW film. But I guess with the success of TFA, there's no looking back for Disney. They're expecting every film to hit at least a billion.

Like you said, I'm sure the movie will still turn out fine, but it probably won't be what it could have been.
That Vader's fire, JIM :pimp: You a member of the 501st down there?

Thanks man , no I haven't submitted an application yet but I was definitely thinking about it , the good they do for sick kids and such makes it seem very worth while

Yeah, totally. Posted up a few pics a couple pages ago from our 501st Autism Walk we did at MetLife Stadium and honestly, I love doing charity events in my costume more than conventions. It's such a different feeling that I can't describe.
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EW came out with a report that pretty much refuted all the previous rumors. Dont know if damage control by Disney or nah, but ill just sit back and wait for the movie at this point :lol:

I need that new trailer though man
40% :lol: You guys really believe that? Edwards wanted full control, he didn't want a bunch of bull ****, he ain't accepting 40% reshoots fam. :lol:

They're touching up some scenes, add/delete a couple things I'm sure, but they are not reshooting half the film with 5 months to go. Come on folks. :lol:

In what may reassure fans, reshoots were scheduled for the film before even a single scene was shot. It’s standard practice now for large-scale films to build in additional weeks of shooting so filmmakers can tweak a movie after the first assembly cut.

Those reshoots were originally planned for the spring, but were bumped to mid-summer to allow for extra time as director Gareth Edwards and the creative team decided what they wanted to alter. “The changes have everything to do with clarity and character development and all take place [as inserts] within scenes we’ve already shot,” said one source on the project.

In other words, the changes involve more intimate moments – not redoing entire battle sequences or plot lines. “It’s a lot of talking in cockpits,” as one insider described the new footage.

The plan now is to lock picture in mid-August and begin scoring the movie in September – which would actually be an earlier timeline than The Force Awakens, which also underwent several weeks of summer reshoots and locked picture in October.

But EW’s reporting has uncovered a new collaborator on Rogue One: Tony Gilroy, the writer-director of Michael Clayton. He was brought aboard the project in the spring to offer notes on the first cut and write some additional material to enhance the story.

Gilroy has deep ties to the Rogue One team. He also worked on the screenplays for many of the Bourne films and even directed 2012’s The Bourne Legacy, which were all produced by Frank Marshall, the husband of Kathleen Kennedy, who is the president of Lucasfilm. One source says he’s trusted by Kennedy and the story team, and has even been recruited to consult on other Star Wars projects.

In addition to his Kennedy-Marshall history, Gilroy has worked before with Rogue One director Edwards, having done similar uncredited work on the filmmaker’s previous movie, 2014’s Godzilla, to strengthen the story before release.

In addition to writing new dialogue for the reshoots, Gilroy will assist Edwards as a second unit director when cameras start rolling again.

Fears that the heavy-duty war movie is being watered down into a lighthearted caper are unfounded, according to what EW has learned. “The movie is very different than [The Force Awakens], and that’s intentional,” one source says. “It’s a war film.”


Rumors that Disney executives have forced the changes to make the movie more family friendly are also false. According to EW’s sources, there have been no test screenings, and it’s unlikely there ever will be on a Star Wars film.

The only two individuals outside of Lucasfilm who have seen Rogue One at this point are Disney CEO and Chairman Bob Iger and studio chief Alan Horn. One source close to the film said rather than feeling like Disney brass was meddling, the filmmakers were just happy the corporate bosses let them alter the schedule and make the changes they wanted.

“This is a normal part of our filmmaking process,” that source said. “We’re working and tweaking and making sure it’s right. This is how you build something in layers.”

But there’s no question: the rumors have freaked out fans. In addition to alarming the audience, this week’s ;gossip – fueled by a report in the New York Post – has also frustrated the filmmaking team, who are starting to learn the massive enthusiasm for Star Wars can be a double-edged sword. The passion is over-the-top, but so is the scrutiny.

“I can’t think of anything in world of creativity [that isn’t changed or reworked,]” one source said. “You need to do that when making these movies.”

One source asked that the Star Wars community give them the benefit of the doubt until the Celebration event in July, when some of what they’ve been working on with Rogue One will be unveiled: “People will go insane.”

Rogue One gonna be fine y'all. RELAX.
I mean, what exactly has changed?????

Movies have PRE scheduled reshoots nowadays, so this happening is a surprise to no one. How is that difficult to understand? :lol:

And rumors for Ep 7 was a hand floating thru space would be some huge plot point, and they were gonna find a lightsaber on a desert planet and spend the movie bringing it to Luke. :lol: :rofl:
**** wasn't even ******* close to that.
as with the panic over Suicide Squad re-shoots, I'm not worried at all. I'm sure it'll all work out.
To me the main difference is this is Lucasfilm under Disney not a DC property under WB.

If SW was coming from them I'd have reason to be somewhat worried.

Disney has made it abundantly clear they're hands of .f with their movie studios. Any disputes about quality are always in house.
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The rumors/leaks were wrong about the hand floating, but they nailed pretty much everything else.

I think some of us are more cautious that Disney knows the money SW will generate and even though any  SW property, even a darker anthology film, would bring in the box office, they want to make sure they're getting the biggest return on their investment

CP is more optimistic that Disney has the best interest of SW in mind, some of us are more realistic that they'll play it safer overall.

I'm not worried about re-shoots, but I won't be surprised if the tone is changed.
I was really looking forward to a "darker" Star Wars movie....I'm ok if they are reshooting to make the film flow better into the OG trilogy, but making it more of a "four quadrant" film makes me less than thrilled.
And rumors for Ep 7 was a hand floating thru space would be some huge plot point, and they were gonna find a lightsaber on a desert planet and spend the movie bringing it to Luke. :lol: :rofl:
**** wasn't even ******* close to that.

you are kidding right?

thats basically what the movie was

returning that lightsaber to luke

they just dropped all the dumb stuff like the floating hand attached to the saber

and gave a purpose for his DAUGHTER to return it to him
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