Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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The rumors/leaks were wrong about the hand floating, but they nailed pretty much everything else.

I think some of us are more cautious that Disney knows the money SW will generate and even though any SW property, even a darker anthology film, would bring in the box office, they want to make sure they're getting the biggest return on their investment

CP is more optimistic that Disney has the best interest of SW in mind, some of us are more realistic that they'll play it safer overall.

I'm not worried about re-shoots, but I won't be surprised if the tone is changed.

i mean disney aint stupid. they know their core audience is locked in and that most dont want a saving private vader like movie because then it just looks pretty out of place with the core movies

star wars movies are for grown ups and kids alike and they gonna get their money from anyone they can

kinda wish marvel comics division could handle star wars

i dont think there is a marvel movie under disney i dont like
They ain't changing the tone. From the minute the film was announced, Saving Private Ryan meets Star Wars. That was the premise from jump. Approved the whole way.

They're doing scheduled reshoots. Relax.


We've been talking about that for two years, how have you not heard it by now???

Star WARS. This is going to be a war film. Premise from jump. Everyone has known this. (I thought)
Wait ... So let me et this straight!

I just watched the Force Awakens, so if I'm late, please don't [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji] me.

So the bad guy is Han Solo and Princess Leias son???

And Ray is Luke Skywalkers daughter?

And Han Solo is killed by his own son?

And Ray finally meets her dad?

Could Luke train Ray in Rouge One?

Who's going to train the bad guy?

[emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji] mind blown!!! [emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji]
Wait ... So let me et this straight!

I just watched the Force Awakens, so if I'm late, please don't [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji] me.

So the bad guy is Han Solo and Princess Leias son???

And Ray is Luke Skywalkers daughter?

And Han Solo is killed by his own son?

And Ray finally meets her dad?

Could Luke train Ray in Rouge One?

Who's going to train the bad guy?

[emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji] mind blown!!! [emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji]

Rogue One is 35ish years before TFA. It's not a sequel in any way. It's takes place before the 1977 OG Star Wars.
The story of how the rebel alliance got the plans for the original Deathstar..

So just prior to a new hope.. As leia is traveling with the plans when she is captured at the beginning

Then she puts said plans into r2d2
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Wait ... So let me et this straight!

I just watched the Force Awakens, so if I'm late, please don't [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji] me.

So the bad guy is Han Solo and Princess Leias son??? Yes

And Ray is Luke Skywalkers daughter? We don't know who her parents are, yet, but [Pablo Hidalgo?] has stated that supposedly we don't see her family in The Force Awakes (TFA). Luke is in TFA, so unless he is lying (which is possible), he is not her dad. OR it's an Obi-Wan "certain point of view" thing 

And Han Solo is killed by his own son? Yes

And Ray finally meets her dad? Again, we don't know, but many (including myself, to be honest) hope that is the case, despite being told otherwise.

Could Luke train Ray in Rouge One? See @CP1708  's answer below. Most expect to see Luke training Rey in Episode 8, which is the sequel to TFA, not Rogue One.

Who's going to train the bad guy? At the end of TFA, Snoke said he would complete Kylo Ren's training. Snoke was not very happy with Kylo about how he handled BB-8 and Rey, though...

[emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji] mind blown!!! [emoji]128680[/emoji][emoji]128680[/emoji]
Rogue One is 35ish years before TFA. It's not a sequel in any way. It's takes place before the 1977 OG Star Wars.
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yea and like the full spoilers that came out 6 months before the movie released were almost 100 percent accurate except for a few things like hux dying when starkiller base was destroyed

them episode 8 spoilers could be true and it disgust me they gon stick my ***** finn with that gross looking chick instead of rey

finn can never win man
Take it with a grain of salt...
In the last few weeks, there's been a ton of chatter about ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY. The standalone film, which is being directed by Gareth Edwards (GODZILLA), has been said to be undergoing extensive reshoots. Depending on who you speak to, it's either run-of-the-mill tweaks and pick-ups, or a major overhaul of practically the entire film. The rumor stems from the idea that the suits over at LucasFilm/Disney saw a rough cut of the film and were none too pleased with the direction Edwards took things in. 

Well, there's been a lot of spin in both directions. Entertainment Weekly even came out to try and help calm the anxiety fans have been feeling about the reshoots- which are said to be lengthy, costly, and involve a shifting of the film's tone and the development of its characters. 

We reached out to a reliable source of ours, who works at the very Pinewood Studios stages where these reshoots are taking place, to see if they could separate facts from spin. Our source has been plenty reliable in the past, since they work at Pinewood- which is the epicenter of so many the industry's blockbusters. So they're right there in the thick of it.

"I've just asked my mate who has been doing work on Rogue One, and that rumour about them reshooting almost half of the movie is true, apparently."

To be clear, our source is stating that ROGUE ONE, which opens in six months, is currently undergoing a reshoot that covers nearly half of the movie.

This is not par for the course. This is not run of the mill. This is huge, and it means that LucasFilm wants some drastic changes. 

If you'll recall, GODZILLA got an interesting reception. The film was lauded for its visuals, and for the fleeting moments when the anticipated monster mayhem took place, but was raked over the coals for the somewhat boring, flat depiction of its characters- which actually ate up the bulk of the film's running time. Could ROGUE ONE have turned out the same way? The whispers claim that the film's action sequences aren't being touched or tweaked, which leads one to believe that the issues with the ROGUE ONE mirror the issues from GODZILLA: Strong visuals, great action, solid look and feel, but characters and dramatic beats that don't exactly hit the right notes.

With so much riding on ROGUE ONE, which will be the first ever live-action cinematic expansion of the STAR WARS universe, coming off of the insane success of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS, it makes sense that the studio would be worried about the characters. Let's face it, without endearing characters the STAR WARS films would fall flat like so many sci-fi sagas before and after A NEW HOPE came out in 1977. Even the Prequel Trilogy was plagued by the complaint that the characters were one-dimensional and that the drama was uninspiring and uninteresting. THE FORCE AWAKENS changed all that, and LucasFilm will be damned if ROGUE ONE brings us back there.
yea and like the full spoilers that came out 6 months before the movie released were almost 100 percent accurate except for a few things like hux dying when starkiller base was destroyed

them episode 8 spoilers could be true and it disgust me they gon stick my ***** finn with that gross looking chick instead of rey

finn can never win man
Especially if you read the novelization you can see how some of the details that were leaked that didn't make it into the movie are still (minor) parts of the story (except the hand, which is not in the book at all).

I think KMT is a red herring- Finn may be with her in 8, but I think he'll end back with Rey by 9. Then again, Rey pretty blatantly friend-zoned him at the end of TFA (which sucked), and the novelization gives an extremely subtle hint at Rey + Poe during the celebration/Artoo map scene, so you could be right 
hope they throw in some ewoks for good measure
Yub nub! 
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Hell yes!

They con be in these saving Private Ryan war scenes chucking rocks and blowing horns

Disney was probably like "***** how you gon make a dark movie like this leading right into a new hope which is not that dark?"

That's like making a coming to america prequel where the focus is a war in the jungles of zamunda

The movie would have gotten bvs like reviews

Ever since Disney got star wars they been ruling with an iron fist didn't they kick Michael arndt off force awakens?
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Oh and Finn Rey > poe Rey

Isn't boyega and ridley closer in age than isaccs? Dirty Hollywood and their hidden agendas
Hell yes!

They con be in these saving Private Ryan war scenes chucking rocks and blowing horns

Disney was probably like "***** how you gon make a dark movie like this leading right into a new hope which is not that dark?"

That's like making a coming to america prequel where the focus is a war in the jungles of zamunda

The movie would have gotten bvs like reviews

Ever since Disney got star wars they been ruling with an iron fist didn't they kick Michael arndt off force awakens?
Now I want to see that 

Yeah, Arndt got sent packing because his story focused too much on the new characters while Abrams wanted to see more of the OT characters:
Oh and Finn Rey > poe Rey

Isn't boyega and ridley closer in age than isaccs? Dirty Hollywood and their hidden agendas
I don't think Poe and Rey even spoke to each other in TFA. So they're definitely going to need to do more on-screen to develop that plot if that's the way they want to go. I also would rather have Finn & Rey, though...

Yes. But, women have been known to go for guys (a lot) older than them, so it's not THAT crazy.
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vader was getting his jason voohries on huh :lol:

probably gonna edit it like when anakin killed the younglings
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The scene I've been excited the most to see was Vader using a body as a shield. Sounds like so much savagry.

I'm honestly not trusting any of these stories until I see the movie or until Disney comes out and says something about all this. I wouldn't think they'd try and re-shoot half the movie in so little time, however I don't know much about the industry. Hopefully it is just scheduled re-shoots and if its not then hopefully the movie still turns out great.
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