Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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its star wars. it will be great regardless

we need a droids side movie within the force awakens trilogy where 3po r2 and bb8 go on an adventure together
That's easily the best way to go. I'm FLOORED with all the people just soaking up all the bogus rumors. Half a movie, but no change in the release date? :lol:

If Disney moves the date, then you can worry, other than that, these are SCHEDULED re-shoots, exactly what Disney had set up for. Nothing else.
The scene I've been excited the most to see was Vader using a body as a shield. Sounds like so much savagry.

I'm honestly not trusting any of these stories until I see the movie or until Disney comes out and says something about all this. I wouldn't think they'd try and re-shoot half the movie in so little time, however I don't know much about the industry. Hopefully it is just scheduled re-shoots and if its not then hopefully the movie still turns out great.

Disney and/or Lucasfilm isn't going to publicly say anything about the re-shoots because that would be acknowledging the (alleged) production problems.
Star Wars: Rogue One Reshoots Are Just a Final Polish Says Mikkelsen

Disney has managed to get Star Wars fans back on board the franchise after the prequels left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. The Force Awakens made more than $2 billion worldwide and though some criticized it for not being overly original, it was generally very well liked by fans and critics. The next Star Wars movie, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has the bar set very high for it, as a result. Consequently, after a first cut of the film was shown to the top brass at Disney, massive reshoots were ordered.

These reshoots have been the subject of a lot of controversy, with some saying as much as 40 percent of the movie needs to be re-shot. There were also rumors that director Gareth Edwards would be essentially getting a babysitter on the set during the reshoots. However, Mads Mikkelsen, who is starring in the film, has weighed in on the reshoots and feels like they aren't a very big deal. Speaking with The Independent, Mikkelsen had this to say.

"Basically, all the big films I have done always have reshoots, it is part of their budget. They're either not super happy with a scene bit, the way we were acting, or maybe there's something they want to add. It's not a new thing, it happens with every film. Whether it's bigger or less, I have no idea, I have nothing to compare with. It's the same film; it's just adding little bits here and there to do the final polishing. That's my feeling."

Mikkelsen has done plenty of big films like Casino Royale and the upcoming Doctor Strange, so he would know what he is talking about. Not only that, but it is widely known that reshoots on massive movies like Rogue One take place all of the time and have become almost standard practice for Disney. However, the initial report went so far as to say the first cut of the film was a "disaster" and that the execs were very unhappy with what they saw and that led to some panic in the media and from fans.

Disney has firmly adopted reshoots in recent years, especially with the Marvel movies, and they typically build time for reshoots into the schedule and budget at the beginning so that it won't be nearly as much of a problem. Sources say that part of the problem has to do with the tone. Edwards by some accounts made Rogue One into a straight up war movie ala Saving Private Ryan and the execs at Disney didn't feel like that was in keeping with the tone of what a Star Wars movie should be.

Disney has been the undisputed king of the box office for the last several years and in no small part is that due to the studio willing to put the money and resources at their disposal into making a quality film. The Force Awakens underwent seemingly similar reshoots somewhat late in the game and the final product was by all accounts a massive success. The bar is very high for Rogue One as the studio has a bunch of other spin off films planned in the Star Wars universe, so this first one has to be a big success. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set for a December 16 release.

Well, darn.

FYI, I deleted a rather tasty rumor that they included in this, no need for that info to be out yet. I'm pissed I saw it. :smh:

Also, this is why this **** is happening. Look at the title. "polish" "Not an issue" Yet the writers still say stupid **** like this.....

Consequently, after a first cut of the film was shown to the top brass at Disney, massive reshoots were ordered.

Idiots. :smh:

Not massive, and were already pre scheduled, yet these guys love typing this bull **** over and over to create confusion and panic. (Click bait)

Yet the actors themselves, the directors that were "linked", Pablo Hidalgo, even Edwards himself, all say no biggie. :lol:
Good morning gentleman.. I just grabbed ahsoka, hux and asty from incredible toy box if anyone is still looking!
Good morning gentleman.. I just grabbed ahsoka, hux and asty from incredible toy box if anyone is still looking!

YES!!! Thanks man!

I was giving up on Ahsoka and Kanan but patience paid off. Now I'm all caught up with what I want again.

Well, darn.

FYI, I deleted a rather tasty rumor that they included in this, no need for that info to be out yet. I'm pissed I saw it. :smh:

Also, this is why this **** is happening. Look at the title. "polish" "Not an issue" Yet the writers still say stupid **** like this.....
Idiots. :smh:

Not massive, and were already pre scheduled, yet these guys love typing this bull **** over and over to create confusion and panic. (Click bait)

Yet the actors themselves, the directors that were "linked", Pablo Hidalgo, even Edwards himself, all say no biggie. :lol:

you cannot be that naive. you actually think all involved would admit they have to reshoot half the movie? come on now...
Well, darn.

FYI, I deleted a rather tasty rumor that they included in this, no need for that info to be out yet. I'm pissed I saw it. :smh:

Also, this is why this **** is happening. Look at the title. "polish" "Not an issue" Yet the writers still say stupid **** like this.....
Idiots. :smh:

Not massive, and were already pre scheduled, yet these guys love typing this bull **** over and over to create confusion and panic. (Click bait)

Yet the actors themselves, the directors that were "linked", Pablo Hidalgo, even Edwards himself, all say no biggie. :lol:

you cannot be that naive. you actually think all involved would admit they have to reshoot half the movie? come on now...

And you think they'd release this film 6 months from now reshooting HALF of it?

Get real. You been believin those bull **** rumors from jump.
They ain't changing the tone. From the minute the film was announced, Saving Private Ryan meets Star Wars. That was the premise from jump. Approved the whole way.

They're doing scheduled reshoots. Relax.
Which movie is that suppose to be?

And who is the Private Ryan in that then? :nerd:
They ain't changing the tone. From the minute the film was announced, Saving Private Ryan meets Star Wars. That was the premise from jump. Approved the whole way.

They're doing scheduled reshoots. Relax.
Which movie is that suppose to be?

And who is the Private Ryan in that then? :nerd:

Rogue One, and tonally, not literally.

Gritty, dirty, war driven film, with laser beams.

OG Star Wars films were always stylish, swashbuckling, fun, wonderment, Sci-Fi fun. This movie from the pitch was Ryan, Apocalypse Now, even Rambo. A harsher look at the War in Star Wars instead of the Stars in Star Wars.

Edwards signed on for that purpose. The film was ALWAYS going to be that tone/glimpse. So Disney "lightening" it up almost half the film has always been bogus. Tweaking a few things, absolutely, but the tone was always going to be this.

The very first teaser had the screams of soldiers dying underneath the voice over of Obi Wan. That came out like 15 months ago?????
Okay. Just wanted to be clear. Themeatically I saw the same.

I'm expecting basically a suicide mission for those Death Star plans with one or 2 survivors.
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