Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Lame, try this on for size.

Anakin has terrible dreams about Padme dying in child birth.

Palpatine tells Anakin he can help him save her, if they work together.

Anakin gets put in the Vader suit. His first words......."where is Padme"

"She's dead"


This is the script you were given. I can help save her, she's dead, ok let's work together. :lol:

This isn't me making things up, this is what actually happened in these movies. Jedi, who can deflect laser botls with their lightsabers, one after another, HUNDREDS of them, dead in a 3 minute montage, cuz Clones. They can sense, and feel, and anticipate, couldn't block blaster shots from some Clones. HUNDREDS of them. :lol: I get a couple would take a bullet or two, sure, but every single one minus Yoda and Obi Wan? :smh:

Anakin tells Mace that Palpatine is the Dark Lord they have been searching for. The most evil, dangerous presence in the galaxy, right under their noses for 15 years. Mace takes THREE Jedi to capture this monster, and they are dead in less than 3 seconds. On this planet, regular humans, when they are tracking someone, they bring 53 men, and all that guy has is a handgun. 53 men. Thy went lookin for a complete monster, powerful enough to hide in plain sight, and Mace brought 3 guys I never heard of with him, even told Anakin to relax and do nothin. :lol:

And this is from the GOOD movie of the trilogy. :lol: :rofl:

That's your script bruh.
My small theory is that if he is Lukes, he had a relation with someone else force sensitive like maybe someone involved with him training Jedi during that time. She seems pretty powerful and i dont think it would just be due to Luke. Think of like the Harry Potter thing with mudbloods vs pureblood.
He kept working with Palpatine because he had nothing left and because he was the one who killed her, making it so that Palpatine couldn't keep said promise.

C CP1708 Same response as I gave above. You have to see him killing a bunch of fully trained Jedi to be satisfied after he was clearly shown leading an attack on the Temple that left it a smoking ruin, with bodies laying all around? :rolleyes Like is the argument that he didn't kill anyone except who we saw him kill?
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@sea manup Right they were Younglings, but are people assuming that he only killed those kids and didn't touch any other Jedi in that entire temple?
I mean, do you really need to see him kill every Jedi or something? Seems fairly irrelevant to me.
its not about seeing him kill every jedi

its about seeing him kill ANY jedi

having to assume he killed jedi off screen is called bad screen writing 

he kills a bunch of kids and racist asian stereotypes then gets washed by a real jedi

at least they had a bunch of cgi garbage in the vader obiwan fight to distract fans from the poor *insert any aspect of making a good movie here* 

not sure how you can mess that up but somehow they messed it up 
It is funny how the prequel haters just can't let it go.

Go above and beyond coming at George.

Episode X: Return of the Prequel Hate
Said it before Lucas should've done one more movie before retirement set decades after the OT that has nothing to with Skywalker's or Solo's and make it Episode X just so the guys at Lucasfilm couldn't ignore it. After this trilogy they'd be forced to star with ep XI and try to connect with what he did.

Shouldn't have let the prequels be the last SW movies he made.

Look at you.
He kept working with Palpatine because he had nothing left and because he was the one who killed her, making it so that Palpatine couldn't keep said promise.

C CP1708 Same response as I gave above. You have to see him killing a bunch of fully trained Jedi to be satisfied after he was clearly shown leading an attack on the Temple that left it a smoking ruin, with bodies laying all around? :rolleyes Like is the argument that he didn't kill anyone except who we saw him kill?

There was EIGHT hours of film, name me a single Jedi he killed.

Don't tell me well it was inferred, you had three full movies, who did he kill? Besides kids.
[thread="512239"] [/thread]

[@=/u/85246/sea-manup]@sea manup[/@] Right they were Younglings, but are people assuming that he only killed those kids and didn't touch any other Jedi in that entire temple? :stoneface: I mean, do you really need to see him kill every Jedi or something? Seems fairly irrelevant to me.
its not about seeing him kill every jedi

its about seeing him kill ANY jedi

having to assume he killed jedi off screen is called bad screen writing 

he kills a bunch of kids and racist asian stereotypes then gets washed by a real jedi

at least they had a bunch of cgi garbage in the vader obiwan fight to distract fans from the poor *insert any aspect of making a good movie here* 

not sure how you can mess that up but somehow they messed it up 

I really don't see how it matters or how that could possibly be a major point against the film. :lol: Certainly not enough to then try to claim that the line about Vader betraying and murdering Jedi is somehow false. :rolleyes

C CP1708 Again, same response as above.
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George really flubbed the line between the main point of the story and the other side which is the spiritual stuff. Basically politics and religion dont mix and thats one of the flaws to the prequels.
Saving Private Ryan, only we never need to see or meet Ryan.

Good Will Hunting, his name is John Sweetie.

Star Wars, but with no space travel, or stars, and during peace......

Fast and Furious, but they all walk, and everyone is happy.

I guess if you feel that 3 full movies, and you see Vader for 60 seconds, and he kills exactly no one of importance, and you're satisfied, the movies I just listed above will interest you too then. :lol:
Certainly not enough to then try to claim that the line about Vader betraying and murdering Jedi is somehow false.

I guess I can agree with you, ya know, 3 films isn't enough time to show him kill a single Jedi, right? We can just do this trilogy, and leave that kind of stuff "off screen"

Also there has always been enough to back up that Vader purged the jedi but it was always meant to be after the suit. Rots screws that up for me. Trying to show to much.
[thread="512239"]Star Wars Universe Thread Episode 7 The Force Awakens 12 18 2015/9990#post_24905816​[/thread]

@@sea manup Right they were Younglings, but are people assuming that he only killed those kids and didn't touch any other Jedi in that entire temple?
I mean, do you really need to see him kill every Jedi or something? Seems fairly irrelevant to me.
its not about seeing him kill every jedi

its about seeing him kill ANY jedi

having to assume he killed jedi off screen is called bad screen writing 

he kills a bunch of kids and racist asian stereotypes then gets washed by a real jedi

at least they had a bunch of cgi garbage in the vader obiwan fight to distract fans from the poor *insert any aspect of making a good movie here* 

not sure how you can mess that up but somehow they messed it up 
I really don't see how it matters or how that could possibly be a major point against the film.
Certainly not enough to then try to claim that the line about Vader betraying and murdering Jedi is somehow false.

@CP1708 Again, same response as above.
the whole point of the prequels was to show vaders turn to the darkside

after 8 hours of movie, they rush through it in the last 30 minutes half of which being two cartoons jumping around in a lightsaber fight

in 5 minutes he goes from telling mace that he knows who the sith lord is

to turning on the jedi, killing kids and choking out his wife

its like they spent 7.5 hours writing pure nonsense then finally remembered what the point of the movies where then squeezed everything in at the end

the entire point of making a movie is to show, not tell. it is so lazy to have obiwan and anakin talking about fun adventures in an elevator rather than showing why these guys have a strong bond.

there is nothing in the movies that suggests that the two of them were true friends. anakin is crying about obiwan being too strict to a woman he has interacted with for like a day at most. 

what was the point of making the prequels? other than putting out garbage to make money and sell toys like the transformers movies
"Return of the Jedi"

No need to have a Jedi actually in the film........


Thank you J25, I've had a great laugh this morning, thanks man.
Certainly not enough to then try to claim that the line about Vader betraying and murdering Jedi is somehow false.

I guess I can agree with you, ya know, 3 films isn't enough time to show him kill a single Jedi, right? We can just do this trilogy, and leave that kind of stuff "off screen"


Anakin Skywalker betrays Mace Windu in an act that leads to the latters death, pledges himself to the Sith Order and is renamed Darth Vader. He is then seen marching on the Jedi Temple with a squadron of Clone Troopers. We then see Jedi being murdered throughout the Temple and a scene with Vader/ Anakin specifically slaughtering a group of Younglings in the Council room. The Temple is left as a smoking ruin, bodies piled around, Obi-Wan and Yoda note that some of them were killed by lightsabers and we see a hologram of Vader/Anakin fighting Jedi. What do we take from that? Vader/Anakin never betrayed the Jedi and never murdered any Jedi like the OT claimed. :rolleyes :lol: :rofl: But ok bro.

sea manup sea manup You see him turning to the Dark Side in both AOTC and ROTS. The act itself is in ROTS, but the seeds that will lead to his actual fall are laid in AOTC, with key events taking place, and even in TPM in terms of him having to leave his mother behind. His fall is built up over every single film to the point that it's fairly clear why he actually falls and decides to side with Palpatine over the Jedi he's been working with for ten plus years. Agreed on the Anakin/Obi-Wan relationship needing further development in the film itself, but for the limited time available I think it was just as good as the relationship Luke had with his own mentors in the OT. Every single relationship in Star Wars is better done outside of the films than it is within it for that matter, because the films are a few hours of content in which those relationships are only a small part.
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You must be new here.

Sheep in that you follow what Lucas says, not sheep in that you follow people who hate the Prequels.

No one can give you a definitive answer? No one? :lol: Yeah, you're new here. :lol:

Allow me:
8 year old boys.
Roger Roger
Jar Jar
Terrible dialogue
Green Screens
"Blockades" in Space. How the **** you block a planet? Go underneath, come around back, go over the top, fly in from the south, east, west, north, 45 degree angle, 90 degrees, 32, it's a planet, you can't "blockade" something with a half circle chip sitting around.
Good thing the 8 year old boy could destroy what the rest of the Republic could not do. :stoneface:
Darth Vader created C-3P0, because, script
"What do you remember about your mother?" Well, she died when I was very young. ***** you were 14 seconds old.
"Vader betrayed, and murdered the Jedi" Not in the prequels he didn't. :lol:

You need more?

Midi Chlorians.
Rule of 2
Senate Meetings
Born of the Force. :stoneface:
From Jedi hero, to murdering dozens of kids in 9 minutes.
I don't remember ever owning any droids.......spent 10-15 years with them.

The OT gave you a flat out map of things that went on in the PT, and somehow, George got those details screwed up.

A New Hope has Obi Wan tell Luke, Vader was a pupil of mine, I thought I could train him on my own (prequels show them working together under the Jedi Council's supervision), he betrayed, hunted down, and destroyed the Jedi (we saw a bunch of clones take out hundreds of Jedi, while Anakin got his *** kicked by the only Jedi he faced)

You're unsure of the hate the prequels get, and no one could explain this to you? :lol:

You've never rest the first page of this thread? Cuz I've stored multiple posts on these topics. We have PAGES in here murking the prequels. We don't hate them because we knew the ending, are you freakin kidding me? :lol: You should know, as much as I hate the first two, I actually credit George for getting as much into Sith as he could. It wasn't perfect, but it's MUCH better than 1-2 are, and that' with me knowing how it would end. :lol:

The Prequel Trilogy was the "Story of Anakin Skywalker-Darth Vader" 3 films. 8 hours of footage. EIGHT. HOURS. He killed some sandpeople, some kids, and an 82 year old former Jedi. Darth. *******. Vader. Trilogy.

You don't get the prequel hate? One cinema's greatest villians, possibly THEE greatest, from 77-83, and a trilogy focused on his life, we got 8 year old podraces, whiny teenage frolicking in the flowers on Naboo, and getting murked by the one Jedi he was allowed to face.

Are you still confused?

Clearly your dislike for the prequels comes from the fact that you honestly think Lucas had this whole thing planned out from inception. Lucas made the set up with the whole Starkiller as the hero/protagonist fighting some human/android figure with a nazi helmet but the rest came as it went. That's where all the inconsistencies lie. How is it that Vader knew Luke was his son but didn't know Leia was his daughter till he read Luke's thoughts in RotJ. Why is Luke kissing Leia etc. Lucas goofed but the OT is still herald as movie royalty. He gives y'all a Fett in action for more that 10 seconds, Yoda using a lightsaber against a sith, what really went down between Obi wan and Anakin in that final fight and y'all hate it because of pod racing.....

The empire was taken down by Ewoks, but y'all complaining about the rule of 2... Pick and choose I guess. Not everybody has to watch the OT with Rose tinted lenses but I digress. We had six movies showing how tortured and triumphant the Skywalkers have been. We got a new one a couple weeks ago and 2 more on the way :D

no surprise that the person who loves the prequels also loves ASM2

he thought ASM2 was better than GOTG though 

ASM 2 from a visual standpoint is a MASTERPIECE. I don't care what anyone says. As someone who spent a whole childhood obsessing over Peter Parker I have never in my life seen a movie that resembled a comic book so much. **** Watchmen, **** the Nolan Batman trilogy, there are literally scenes in that film that ripped straight from the pages of a comic. That final rhino scene for instance. His suit :wow: I can go on and on but I blessed y'all with my diatribe on the subject bout 2 years ago. Blessed y'all with spiderman in civil war too but I digress...
Prequels were trash.

Lazy story telling, terrible CGI, boring exposition.

To me, the prequels were to rake in cash, sell merch, and get people excited about Star Wars again. But you can't say it didn't meet those goals.

Jar Jar can go to hell.
Did Jar Jar even appear in III? :lol:

Also I agree that visually speaking, ASM2 was fantastic. Acting was great too. Everything else about the movie though
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Clearly your dislike for the prequels comes from the fact that you honestly think Lucas had this whole thing planned out from inception

He had from 83 to 99 to rewatch his own movies dude. :lol: All he had to do was rewatch his own films, and take some notes. I'm not asking for him to have the prequel scripts turned in in 1976, just sit down in 1998, watch your 3 films, and do what you said.

He couldn't get that right? :lol:

y'all hate it because of pod racing.....

Everything I typed, and all you see is Podracing? Really dude.
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did they ever show anakin being the best fighter pilot in the galaxy? Is he even shown to be better than obiwan? 

other than "ill try spinning, thats a good trick!"

that 10 second tracking shot of Poe taking out 7 tie fighters >>>>>> anything anakin did

but i guess we should just assume that he was a great pilot off screen 
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