Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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the hobbit movies were pretty bad, but at least it was based on a movie by the same author written at the time of the original books 
Daisey Ridley is the wifey type of woman, but not the hot one night stand
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the hobbit movies were pretty bad, but at least it was based on a movie by the same author written at the time of the original books 
Lol, what?
the core story behind the hobbit was written with the same intentions as all the other books

the core story behind star wars was a space fantasy story being told with the help of great special effects

the prequels are a string of special effects made to look cool and nothing more with the help of a "story" 
Check out the old Expanded Universe some time and how deep some of us delved into that, a branch of the franchise that actually built up the lore going back thousands of years. Man there were different interpretations of the Force, family trees, prophecies, concepts for villains new and old, theories about what had happened to various characters, etc. It was a golden age. :smokin
Yea im a 40 year old nerd, lol. Based on that crap im expecting Mara Jade and/or a funeral for her but i know thats not gonna happen.
The corridors from Rey's vision..

Yes the hallways from cloud city that I mentioned earlier. The first thing that is shown when Rey gets her vision from the Skywalker lightsaber. You also hear Darth Vader breathing and Luke scream "Noooo" from when Vader told him he was Luke's father. Don't know why a Stranger or a kenobi would hear and see that :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Puffing your chest out about the prequel "canon" doesn't make it good. Makes you a sheep. Baaaaaaaah

Weird, I thought most people didn't like the prequels. Being that I'm one of the very few that likes them, I thought that would make me anti-sheep.

I honestly don't understand the prequel hate. No one can ever give me a definite answer either. One week it's Jar-Jar, next its Hayden's acting, next its "why did anakin turn to the darkside so fast"

The real reason people don't like the prequels is because everyone knew how it would end. People wanted to desperately believe that there would be a movie showing Darth Vader in his suit doing heroic **** :lol: I love angsty Anakin.
if they did make anakin clones wouldnt they look like anakin tho? thus maybe why hayden is rumored to be in this series?
Well who knows how advanced the technology is in the SW universe to become a trans woman.

Also if you just switch/add a chromosome in the cloning process you can make female Anakin clones from scratch.

How is saying Rey is Palpatine's digging deep in to SW lore? or that she's Anakin reincarnated? or an Anakin clone turned transgender.

All theories casual SW OT fans can grasp and controversial.

Also I see more ppl are reading in to that final scene more and more. That was just an awkward stare down that lasted way too long. Got ppl telling me Luke and Rey were about to cry :lol:

Still waiting on more jokes on how bad that was.

Well Palpatine wasn't Palpatine until the PT. Before that he was just the Emperor.
Palpatine, Darth Sidious, the Emperor it doesn't ******* matter. We all know who we're referring to. Palpatine is Sidious so trying to bring up the PT like we're specifically referencing that makes no sense. It's not about that and it's not digging deep in to SW lore. The name used was just ppl identifying the guy we're all talking about. But for you it's The Emperor's daughter theory if you want to be that anal about it.

It's no different than me referring to ep V as ep V instead of ESB or ep 5 or spelling it all out as the Empire Strikes Back. We all have our preferences in that regard.

I don't get the whole reincarnation thing either.
It's just another theory that has nothing to do with the PT or digs in to SW lore like you were saying for some reason.

My initial post was just pointing out that none of the theories recently being discussed taken seriously or not have nothing to do with digging deep in to SW lore.

It's no exaggeration in the least that Rey is tearing up when she sees Luke
Yes it is. I saw the finale scene 3 times now.

But if you want to read in to something that wasn't there, okay. She was balling like a baby trembling with the light saber in her hand.
The movie leaves you with the idea that Leia has talked to Rey right before she has left to see Luke so something has been told to her about Luke. It's the only reason why Leia would send off a complete stranger to see her long lost brother.... THE ONLY REASON.
Left me thinking why did the editor let that **** drag out so long? Cut to Luke and Rey two times after she stopped. It was such a struggle to try and build any sort of anticipation the way they let it linger. I mean on the first go you expect to hear Luke say something before it fades to black but nope just one more look at him staring.
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Starting to wonder if the only reason most fans enjoyed TFA is BECAUSE it's a copy/paste of A New Hope
it had likeable characters

better screen writing

better actors/performances

was actually funny

better action

no lazy cgi

a villain that is more than a unique lightsaber

characters from the OGs actually felt like the same character

TFA is better than the prequels in literally every way possible

the prequels are garbage as movies, not just as star wars movies 
When people say that the prequels didn't have a story behind them and only relied on special effects I tend to wonder if they actually watched them or not. :rolleyes
the core story behind the hobbit was written with the same intentions as all the other books

the core story behind star wars was a space fantasy story being told with the help of great special effects

the prequels are a string of special effects made to look cool and nothing more with the help of a "story" 
I was lol at the, it was based on a movie by the same author. I get what your trying to say but most miss the point between star wars and lotr.
Check out the old Expanded Universe some time and how deep some of us delved into that, a branch of the franchise that actually built up the lore going back thousands of years. Man there were different interpretations of the Force, family trees, prophecies, concepts for villains new and old, theories about what had happened to various characters, etc. It was a golden age. :smokin
Yea im a 40 year old nerd, lol. Based on that crap im expecting Mara Jade and/or a funeral for her but i know thats not gonna happen.

With Luke being in exile for years any hopes I had for Mara Jade died fairly quickly. :smh: Damn shame too.
The corridors from Rey's vision..

Yes the hallways from cloud city that I mentioned earlier. The first thing that is shown when Rey gets her vision from the Skywalker lightsaber. You also hear Darth Vader breathing and Luke scream "Noooo" from when Vader told him he was Luke's father. Don't know why a Stranger or a kenobi would hear and see that :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Puffing your chest out about the prequel "canon" doesn't make it good. Makes you a sheep. Baaaaaaaah

Weird, I thought most people didn't like the prequels. Being that I'm one of the very few that likes them, I thought that would make me anti-sheep.

I honestly don't understand the prequel hate. No one can ever give me a definite answer either. One week it's Jar-Jar, next its Hayden's acting, next its "why did anakin turn to the darkside so fast"

The real reason people don't like the prequels is because everyone knew how it would end. People wanted to desperately believe that there would be a movie showing Darth Vader in his suit doing heroic **** :lol: I love angsty Anakin.

You must be new here.

Sheep in that you follow what Lucas says, not sheep in that you follow people who hate the Prequels.

No one can give you a definitive answer? No one? :lol: Yeah, you're new here. :lol:

Allow me:
8 year old boys.
Roger Roger
Jar Jar
Terrible dialogue
Green Screens
"Blockades" in Space. How the **** you block a planet? Go underneath, come around back, go over the top, fly in from the south, east, west, north, 45 degree angle, 90 degrees, 32, it's a planet, you can't "blockade" something with a half circle chip sitting around.
Good thing the 8 year old boy could destroy what the rest of the Republic could not do. :stoneface:
Darth Vader created C-3P0, because, script
"What do you remember about your mother?" Well, she died when I was very young. ***** you were 14 seconds old.
"Vader betrayed, and murdered the Jedi" Not in the prequels he didn't. :lol:

You need more?

Midi Chlorians.
Rule of 2
Senate Meetings
Born of the Force. :stoneface:
From Jedi hero, to murdering dozens of kids in 9 minutes.
I don't remember ever owning any droids.......spent 10-15 years with them.

The OT gave you a flat out map of things that went on in the PT, and somehow, George got those details screwed up.

A New Hope has Obi Wan tell Luke, Vader was a pupil of mine, I thought I could train him on my own (prequels show them working together under the Jedi Council's supervision), he betrayed, hunted down, and destroyed the Jedi (we saw a bunch of clones take out hundreds of Jedi, while Anakin got his *** kicked by the only Jedi he faced)

You're unsure of the hate the prequels get, and no one could explain this to you? :lol:

You've never rest the first page of this thread? Cuz I've stored multiple posts on these topics. We have PAGES in here murking the prequels. We don't hate them because we knew the ending, are you freakin kidding me? :lol: You should know, as much as I hate the first two, I actually credit George for getting as much into Sith as he could. It wasn't perfect, but it's MUCH better than 1-2 are, and that' with me knowing how it would end. :lol:

The Prequel Trilogy was the "Story of Anakin Skywalker-Darth Vader" 3 films. 8 hours of footage. EIGHT. HOURS. He killed some sandpeople, some kids, and an 82 year old former Jedi. Darth. *******. Vader. Trilogy.

You don't get the prequel hate? One cinema's greatest villians, possibly THEE greatest, from 77-83, and a trilogy focused on his life, we got 8 year old podraces, whiny teenage frolicking in the flowers on Naboo, and getting murked by the one Jedi he was allowed to face.

Are you still confused?
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With Luke being in exile for years any hopes I had for Mara Jade died fairly quickly. :smh: Damn shame too.
Yeah but if Rey is Lukes daughter, im expecting some backstory to who the mother is. Anakin will always be the chosen one from the force. Thats just a given. Anything else is the Skywalker family tree story. Im still not 100% Rey is his though it is logically obvious. Sometimes though Abrams likes to direct you to the obvious.
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How did Vader not betray and murder the Jedi in the prequels?
the kids he killed were not jedi yet

the only jedi he faced washed him and left him crying in pain on the ground

he killed more sith (duku) than jedi in ROTS 
With Luke being in exile for years any hopes I had for Mara Jade died fairly quickly. :smh: Damn shame too.
Yeah but if Rey is Lukes daughter, im expecting some backstory to who the mother is. Anakin will always be the chosen one from the force. Thats just a given. Anything else is the Skywalker family tree story. Im still not 100% Rey is his though it is logically obvious. Sometimes though Abrams likes to direct you to the obvious.

If she is his daughter though I doubt they'd base the character off of Mara Jade. Though in that instance I also think it'd be a waste to have her be dead when these films are taking place. Though with Luke being in exile for however many years if she was alive and he just left her and his kid to go off somewhere and didn't even tell her where he was going that then makes him look like a ****. :lol:

sea manup sea manup Right they were Younglings, but are people assuming that he only killed those kids and didn't touch any other Jedi in that entire temple? :stoneface: I mean, do you really need to see him kill every Jedi or something? Seems fairly irrelevant to me. He betrayed the Jedi and led an attack on the Temple that resulted in everyone there dying. Not sure why that isn't sufficient.
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It is funny how the prequel haters just can't let it go.

Go above and beyond coming at George.

Episode X: Return of the Prequel Hate
Said it before Lucas should've done one more movie before retirement set decades after the OT that has nothing to with Skywalker's or Solo's and make it Episode X just so the guys at Lucasfilm couldn't ignore it. After this trilogy they'd be forced to star with ep XI and try to connect with what he did.

Shouldn't have let the prequels be the last SW movies he made.
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