Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Ford made just $10,000 on the first movie. He increased that to $100,000 for Empire Strikes Back and quintupled that on Return of the Jedi.

Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker, did substantially better, making $650,000. Much better than that, though, was the ¼ percent he received of the movie’s profit, and revenues from when the movies were shown on TV or re-released.

Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) got the same percentage, but missed out on a huge windfall when she gave up her likeness without receiving a royalty.

Alec Guinness (Obie-Wan Kenobi) got a whopping 2 and ¼ percent of the movie’s profits. Estimates have him making as much as $50 million over the years, more than all of his other films combined.

The actor who played Chewbacca reported got $450 a week on A New Hope, and in his 30s, had to move back into his parents’ home.

James Earl Jones – the voice of Darth Vader – made around $5,000.

Mark Hamill probably makes as much as Daisy Ridley made from just sitting on his couch doing nothing for a week so they needed to give him the extra motivation to leave his house and climb stairs on a random island 
damn the force is dumb strong in Obi Wan

son was like you WILL give me 5x the pctg as Hamil lol

50 million for a film from 30 plus years ago!?!? he makes millions every year.. for chillin
ridley and boyega are also getting a percentage of the revenue once it hits $1Billion, so they wont get shafted completely.
that is pretty crazy, just the thought of having something in your first major movie contract about "when this movie makes a billion dollars" 
anyone here watch in imax 3d at TCL chinese theatre?  going on Sunday, Row J, center.  Anyone know the best seats for that auditorium?  look huge 
I havent been following the thread. What are the main complaints about the film?

I've seen it btw, I'm just curious on what folks dont like about it.
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The biggest complaint I've seen is Finn :lol: and the awkward silence between Luke and Rey at the end

Besides that, everyone seems mostly happy about the film.
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With it being similar to ANH, it allowed me to focus on the new characters (Finn and Rey) and their relationships with characters instead tracking a super complicated plot.

I felt that some characters were underused. Almost wish that they lost the rebel base and had to evacuate but then people would have said "they did that with Hoth"
Overall I liked the movie. I left happy but I felt a hole because I have to wait for a new movie. Had to reevaluate my life.

I knew Boyega and Ridley wouldn't get paid much but this is just highway robbery. I know they'll make it up in later movies but still

I mean there are both new actors, how could they demand a high salary?
I hope they get more the following few movies but low six figures and instant star status is like winning the lottery for someone as young and inexperienced as daisy Ridley

Yeah, but no other film they will get from this surge of Star Wars stardom will pay what Star Wars could pay

It's like starring in Avatar, LOTR, or The Matrix and making low figures but then you get a bunch of future movie gigs that pay well, but you know you got screwed on your first big break film.

Like dude who played Anakin, what else has he been in? Takers? Jumper? You think homie is hurting for money? He probably doesn't take many roles because them Star Wars checks were GOOD to him.

They should have gotten paid more. This is Star Wars we're talmbout. At least break them off with a mil. They knew this film would eat
Rewatched it 2 more times. This is the theory I am going with until Episode VIII 

Mostly because I dont think they will go with another "child of Skywalker" for a 3rd straight trilogy.

Mr Sunday Movies summarizes it in this video.
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I'm curious to see if Felicity Jones can steal back the title of "adorable British girl I would marry" from Ridley. I've been a fan of Jones for awhile so I was thrilled to see her cast in Rogue one.
I am a HUGE fan of what they did in TFA and the character of Rey

but making two straight movies with a girl protagonist kind of makes me want Finn to have been the main character

or a better idea would be for a black actor to lead rogue one since I do agree that the core story should stay with the skywalker family 

I feel the same way, I liked Rey as the main protagonist in TFA, but as a character she doesn't really interest me like Finn and Poe. I don't think it's because she is a girl, but because her background story isn't as cool to me as a former Stormtrooper turned Resistance hero or a really gifted pilot that is more charismatic. To be honest, I would prefer Rey and Finn get equal screen time and to reunite in the future and work as a tandem, but if it comes down to it if rather see Fin or Poe be the main protagonist in the next film. My money is on more Rey though

Finn had way more to his character and was more fun. I liked Rey more but that might be just because she's a prime AWG :wow: . A lot of what makes Rey so interesting as a character is what they dont tell you in the movie.

Damn I thought Leia was hotter than Rey, might be a phase in going through. But I agree with Finn, he better shine in the next movie
Rewatched it 2 more times. This is the theory I am going with until Episode VIII 

Mostly because I dont think they will go with another "child of Skywalker" for a 3rd straight trilogy.

Mr Sunday Movies summarizes it in this video.
That's been my theory since walking out of the theater last Thursday. I hope it's the way they go.
Rewatched it 2 more times. This is the theory I am going with until Episode VIII :tongue:
Mostly because I dont think they will go with another "child of Skywalker" for a 3rd straight trilogy.
Mr Sunday Movies summarizes it in this video.
That's been my theory since walking out of the theater last Thursday. I hope it's the way they go.

I'm going with she's Jaina Solo, Rey and Ren. Jacen and Jaina. We'll see in 18 months.
That doesn't make sense though CP :lol:

Rey Kenobi theory don't make sense either. Ignores a lot.

This is a clear problem when it comes to reaching to create a family connection and reveal. One has Rey parents completely ignore her in the movie after meeting her, focused solely on their son. The other has Obi-Wan ignore his child for Luke and then we have a generation of a Kenobi living during the OT unaccounted for.
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The biggest complaint I've seen is Finn :lol: and the awkward silence between Luke and Rey at the end

Besides that, everyone seems mostly happy about the film.

I think I had more of a problem with the actor than the character itself. And Rey was a bit underdeveloped imo.
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