Stanford swimmer sentenced to 6 months for rape.

He isn't the only one, look up David Becker aka "David the Rapist." He had 2 victims, both of whom woke up to him sexually assaulting them, admitted to it, and they let him plead all the way down to a regular assault (no sex offender status) and get probation. John Enochs at IU was also able to plead raping 2 women down to "moderate bodily injury" (no sex offender status) and get probation. Austin Wilkerson gets to just go to jail at nights so he can still go to college and have a regular life, and Nicholas Fifield plead down to intent to commit serious injury after sexually assaulting a mentally ill female in a group home he works at. Yes they all white

And yes @sooperhooper is stupid claiming the Brock Turner case made him find his passion and he wanted to become a rape counselor then throwing around all this misogynist tomfoolery about how it could be her fault or a farce altogether
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Justice system is weird. If they want to go about appealing, they should give up the right for that short sentence to be upheld, and instead have a new trial with a much larger sentence on the table. That'll force so many of these appeals to never happen and not waste everyones time and money.

Just when people started to forget about him, they do this. He already got off light, and now they want to gone from his record forever? If thats not privilege, I dont know what is.

Asking for a new trial after already doing your sentence is an odd move. The judge should add on another year for being this stupid
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